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Posts posted by cale


    There are some good points here. I'm not sure the 2014 season was an exception, considering Schwartz is excelling yet again, but that's not that important...


    What is important is that the front office made a mistake, and a lot of people commented initially on the absurdity of starting fresh on defense when that was what we were best at.


    I like Whaley, at least his acquisitions and his ability to build a team, but... he needed to have more gumption during the Rex hire. If he wasn't on board with the hire, he should have really used his role as a GM and made a stand. It might have gotten him fired, but sticking to his gut would eventually prove true and he'd rebound and probably be held in higher regard shortly thereafter. If he was on board, he and every front office member that decided Rex was the answer should be fired. I'm serious. It was a remarkably poor decision.


    Now, for The Big Cat - this isn't because I think Rex Ryan is necessarily terrible (he's very average - I assume we can agree on that) - it's because he absolutely was NOT the right coach for our team at that time.


    We needed to have continuity on defense. The FO should have tried to see what it would take to keep Schwartz as a DC and find an offensive minded HC. In the event that Schwartz was being difficult and was making waves about being disrespected, we should have made him the HC, with the caveat that he focus more on gameday on defense. We then could have recruited whomever at OC. Even if you don't agree with my plan, at the very least it is a plan...I'm not sure you can say the same about what the Bills ended up doing. I think Russ Brandon, Pegula and any other person in the interview room saw dollar signs with Rex Ryan, believed the hype and did not think about the best interest of the 2015 Buffalo Bills roster.


    Edit: a typo


    I just watched the A Football Life: Cleveland Browns 95. I had no idea Schwartz was part of that Belichick staff. Our franchise deserves what we get. We had someone from that coaching tree in our grasp and we elect to hire the buffoon.


    This would have been Schawrtz's second HC gig and he had that D playing at championship calibre. He's an ass. Sure. But I would argue so is Ryan.


    Who knows what we could have accomplished.


  2. I don't know much about Vitale. But based on this highlight reel, I think it's even more basic.



    The kid can catch the ball out of the backfield. The play action pass out of a strong running game is the simplest explanation. Especially those wheel routes.


    Or more importantly Jon Gruden's favorite play Spider 2 Y Banana. A staple in WCOs.




    Vitale can run this all day long and catch balls that would make him hard to defend.


  3. Listen if next year we aren't playing well and still look lost on defense I'd say your criticism is justified, but to just criticize the head coach that REALLY wanted to be a part of this team and community after the first year is just unfair. It takes at least a year of letting the coach learn his team, evaluate the personnel, and make changes accordingly. Remember Rex decided to come here when we didn't have a quarterback that was worth anything. He brought in Tyrod Taylor that is setting team records. He brought in Incognito as well. He brought in Percy Harvin (who was critical in some wins earlier this season). He addressed the offense and yes he deserves credit -- not just Roman. So yes, I don't think for a minute that the Pegulas chose the wrong coach. Had Tyrod not got injured and we won in Jacksonville, nobody would have been talking so terribly about Ryan. Aaron Williams the key player who was going to be the critical leader on the defense got injured terribly and we lost him for the year. Then Kyle Williams went out for the season. Last week Gilmore. Why isn't anybody appreciating the fact that we have 12 starters out and we might break even? What coach did this? Marrone went 7-9 and then was gifted 9-7 by the second string Pats team in the second half of the last game last year. That defense had no injuries and played lights out. I just find it terrible this coach that carries a lot of national attention making us relevant not only to the media, but to NFL free agents as well, who chose this small market team and embraced the community, is not being supported by the fans.


    So how many seasons has Todd Bowles had with the Jets?




    Look, I loved the Rex hire. LOVED IT! But about 5 weeks in when we were committing stupid penalties for no reason at all and it was costing us games, I knew we had a dunce for a coach. The only significant difference between the Jets and us are the coaches. They took our rejects (QB, OC etc) and built a playoff team. You need luck. No doubt of it. But I think luck favors the prepared. Right now this team is anything but prepared or placed in a position to win.


    I am sure Fitzy will break their hearts. But they'll have a shot at the SB. And that's all you can ask for.


    But their coach has substance. Inexperienced, sure. But he's gonna be a good one. Our orders of magnitude talented team is being fanned on the ego of someone who hasn't done anything of significance in 4 years at least.


    We make our own misfortune in Buffalo.



  4. Rarely would I root for the bills to lose. But today I was hoping we would get steamrolled. I'm afraid that winning today helped Rex retain his job and big personnel moves are going to happen now. I believe the fallout could be comparable to Philly. That system is only used by chip Kelly and this system is only used by Rex. So when Rex is eventually fired in a year or two, we will have a very particular roster of players who can't play a 4-3. Rex is gonna stay with the bills and ultimately we will feel the effects for the next 5 years at least

    Bingo! Exactly.


    IMHO this is a stretch. Penalties are but one are several reasons for the Ills mediocrity, but I believe your bolded statement is not grounded in reality.

    I didn't bold it. But I stand by my statement. If this team is disciplined we would have won the Giants game and possibly this game against Cincinnati. Winning the Patriots game would not have been beyond the realm of possibility. We were at home and a solid disciplined defense would have put solid pressure in Brady's face.

  6. You can only answer your title questions with a number. What is the over/under on Rex getting fired? 1 Year? 2 Years? 3 Years?


    If he doesn't make the playoffs in 2015 or 2016, I feel he will be let go at the end of 2016. He won't get a 3rd try, so I agree the proper number is 2? So do people think he will be here longer than 2 years? Under says no, Over says yes.

    Ah, got it. Thank you!

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