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Posts posted by Patience

  1. 46 minutes ago, beerme1 said:



    As a former club seat ticket holder I can tell you this is not BS. Nobody makes the parts. That means when your seat heater element wears out, they don't replace it. 


    I was responding to his reaction to the article, but neglected to take the part regarding the heated seats.  But, good to know.  I was considering purchasing those seats next season, potentially.  

  2. 8 minutes ago, Doc said:


    As I like to say, opinions are like...


    I think what PTR was trying to say is that if you're, say, expressing an opinion on the article and where it may be trying to lead you, don't hold back.  But if you start opining about the stadium likely being fine and that they're just lying to us to get a new one, that requires an opinion from someone who has actually examined the stadium. 


    I don't think it could be clearer that it's the former.  Here's the original quote pertaining to the article that I responded to: "The entire article (In my opinion) is attempting to corral fans into thinking that things are much worse than they seem."


    The quote above was a reaction to the article based on the report, not the report itself.  But, apparently, I'm precluded from passing these judgments as I'm not a structural engineer, and the poster above only prefers to peruse opinions of structural engineers for his consideration on a general Buffalo Bills message board.  Mea culpa. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:


    It helps if you are debating the worthiness of a structure. I prefer opinions from experts.


    Good to know.  We all should attempt to refrain from posting our opinions in response to any reports, since you only prefer, in your words, expert opinions.  Perhaps we should limit any discussion of any stadium construction issues to experts that have been qualified and validated by the moderators.  

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    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. I usually hate the type of post that I'm about to make, but take it for what it is:


    Have a friend (yeah, one of those deals) whose family is long entrenched and active in NYS and local (West Seneca, Orchard Park area) politics, and I've been communicating with him regarding the stadium issue since the new stadium report came to light.  He's assured me that there is "zero chance" that the stadium deal doesn't get done, and therefore there is "zero chance" the team moves.  Take it for what it is, I suppose.  But he's given me insight on non-Bills related matters that turned out the way he said they would.  

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  5. 5 hours ago, Draconator said:

    There are actually 3 cups. The original from Lord Stanley of Preston himself is indeed safe and in a vault at the Hockey Hall of Fame. This cup (the one that was damaged) is the one that replaced the original Cup in the 1960's. The third is at the Hockey Hall of Fame in the Great Hall for display purposes when the 2nd cup is off getting bent out of shape by various champions. Remind me to tell you what the Rangers did to it in 1994. Hint, it was taken to strip clubs. 


    The Ranger players actually got so drunk, they left the Cup at the Scores strip club in Manhattan. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Locomark said:

    The #1 thing is to design the stadium to be a loud echo chamber like they did in Seattle. Our main advantage IS NOT our weather. IT IS OUR CROWD!!  One requirement needs be to get our acoustics to a huge decibel level!! 


    That's exactly why I want a version of their stadium in Orchard Park next.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, UConn James said:

    There seem to be two schools of thought. Populous cities have gone bigger e.g. MetLife, Jerry’s world. Some smaller cities have gone smaller than previous stadium e.g. Ford Field.


    Personally, I think it should go smaller. The pandemic is only highlighting some of the factors. NFL has become more of a TV & screen league; TBH, it’s a much better product & view on screen and the people who are going seem to be there for the ambiance / tailgating / social & social-media side of things (how many fans do you see in stands who are looking at their phones the whole time. It’s just stupid to me). More average people are being priced out of going to games, more luxury suites & seating is taking the place of general seat capacity because they can charge more and that isn’t revenue-shared.

    We seem to be a club where the trends don’t fit, however. Corporate & luxury weren’t selling. Maybe that changes with new digs and a competitive team 🤷🏻‍♂️


    Good points!  I generally agree with all of them.  I'd like to see a carbon copy of Seattle's stadium for us, but I don't know enough about stadium design/construction/development, etc. to know if that's even a possibility.  

  8. 4 hours ago, zonabb said:

    Told everyone everywhere every time this came up. It will be open air in OP due to entire financial considerations. I worked in development and govt. I know people in development and govt. Pegulas want this team to be successful and not lose money here. They don’t want to take on tons of debt, they have zero on the team and it’s profitable. They want govt money but don’t want to saddle the taxpayers with more than necessary. In the end, as the beginning like I said, the costs for anything in Buffalo requires hundreds of millions of offsite upgrades to infrastructure-storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water, and roads-just to be able to build the stadium. That doesn’t even include the unquantifiable amount needed to acquire land, which every fool who owned property in the old first ward thought would make them rich. Waaay too many properties to acquire cost way too much time and money. They could buy some outright with honest offers but the hold outs who wanted double or wouldn’t sell at all require the city to undertake eminent domain proceedings, which is a lengthy and costly court battle (See: Kelo v. New London which was due to one property hold out that by the time the court case was settle, the developer decided against the project anyway!). They would be, literally, hundreds of millions into all of this and not a nickel spent on the actual stadium. Now jump southeast to Orchard Park and you have free land, saving millions in acquisition and eminent domain, and existing infrastructure that already supports a 73k seat stadium, saving hundreds of millions.


    It was a no brainer when this conversation started and remained that way the entire time. Like everything with Bills homers, the emotional and irrational dreamed and the dream of a downtown stadium was just that.


    You called it!  I remembered your prior posts on this topic when I saw your board name.  Any additional insight on the type of design they have in mind for it?  Do you think the seat capacity will be the same as the current stadium?

  9. 20 minutes ago, boater said:

    Well the fix is in.


    Jerry has wanted a new Bills stadium for a long time. He's been very vocal about it.


    I have no hope that his firm will be objective. BOHICA.


    Think he has any idea at this point that the team is not located in Northern New York?  That piece of info would be helpful for this consulting firm to know. 

  10. 15 minutes ago, Royale with Cheese said:

    I just listened to a caller on WGR and he's mad because the Bills are playing 1:00 pm on Sunday....he feels disrespected.  

    Do you guys feel the same way?  I don't.


    Not at all.  I'd take 17 games of Sunday 1pm starts if it were possible.  

  11. 1 minute ago, MiltonWaddams said:

    Full strength this season is not impressive. No RB1, no Dupree and Big Ben in post-retirement buffet mode but still playing. The Bills should blow them out of the water.


    Steelers drafted Najee Harris in the first round.  I think he's the presumed #1.  But nevertheless, I agree - comfortable win. 

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