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Pirate Angel

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Posts posted by Pirate Angel

  1. The Bears have played Green Bay, Detroit, Minnesota, and Seattle. Seattle was without Shawn Alexander, Jeremy Stevens and Marcus tubbs and Floyd Womack. They beat Minnesota 19-16 Big Deal, Detroit hasnt won a game and the only game Green bay has won was against detroit.

    The Bills Defense was extremely hyped up after the dolphins win, the bears have basically played the dolphins twice with green bay and detroit, Seattle had there best player out plus 3 other quality starters, We saw what Minnesota had to offer this week yet this great team only beat them by a field goal, I Think we can fly under the radar and pull a win out of this one

  2. screw this "you'll most likely win" BS The Bears have played Green Bay, Detroit, Minnesota, and Seattle. Seattle was without Shawn Alexander, Jeremy Stevens and Marcus tubbs and Floyd Womack. They beat Minnesota 19-16 Big Deal, Detroit hasnt won a game and the only game Green bay has won was against detroit. This teams overrated where going to win this one

  3. Don't know if this was posted.  Was Kyle Williams playing today?

    I didn't see him during the game and I didn't see his name in the boxscore.

    I did see Tim Anderson forcing some preassure up the gut an awful lot.  He looked good to me.



    All of our defensive tackles where very quite today, McCargo had a tackle for a loss, Tim Anderson did play the best but he had 2 penalties which nulifies that, Schobel remains to struggle

  4. Not sure what the market on Middle linebackers is at the end of the season, someone is probly willing to overpay for him. If TKO doesnt recover to be the player he once was that will free up alot of cash and weaken the linebacking corps so we would have to resign him, Clements already made it clear that he wants to be rediculously overpaid roght now he's playing like a #2 DB Mcgee is better than him anyway so theres more money freed up to resign him. since in 3 years he more than likely going be a declining they may shop for a young apprentice also which would be a great idea

  5. He said he didnt work out his upperbody, he thinks he has enough strength there, he focused on his legs. As he may seem like a seasoned vet on our extremely young team, he too is young. He is an amazing talent hopefully he matures out of his miami thug attitude and realize if he wants to really be the best back in the league it comes by hard work along with your talent, A half ass Willis is alot better then most backs in the league but a Walter Payton he is not

  6. Losman played fine, he threw a stupid throw, and lost the ball twice which he has to find a away to hang on to the ball, Which can be blamed on the blocking as well. he is learning the team is young and learning yet they have remained to stay in the games and have a chance to win at the end. They have to start finding away to win. As Vince Lombardi stated winning isnt a once in awhile thing, its an all the time thing, winning is a habit, unfortunatly so is losing. The Bills just have to break the habit thats been built over last year and find ways to win and keep winning. Losmans generally been playing well, we have other youngsters that are making as many mistakes Ko Simpson missed a tackle that went for a score. I think Losmans going to be a pretty good QB. patience is a virtue

  7. Its not Jauron, its the people upstairs that review the footage and tell him what the should and shouldnt review, On the Josh Reed play I dont think there was conclusive evidence, definately shoulda threw it on the return, I think the Jets got out on the field and kicked the Xtra point before a replay was available

  8. I think injured reserve on a minor injury was a way to sort of put his career as a player (atleast with the Bills) to rest in a less degrading way then having a player with troys pedigree being benched in place of a rookie who was drafted in the 3rd round.

  9. Marv and Dick and many of the assistants have been saying it all year - the Bills are rebuilding this year.


    They still have to sell tickets though so they convince the fans with doubletalk how the Bills will be "competitive".



    We should be able to be competetive since Jets and Miami are both rebuilding and the Patriots seem to be falling apart somewhat

  10. Psssss...


    Oh sure, Dick Jauron has been "a top Defensive mind for 45 years" and "working in the NFL" and may have even "actually played football".


    But *I* have been hard at work sitting on my ass watching games on TV, reading the Interweb and drinking Labbat Blue's and I know this much - COY WIRE MUST NOT START!  Clearly with my background I know more than 'ol Jauronamo does  ;)


    Also, LOL @ detoxsmurf's post...


    Totally envious of the Labatt Blue drinking, moved to knoxville no Blue Lights sold here for me ;)

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