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Posts posted by bdutton

  1. I don't know if it's in my top 5, but I have been DVR-ing the hell out of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In. It's on 2x a day M-F on the Decades channel that Comcast carries. I loved it as a kid, some of the jokes are very dated, but there's still a lot of laughs. :thumbsup:

    I with they had a channel that replayed all of the Carol Burnett Show.


  2. The Blizzard of 77 was the wors, but the November storm of 2014 was bad, We had 7 feet of snow in about 3 days. About 2 mies north they only had about 2-3 inches. about a mile or so north they had none.

    My uncle was in the path of that freak storm. He had close to 10 feet of snow. Had $10k in damage to his house in East Aurora.

  3. The 77 storm was a doosy. I remember shoveling out the day after. We had 4 feet of snow. I think I was 12 at the time.


    For recent years here in NH we got hit hard in 2014-2015. So bad that I was using a roof rake about 5-6 times. It wasnt just one big storm but just about every 1-2 weeks we had at least 6-10 inches of new snow. The gun club where I run a junior rifle team matches we had to delay the start of the match when the BOD determined that they had to clear the 3-4 feed of hard packed snow from the roof or risk collapse. Me and several of the junior shooters were on that roof with shovels getting the snow down.

  4. http://dailysignal.com/2009/03/27/man%E2%80%99s-contribution-to-global-warming/





    We only contribute 1/10th of 1% to the atmospheric C02.


    On top of that, scientists cannot explain where much of the 'excess' c02 is going (i.e. naturally absorbed into c02 sinks).




    I think what may be happening is as the Co2 in the atmosphere rises, it creates a 'richer' environment for plants to grow and absorb more Co2 and convert it to o2. There is a large delay between the Co2 release and the time it takes for plant life to fill the gap.


    Also, the slowing down of deforestation is helping.


    Either way, thinking that such a slight rise in Co2 could have long term ramifications doesn't make sense and there is much that is not understood about the disappearing Co2.

  5. As a big ska fan in high school, my first thought was Tom Kalnoky from Catch-22, Streetlight Manifesto, and Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution. Great singer/songwriter.


    John Butler from the John Butler Trio. Dude is a hell of a guitar player and singer/songwriter and it seems like not many people in the U.S. know who he is.



    Great sound. Looks like that guitar has been through hell.


    What is strange is why is the guitar missing a string?


    Also, I think the Bare Naked Ladies are underrated musicians.


  6. I saw the Who there on their first farewell tour in 82. I went to see the Clash and I would have to say that is my favorite....granted it's also the only show i ever saw at Rich Stadium



    I was there too.


    I was there too.


    Made it down to the floor about 20 feet on the right side of the stage in front of Townsend. It was so packed people were passing out standing up. If someone tried to move 20 feet away you had to lean away.


    Best part of the show was just as they starting 'Love reign o'er me' it started to drizzle. Much needed since it was getting very warm.

  7. I started life as a Nixon sympathizer. Felt Ford was a weak bumbling idiot. Carter was a nice guy with no backbone and no sense of how to run an economy. I loved Reagan for what he stood for (America first, lower taxes, strong defense) but also thought he was weak when push came to shove (Lebanon Barrack bombing). My first Presidential election was for Reagan. I voted for Bush Sr the first time around. Voted for Perot because I was also sick of bloated government. Voted for Clinton the next time because of the Republican witch hunt. Voted straight Republican ever since since I had been exposed to the liberal madness of Massachusetts and how my rights as a gun owner are completely usurped by that fairy tale state government. That and I worked my ass off to get where I am. !@#$ white privilege. That is complete bull ****. You get where you are from hard work. That is for 99.9% of us. The other .1% are those who inherit it and squander it, or those that are in the ruling class.


    I like to think of myself as more of a Libertarian... smaller central government, lower taxes, self reliance... etc... and I would vote for a Libertarian if there was a decent enough choice.


    This time around I voted for Trump because I hated Clinton. I hated what they did to Sanders. I hated what she did as SecState. I actually met Trump at a rally that my friend got us VIP tickets for. Nice guy. Affable. Someone that I felt was doing what he thought was good for people. He might be a public relations nightmare but I can't help but think things are going to be better with him running the show.

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