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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. By the way, can you tell me when Bradshaw, Aikman, Brees, Gannon, etc. exactly had "it"?  Thanks.


    I remember when I realized that Troy had "it". It was in 1988 in a game against the Cardinals. The Cowboys were of course losing by about 10 late in the game and Troy was trying to bring them back. He hung in the pocket while the rush was on and hit Michael Irvin in full stride on about the 20 on his way in for a TD. Meanwhile, the Defensive lineman cleaned Troy's clock. He had to know the guy was coming in, but held his ground and threw the TD. They carted him off the field and they put in the sub and proceeded to lose. But that told me that he had something that most don't.

  2. I can see it happening. Big emotional blow out win on national TV by "da Bears" over defending NFC Champs. They start to believe their own hype. Lowly Buffalo comes in. We play lights out. It could happen. We'll need to play our best game of the year. Our secondary will have to play well and get a couple of picks maybe even return one for a TD. Good kick returns. No fumbling away TDs or other big mistakes. Our defense is good. We should be able to hold 'em under 20. Now, can we score 20 ourselves? You gotta believe.


    go bills

  3. You gotta earn respect. The Bills have not made the playoffs since I think the 2000 season, maybe 1999. Almost every other team in the NFL save a few like Houston, Cleveland, and New Orleans (there a few more) have made the playoffs since the Bills last did. If the Bills keep playing well and knock off some good teams like maybe Chicago or Indianapolis or NE, we'll get some. Getting in the playoffs and making some noise would do it. Goin 5-11 and then being 2-2 in the parity era, don't earn it.

  4. Yeah, I don't like it that you can't see the d&d until the play is about to start either. Ever notice that "ball on" is never shown either? This is pretty useful info. Can be helpful at times. Much more than racecars and stuff.


    I saw a college game the other day that didn't have an always on screen scores or stats or anything display. Kind of refreshing. I'd prefer they just flash it up there while the teams in the huddle or something and then get rid of it while the play is going on. I mean, while Pearless Price was making his moves to get to the endzone, did anyone really need to glance up to get the score or see the clock?

  5. Carson Palmer, Tom Brady, Jake Delhomme, Byron Leftwich, Daunte Culpepper, Drew Bledsoe, Brad Johnson, Brett Favre, Steve McNair, Matt Hasselbeck, Mike Vick, and Jake Plummer.


    What do they have in common?  They all have poorer QB ratings after a quarter of the season than our own JP Losman.


    Just thought that was interesting.



    Yeah and 7 of the 12s teams have better records. Only one has a worse record. If JP had done things a little better like not getting the safety against NE or not fumbling away a TD vs the Jets, we may be 4-0.


    There's lies, there's damn lies, and there's statistics.


    It is kind of interesting though.

  6. If I have to hear one more thing about Bret Favre, I'm going to puke. Everything in the telecast last night came back to BF. Even when they interviewed Air McNair who moved to the Ravens and engineered a great comeback yesterday and is 4-0, all they could ask him about was BF. And Kornheiser keeps saying that everyone cheers for BF and loves him. I don't. I think he's and !@#$ and I cheer against him at every opportunity (unless he can help the Bills or Seahawks). Even at the end of the game they brought up some goofball stat the BF was the 1st qb to lose by 20 and not get sacked or something like that. Criminy Louise .. .. .. There's more to football that Bret Favre.

  7. .a guy from Texas complaining about a past President and a future president givent the clown he gave us as our present President.



    In order to be a "Texan" or be from Texas, one has to have been born there. W was not. He's from Connecticut. A Connecticut yankee, the worst kind.


    Hillary should have gone to the jets game. But then if someone asked her who she was cheering for, she'd have to say "I'm cheering for a good game. For both teams to play well and no one get hurt. For both teams to admirably represent the great state of New York."

