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Joe Miner

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Posts posted by Joe Miner

  1. 1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    At least three times he did that. 


    USSS has some pretty big leeway with what they can/do allow their protectees to do in terms illegality -- but there are some things they won't abide, regardless of rank. 

    What’s got better odds?


    Someone going to jail for the attempted coup or someone going to jail for anything to do with Epstein?


    Also who are the possibilities of being in both categories?

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. 2 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:


     *I will cut you some slack if @Buffalo_Galdid in fact use her womanly guile to convince you to stay at home.  She's quite compelling and as a result of a thread she created, I have turned to a subsistence lifestyle and live totally off the land.  In related news, there are precious few feral cats around these parts anymore.



    Guile isn’t all that feminine.  


    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Buffalo_Gal said:




    In my opinion a payroll tax cut makes more sense than a stimulus check.  That would benefit both businesses and employees. It would help incentivize hiring and rejoining the workforce.  Another check does none of those things.

  4. 33 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    He says women would rather have "someone who is trained in helping you deal with it" than "someone whose main training is they know how to use a firearm" going after the perp. 

    And this guy will keep getting reelected.  SMH


    So if you get raped in Minnesota, don’t worry about justice or protecting others from a violent person, just learn to deal with it?


     He should float that idea as a new Nike slogan: Just Deal With It.

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:



    Seriously?  Didn't anyone in the Trump Administration take Ethics Training?  




    A violation of federal ethics laws that prohibit federal employees from using their positions "to endorse any product, service or enterprise."


    Then Donald basically does these damn thing! 



    President George H.W. Bush signed Executive Order 12674 on April 12, 1989, setting out the following fourteen basic principles of ethical conduct for executive branch personnel:

    I would.

  6. 24 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    “Low-Hanging Fruit” Deleted From Newspeak Dictionary

    Cancel culture has reached a fever pinch reminiscent of the Reign of Terror. This is no time to fall behind in updating your Newspeak Dictionary. Be advised that the common expression “low-hanging fruit” is now forbidden:

    The official definition of the term low-hanging fruit is “a thing or person that can be won, obtained, or persuaded with little effort,” according to the Oxford dictionary.


    But according to one business professor, it’s a racial microaggression.


    “For African-Americans, if you say ‘low-hanging fruit,’ we think lynching,” said Mae Hicks-Jones, an adjunct faculty member of Elgin Community College.

    That is supposedly because of the 1950s Billy Holliday song “Strange Fruit,” the lyrics to which do not include the term “low-hanging.” The actual reason is that no matter what you say to black supremacists, they think of how oppressed their ancestors were generations ago, and how they can exploit that oppression to bully white people.


    Mae Hicks Jones is of course a Woman of Color, and thereby empowered to tell us which expressions we are allowed to use.

    Hicks Jones has other demands:

    Also objectionable to Hicks-Jones was the phrase “grandfathered in,” because she said it is reminiscent of a grandfather clause, which privileged white people’s right to vote over that of black people during the Jim Crow South.

    Assuming we have any character left at all, eventually we will get tired of the incessant bullying that is political correctness.




    I was sure low hanging fruit was going to be a reference to the big black balls of African American men.


     What a disappointing article.

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