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Joey Balls

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Everything posted by Joey Balls

  1. Aw heck I'll do it for him; ever hear about "The Downing Street Memo"?
  2. The Wilson Farms on Six corners in Amherst has already been busted into...unless power in that area of Eggertsville is restored soon you will soon see scenes reminescent of Katrina. Sorry to ruin your football game.
  3. All the time. As the Impressions once sang "Keep on Pushin'".
  4. Well...there was that show Studs on emptyv back in the early nineties which was nothing but an extension of the obviously hetero Dating Game back in the seventies, but to qualify it with the extra "d" would denote possible homosexual proclivities. You may have a point.
  5. Judging by what I witnessed tonight driving thru the city, if power isn't restored soon we are going to have an ugly scenerio on our hands. We don't need that. If all you ex-Buffalo patriates aren't too cool to shout at the authorities in any way imaginable we shore would appreciate it. Check on your loved ones that still live in the area, and demand an immediate response from Chertoff or that idiot Reynolds. Driving through Eggertsville today......holy Christ!
  6. One of the most fall in line pronouncements of the conservative right in regard to the Foley-GOP coverup disgrace was to mention Massachusetts congressman Gerry Studds at every turn....though the Studds incident happened like 25 years ago. Speaking of scandal ridden GOP congressmen (the gift that keeps on giving) Rep Weldon of Pennsylvania seems to be knee deep in doo-doo today.
  7. ...or will he hang on long enough for 12 years to collect his huge pension whence he's released from the hoosegow in a couple years after the plea deal? Will he be bunk mates with Duke Cunningham or Mark Foley? Hopefully for his sake it is not Foley.
  8. Elmwood Avenue is currently pitch dark...save for those places that have generators. Power is not expected to be restored until Tuesday. If anyone doubted it the Pink Flamingo is one of the few businesses in the area open.
  9. Absolutely. Air America's regular line-up was predicated on the fact that they figured there would be enough rockin' lefties out there who actually cared what Al Franken or Randi Rhodes had to say. Unlike say right wing radio listeners, who pretty much have to have things dictated to them by somebody who appears to be a folksy populist, most libs are too intelligent and diverse to fall for that. Or maybe we just have lives?
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