  8. -why does the NFL make us go through a sham of a pat down when we enter the gates? it really is a joke..if you are going to pat us down...at least put some effort into it...and to the security guard that patted down the 9 year old in front of me last week...LOL


    This to me is soooooo dumb. It irks me. It's not that they want to search people to keep us "safe", but it's how they do it. If they're gonna search people, then search people. They just act like they're doing something. I'm a diabetic and carry in medical supplies in a fanny pack. They ask me to unzip it which I do and then they just look in for a half a second and say OK. I could have a hand gernade in there for cryin' out loud and they wouldn't know. Like I say if they're concerned about all our safety, make people empty their pockets and pat 'em down like a cop would. If it ain't that important, don't do it at all. It's totally dumb.

  9. It wasn't the offense that let the vikes drive down and score.  Wasn't the offense that let robinson run wide open and drop the winning TD...



    Hey, that guy didn't catch that pass and even if he did there's no guarantee the Yikes would have scored a TD anyway. The defense got 2 picks and held the opposing team to 12 measley points. If you offense can't cover that, they suck pure and simple.


    I'm excstatic about the win. But our offense has got to start having more than one good drive out of 4. Too many three and outs. We need more points if we're gonna win some of the games coming up. Our defense is fine. The D has given up only 49 points in 4 games and scored 7. Asking for more from the D is like asking the Juice for 2100 yards in one 14 game season.


    Our offense will get better.


    In response to another post, if we do less than 8-8, the season is failure. We won 5 last year, we should be able to do at least 3 better than that.


    We're only one game back with 12 to play ...


    Go Bills

  10. I would like to see this team put someone away as well. Leaving teams hang around until the end is killing us and me.


    Hopefully they will progress to the point to be more consistant and close out games strong on offense. Hopefully this Sunday !



    I'm loving being in the game still in the late 4th Quarter. It sure beats the peejeebers out of what happened last year. I'm sure the Seahawks wish they were still in it in the 4th Quarter last night!

  11. Good post. Except that Flutie was 36 when he took over for Rob and didn't have it at all in his first few years, he was cut by two teams. Staubach was 30 in 1972, in his third year. Johnson was 37 last year in his 12th season.



    Good points. In the old days (like 1972) a rookie QB would come in and study under a vet for 4 or 5 years sometimes. Then when they did come in, they were ready. This is another of the many downsides of free agency from fans point of view. If you draft a rookie now days you better play him or in few years as a Free Agent, he's gone and you've paid him all that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for nothing.

  12. The Bills can absolutely win this Sunday. The key as you said though is not to make the dumb mistakes. No fumbling for TDs or Safeteys or Picks for TDs etc. Also when it's 4th down inside the 30, take the FG.


    We could easily be 3-0 now without his big mistakes.


    I look for our defense to have it's usual good game. If the offense can get it done or we could get a punt or kick return for a TD or something, we can do it.


    Go Bills.

  13. No, that is totally wrong, IMO. Consistent good decision-making for a quarterback comes with experience. Some have it and some don't. But it is very, very rare that a QB shows consistent good decision-making in their first year as a starter.



    When Tom Brady tood over for Blue Dredsloe for the Pats he had played very little. Yet, his decision making was very good. As a rookie, Dan Marino's deison making was good as he took his team to the Super Bowl.


    I supose this could be the rare case(s) you are talking about.


    I tend to agree with your adversary though. A winner is a winner and it can't be taught. Either you have it or you don't. Team mates react to it too. Remember when Rob Johnson would be not doing so well and they'd put in Doug Flutie and it immediately looked like a different team. I saw it first hand several times. Once at the Ralph, the lady in front of he said, "they play different when Flutie's in there than when RJ's in there That's not fair." I saw the same thing when Roger Staubach took over for Craig Morton in the 1972 NFC Championship. I saw it last year and into this year when Brad Johnson took over for Duante Culpepper.

  14. If you're going to be a dynasty team, you have to have a good offense--including a good quarterback.  Think of core groups of players that have won multiple Super Bowls: the Steelers of the '70s, the 49ers of the '80s, the Cowboys of the mid-'90s, the Broncos, the Patriots of the 2000s.  In each of those cases, the team in question had a QB who was at or near the Hall of Fame level. 


