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Posts posted by bdutton

  1. Can I add a clue for this exercise?


    Does the government force you to buy car insurance to cover your own property of the property of others?


    For the record, the Federal government does not force auto insurance. That is a states decision. And a state has no constitutional restriction to force you to buy insurance. The Federal government's ACA mandate to buy insurance has a very tenuous hold on constitutional grounds (calling the fine a 'tax').


    FYI... some states do not require you to buy auto insurance (ala New Hampshire).

  2. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2017/01/03/its_worse_than_bush_derangement_syndrome__132696.html




    I was hoping to write an upbeat column to kick off the new year, something about how all sorts of things in our great country are bound to get better in the months ahead, a column based at least as much on wishful thinking as hard-nosed reality. A columnist can get away with that kind of fluff this time of year. But it's hard to be cheery when our nation is in the throes of a full-blown epidemic, one that is causing so much pain to millions of our fellow Americans.

    Yes, I'm talking about the dreaded mental disorder known as Trump Derangement Syndrome -- or simply TDS.
    You remember Bush Derangement Syndrome, right? It was when the mere mention of President George W. Bush's name sent liberals into a fevered state of instability. Someone would carelessly say "Bush" and their eyes would involuntarily begin to roll, and then came the shortness of breath, followed by foam forming on the poor victim's mouth -- though this mainly happened among Bush-hating liberals who lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan or in Hollywood.
    It was horrible, for sure, but not as horrible as Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    Really? For example, Watkins is under contract through 2017 with a $6.2M dead cap hit if we "say goodbye" to him now.

    So why would we?

    Already admitted this was a mistake. I thought he was in his 4th year already. But you have to admit, the cost of drafting him and the return on investment was horrible.

  4. You're simply making crap up.

    2015 stats:


    Look at the first half of the season:




    You have games like 168 yards and many games like the Jets game with 7 targets for only 14 yards.


    This season only 1 game over 100 yards. Granted, he was dealing with the foot injury but if you are playing you need to perform or not.



    I didn't get past #2. How many coaches went over " when the ball is kicked off, and goes more than 10 yards, make sure you get possession of it" this week, to prepare their team?


    I bet NONE. Especially a team that just replaced the head coach that week.


    I don't want Lynn, but that mistake is all on the PROFESSIONAL football players.

    Fair enough. The Special teams coach is responsible for making sure the special teams players understand the rules. Who does the special teams coach report to? Like it not, even if the actual responsibility for the play is on the players, the coaches ultimately are judged on the mental mistakes of their players. Its their responsibility to mentally prepare their players and they failed dramatically on that play.

  5. Mostly right, but Gilmore by my count had roughly 10 high-end games. He's good but likely gone. Also franchising a healthy Sammy when the time comes isn't a bad idea. He's that good.

    Watkins is Injury prone and takes too many plays off. For the amount we spent in draft picks resigning him is too costly.

  6. 1. Tyrod is still the best option at QB. He has accuracy issues but doesn't make costly turnovers.

    2. Lynn had the team poorly prepared for this game. Mental mistakes like the kickoff-TD are on the coaching staff. He had a chance to make a case to be hired as the FT coach and blew it.

    3. EJ is not the answer. He's a turnover machine.

    4. Cardale is raw. Good accuracy. Not ready yet to be a starter.

    5. The run defense sucks. Rex took the best defense and turned it to ****.

    6. Say good bye to Stephon Gilmore. A supposed shut down corner regressed each year.

    7. Marcel Dareus is a huge disappointment. Dean Vernon: 'Fat high and stupid is no way to go through life'.

    8. Say goodbye to Sammy Watkins. Unless we overspend and put a franchise tag on him, the over spending in draft picks to take him is a huge failure.

    9. This roster is Whaley's fault. We overspent draft picks on EJ and Watkins as well as poor choices on injured players that did not contribute until late this year.

    10. Pegula needs to clean house. Sadly, he won't.


    This is why the dems are really panicking



    "I take no pleasure in saying this, but the fact is — there is no excuse for us black voters to remain in such a supine and infantilized state..."

    "... that a Republican controlled legislature in, say, NC can neuter the effect of black citizens merely by asking them to present an ID card. Frankly, I find that entire argument to be patronizing in the extreme.
    How is it that the uneducated, opiate-addicted and under-employed white voters who came out in droves for Trump at his rallies and later in the voting booth, and who thereby made him our next president — how is it that such 'deplorables' are able to pull the lever, but their black counterparts need a federal court in order to have their constitutional rights validated?"


    Writes Glenn Loury.


    He's reacting to a petition "demanding that Congress nullify the Supreme Court's decision in Shelby County v. Holder — the case which struck down section iv(b) of the Voting Rights Act of 1965." That's his characterization of the petition.



  8. Gainesville had yet to report and Miami Dade was only 50 percent in showing Clinton winning that county by 30 points...

    Trump has a 120,000 vote lead with 50% of Miami Dade reporting. In 2012, Romney lost Miami by 210,000. At best, Trump will be even or down slightly not counting the panhandle which is only starting to report now due to time zone difference.

  9. I was just casually watching a trump rally live feed in Nevada.


    There was a disruption at the Trump rally where secret service ran up and pulled trump from the stage.


    Then some army dudes ran up and a few minutes later dragged someone out.



    Someone speculated on the video a moment ago that there was a guy with a gun.

  10. Granted.


    My take on this (and again, I don't consider this issue to be very significant) is that having ID to vote is a perfectly reasonable expectation. There is long-standing tradition of it not being required in some places. To change that, you have to say this new requirement will go into effect at some point (2 years? 4 years?) in the future. This point has been politicized. While the left is ridiculous to resist the requirement, the right has tried to play it to their advantage as well. The argument that voter fraud is a big problem has been blown out of proportion. If voter fraud is the issue, then the point of emphasis should be on making the voter rolls as accurate as possible.


    How about this.


    ID must be presented at the polling place. If a voter does not have ID but the name and address given matches the existing voter roll and that name and address has not been marked as having voted yet, then allow the voter to complete a provisional ballot which will only count once the voter has returned to the polling place once valid id is presented.

  11. No.


    Comey, however...



    ... This just in... I'm reporting at the bedside of FBI Director Comey, who has just been admitted to the hospital in an apparent suicide attempt. Sources close to the Clinton Campaign have told me that it was multiple self inflicted gun shots to the head. Comey is in a coma and expected to li... *BANG*... err... that is... Comey has just passed due to his self inflicted injuries. Our prayers are with the Comey family and the Clinton Campaign in these trying times.

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