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3 left feet

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Everything posted by 3 left feet

  1. great read. even a shot a travis henry in there...not sure about kicking a man when he's down, on the ground with a DEA agents knee in his face good article though.
  2. thats a strange combination of words and phrases. youre like a creepy beach boy.
  3. AWE....wait for it.......SOME!! hilarious stuff!!!!
  4. i have a pair but i'm certainly not going to that crap
  5. anyone know where i can find this? was interested in whether or not the bills-cards game might have better announcers than the dynamic duo of wilcotts/eagle.
  6. you made a bet with silvernblacknblue! have at it!! whatever you want!
  7. you quit early then came back to read the thread you hate....uh huh
  8. Dude, i just couldnt maintain andymore and an out presented itself....I don't know crap about LA and I was scrambling! Theres alot of hyperbole in my venture love. It is a fantastic show though. GO BILLS Bills-27 Oak-11
  9. Thanks can! I know, i know...it had to be done though. Hopefully if someone else does decide to do this, it'll top this.
  10. I cant believe all the people who fail to recognize that I, Russell, an average TBD poster was indeed the alter ego of SILVERNBLACKNBLUE. my avatar is that of the venture brothers...it IS the funniest show on TV...recognize. This thread was more than a farce....it was an epiphany. one that may make me more recognized on this board, one that may make the tried and true despise me. Whatever...I did what I did to get US ready. The posts this week were more than laughable. Crappy threads like "Is jay cutler better than elway at this stage"...Who gives two craps about that? As my grandfather would say, "what does that have to do with the price of tea in china?" I love the Bills too much to have us, the season ticket holders, the ones with lifelong ink commemorating the bills on our forearms, sleep on some s-itty afc west team. GO BILLS AND GO TEAM VENTURE!!!!!!!!!
  11. its the venture brothers....join the revolution. adult swim....funniest thing on tv.
  12. I had to, I hope you understand....There was no passion like we should have before a game!!! Lets not take this team for granted! We're 2-0 and I don't want us getting lazy!! GO BILLS!!!!!
  13. it was a bills game, thats what happened. i think ive been to 3 bills games in my 29 years that have been pleasant. concrete sky baby.
  14. damn straight...cant beat rochester minor league sports. ITS THE ROC go raiders (rochester)!!!
  15. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_...?urn=nfl,108056 1st round bye?! i'll take it!
  16. right, the bills havent lost this year when tasker calls their game... 0-0 not much to understand indeed
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