    I agree 100% with this. This notion of a QB dosn't have to win games for you, only not lose is pure BS. You did forget to mention the Cowboys of the 70s with hof qb Roger Staubach. who won 2 sbs and played in 4. You gotta have the guy who when the chips are down and you need a play, the qb can pull magic out of the air.


    I also tend to differ on your take of the 2000 Ravens. I recall Trent Dilfer having a great passing game in the super Bowl. I put him up there with the best playing today. The 49ers are being absolute idiots for not playing him over Alex Smith. From what I've seen of them this year they look like they could be pretty good if the had a decent QB.


    Anyway, like I say, you gotta have the leader, great passer, great athlete, great strategist to win. With an average QB, you'll only be, well, average.

  15. Our defense needs to step it out.  The defense needs to stop the run and put pressure on Johnson. This team cannot put the game on Losman's shoulder.



    Defense needs to step it up? What about the Offense. They're the ones that need to step it up in the point production department. In 3 games so far the defense has given up 37 points and scored 7. That's giving up 12 points a game on avg. How much better do they need to do? The offense has scored 46 and given up 9.


    The defense is fine. The offense has been moving the ball well, but can't score. THEY need to step up or this Losing will continue.

  16. Hindsight (about being down by 2 points) is nice....The D could have put a stop to the Jets last drive....We could have scored a TD on the prior drive instead of a FG...So many IFs...The solution is not to look at "what if", but rather "how do I fix it".


    Fix it by kicking a field goal if you're inside the 30 and it's 4th down. This would go a long way.

  17. I heard about this on a game over the weekend and I hoped I had misheard (if that's a word). This infuriates me. As a season ticket holder for 2 NFL teams, it tells me the NFL thinks I'm not important. There would be no NFL without ticket buyers. Game fans take it in the shorts already with high ticket, food, and parking prices, and ridiculuous security checks before getting into the stadium. Now they want to make it so you are irrelivent to the opposing team because they have radio helmets? I don't like the QBs having them either for that matter. It's goofy.


    What will they do for teams that play against the Cowboys. When they came to a game in my town, the crowd noise was about 50/50 for and against them. It would give them an unfair advantage.


    Just let 'em play. There are things they can do anyway like a silent snap count or going on the snap of the ball. They're big boys, I think they can handle it.

  18. I like Joe. I think he's funny. He's a blow hard. Deal with it. He obviously knows a lot about football. I used to really like the Sunday Night Crew. He and Paul would get into some funny arguments.


    I really don't like Kornheiser. He's almost as bad as Dennis Miller, almost ... What's the matter with just talking about football at a football game? I really don't like all the corny one liners and stupid questions sent in from the peanut gallery. Fire Kornheiser and bring back Paul MacGuire.

  19. Maybe I've missed something in football the last few years but.. it seems most successful teams drafted their quarterbacks.  Not all were necessarily super bowl winners but... of the great teams since maybe the early 90's.. Favre, Elway, Aikman, Kelly, Marino, Brady, hell the pats even went to the super bowl with Bledsoe.. and even today.. Peyton Manning.. Eli Manning is up and coming, Roethlesberger was drafted. Vick was drafted.  Mcnabb.  I can't think of a whole lot of free agent QB's that led their teams to much.


    Actually 6 out of the last 10 Super Bowls were won by teams with a QB they did not draft. Look it up.

  20. Brad Johnson and Trent Dilfer have "it?"  Please.


    "it" means winning in my book. Brad Johnson had some good years with the Deadskins, then he went to TB and won a Super Bowl. Last year he took over at QB for team (Vikes) that was in the tank and led them to the brink of the playoffs. This year they're 3-0.


    Trent Dilfer took TB to the NFC Championship where they lost close with a questionable call at the end negating a 1st down deep in Lamb territoy. Then he went to Baltimore and won the Super Bowl. The next year stupid Baltimore replaced him with Elvis and they sucked.


    It's hard to argue with results.

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