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Bills Fan888

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Posts posted by Bills Fan888

  1. I'm starting to think that coaching has never been the problem with the bills. Everyone hated Wade, but he had a talented roster and led the bills to the playoffs twice. Since Wade every single coaching staff has failed to lead the bills to the playoffs. I think QB and at times General Manager have been the real problems. The only way to win without a good QB is to build a really strong roster. Buddy has improved the talent level each year he has been on the job, but not enough to overcome mediocrity at QB. Now don't get me wrong, I love Fitz. He is my favorite player, but he is not elite. To answer the question of the thread, if Chan comes back I would not mind the rest of the staff coming back with him.

    Completely agree. As I've always said, Fitz is a game managing QB and nothing more. The problem with the Bills is we don't have the talent to have simply a game managing QB. I do think we're almost there and Chan's playcalling has knocked us down a notch from where are talent should put us but not by much. I think we actually could overcome the mediocrity at QB with the addition of a top tier linebacker and a big wide receiver opposite Stevie but getting a better QB would help us immensely. Just having an Eli type 4th quarter comeback QB would be a huge addition with the amount of close games we've failed to come back to in the final seconds.



    Buddy hired Chan, George Edwards, Wanny. He drafted Troup, A Williams, Tj Graham, and a bunch of guys no longer on the team. He passed on on QB in what will turn out to be the deepest draft for QBs in decades.


    I could go on. This is not a very talented team--and it is poorly coached. All of that falls at the feet of Buddy Nix.


    Buddy is a hack. He is playing out the string at this point. His boss is more inept, so nothing can change.

    Every team drafts people who dont turn out. Just look at some of the drafts that the genius Bill Bellicheck and the patriots have had. Buddy has done a better job at assembling a team than anyone else has in the past 15 years. If the team still hasnt done anything after next season than yes, i would consider getting rid of him, but as of right now im ok with him.



    The Bills have looked adequate against awful teams. The defense couldn't get off the field when it mattered against the Rams today. They are not "very close to being shutdown." This schedule is the easiest one the Bills have had in years or will have in the near future and they completely blew it.

    The bills have a great dline and above average db's, once we get our linebacking corps up to par we will have a very good defense

  4. The way I see it, if we had a better QB we would have won that game, HOWEVER, even with the QB we have now, we still could have easily won that game. CJ Spiller getting 8 touches is completely inexcusable and IMO is grounds to fire Chan on the spot. Maybe if this was the first time it happened I could let it slide, but every single goddam game has been like this and it is beyond frustrating. Now Chan does some thing very well and I think he would excel as coach of a team like the Packers. The problem is is that the Bills are all but polar opposites of the Packers.

  5. Just look at Nix's past career and compare it to us now.


    Buddy took over as assistant GM of the Chargers in 2001 and as you can see here http://www.jt-sw.com/football/pro/teams.nsf/histories/chargers/, it took him three seasons to build up a playoff team. If you look at the people he drafted, he got some great players, especially his first season where he picked up LT and Drew Brees. So in his 3rd season as the Bills GM, we're looking at a 8-8 season, and if you look at the third season of the Chargers, they were in an even worse spot.

  6. Definitely Fitz.


    The offense is limited because of him, not because of Chan. The defense has already shown signs of improving and I wouldn't be surprised if Wannestadt's unit ends up with a respectable ranking based on the slew of sub par talent coming up on the schedule. Any defense needs time to work into their new system and learn their roles. If we can get a good middle lb this year in the offseason it'll help out his scheme a lot.

    How can you say that the offense is not limited by Chan? I agree with everything you said except that part, Fitz is a limiting factor but Chan's refusal to use CJ in key parts of the game is just as limiting. I've been hesitant with my critiquing of Chan and if he does pull it together I'd still be willing to forgive him but it is beyond frustrating to see the Bills have running back who has the ability to be a HoF'er and not use him.

  7. This team might be vying for a playoff berth if Vick was the QB. He has a rocket arm, and give him even average protection, he can ignite an offense. He's not the most accurate QB, but I'd take his 59% w/ his running ability over Fitz' 62% any day of the week. That's what, I think, people are seeing.

    You seem to be forgetting the fact that he's a turnover machine.

  8. You're kidding right? I would take almost any QB on any roster over Fitz. He cannot throw an accurate ball and his decision making is terrible. We are losing with him and we can damn well lose without him. Time for a change. And no it's not on his shoulders alone, but he has failed to perform in a number of winnable games including yesterday and we should have a winning record right now if we even had an average QB. He is terrible.

    I can never understand why people insist on saying that they would take anyone over Fitz. Yes Fitz has been bad but there are far worse QB's out there than Fitz.

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