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Posts posted by bizell

  1. Fact: McNabb had a better career than Kelly with a lot worse supporting cast. He has been a great guy off the field. It is pathetic the amount of hate he has gotten. Hopkins is a punch drunk idiot.

    also a fact: McNabb's defenses were perenially top-5/top-10 during his tenure in Philly. Can Jim Kelly say the same?

  2. 4) The more starting caliber CB's the Bills have the farther down the depth chart it pushes Reggie Corner, and imo the farther down the depth chart he goes, the better off the Bills defense is. As inconsistent as McKelvin was, as invisible as McGee was, as much as Florence struggled at times, and as unreliable as Whitner was, Reggie Corner was still the biggest pigeon in the Bills secondary. When opponents spread the field he was target #1, primarily because the guy is a human 3rd down conversion.


    :yeahthat: i never understood this board's love affair for reggie corner. whenever i watched him, he underwhelmed.

  3. If you don't have a problem with Miller's 2009 highlight as well as lowlight videos ....nothing. You seemed to have a problem with a video I posted from 2009 against Texas and Colt McCoy.

    heh. sorry. no, i don't have a problem with that highlight/lowlight video. I just thought it was ridiculous they based their whole review of his pro prospects for this upcoming draft on footage that was over a year old when they had the footage from last year to go over/add to their prospect video.

  4. I'm saying you look at a player's entire body of work which includes 2009 as well as 2010 as Dank posted in #70. Why value 4 year non one year wonder players and not look at anything beyond their last year?



    and I've never disagreed with your statement above. so just what exactly are we arguing about?

  5. You are being ridiculous. If you include the off years of one year wonders or include the year, or the lack there of, for someone that was suspended why is it out of bounds for a 4 year player?

    honestly, i have no clue as to what you're trying to say.


    me="I think it's dumb to have a draft analysis for the 2011 NFL draft of a 4-year player only have footage from 2009"


  6. So whats your point? We shouldnt take into account anything from his previous 3 years of playing?


    Doesnt that directly fly in the face of not selecting "one year wonders"?


    I dont get what you are going for here....

    maybe i should have directly stated it rather than implying, but i'd have preferred to have, oh, i don't know, ANY footage from this past year rather than everything based off of the prior 3? I mean, is it just me, or is it downright retarded to have someone's draft analysis for the upcoming year contain NOTHING of the full prior year included in it? or am I just being ridiculous?

  7. So you agree that teams like Boise St should therefore never even come close to being ranked, and their players shouldnt be drafted?


    (note: i DO believe that as well)

    it's hard to say with boise due to the dearth of quality opponents, although to their credit they usually manage to handle whatever ranked opponent they end up playing. They haven't really been able to produce many quality NFL players for whatever reason. Would you say Ryan Clady shouldn't have been drafted, though?


    back to original discussion:


    re-watching the videos, man does Andrew Datko dominate Quinn. Once it's Datko's turn to go pro, I'd use those videos as something to pump up my stock ie "Look how my client dominated the #(some pick number that's way higher than it should have been) pick of the 2011 draft!"

  8. youtube.com/watch?v=CNoYxbvKxXE


    I found a better video on Quinn. I've noticed in a lot of his videos that he shows GREAT discipline. Of all his characteristics, I like the fact that he plays under control. He's not just going 100 miles per hour to the ball. I like Quinn.

    6 of his 11 sacks that year came against powerhouses virginia (3-9) and duke (5-7). it's a lot easier to be disciplined when you're playing against stiffs, like that virginia OT looked like he was

  9. Ponder's arm was hurt pretty much all of last year. That being said, his deep ball was terrible and hung in the air forever with no accuracy.

    He's a heck of a competitor, mobile, very accurate on anything short/mid (junior year he was pretty good at deep throws, before hurting his arm). I'd love to have him on the Bills, I just don't know if I want him in the second.

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