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Posts posted by LancasterSteve

  1. Stop w the jauron nonsense. What's jaurons record as a head coach?


    You can't coach in the league this many years and be a "bad" or "average" coach..especially at his w/l clip. And he has never had a great QB like rodgers or brady, brees, etc.


    and we do ????? No more re-threads from Chi town who run just boring offenses. Same crap offenses here for 13 years. IM fed up with this utter ineptitude and people here think this guy will be different ??????? I hope the Bills get a young guy in here with some balls, who doesn't get brain farts and punts from the 35 yard line. A coach that can chew gum and THINK at the same time. A coach the knows how to manage the clock. A friend I know (lives in Chicago) thru my sailors organization who first gave me a heads up on Jauron and how bad he was ("This guy will have your head in knots with the bad decisions he makes") called me today. "We'er happy LS is gone and I hope for your sake, knowing that you have been going to games for 50 years that the Bills don't fall into the same trap and hire a Jauron clone" "He'll break your heart all over again" Hire a young assistant coach, hire a college HC but please just stay away from all these failed head coach re-threads. That is just plain insanity doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.

  2. I honestly think there is a 50-50 chance he's gone tomorrow. I think this game may have woke Ralph up and even though Buddy will be against it Ralph may force his hand one last time. I still think he's very much involved.


    At 94 years of age we just don't know how cognizant Ralph Wilson is right now and that can change in a flash as I have witnessed with elderly relatives and family friends. My own Mother who is 89 went downhill mentally over a two month span. The only explanation the doc gave us "old age". The last time I talked with Ralph Wilson in the Paul McGuire Club was five years ago and he didn't remember me which was a sad moment.His speech was hesitant and an assistant helped Mr. Wilson walk. I first met Ralph Wilson thru my Father more than 45 years ago and many more times throughout the years including those when I worked for the Bufalo Bills in secuity during the Bill Polian years. Ralph Wilson had an apartment in the area in those years so he was at the stadium quite often when he was in town. Back then the Bill's offices were the M&T club is now. My guess and its only speculation on my part is that if Ralph Wilson is mentally not capable his good friend Jeff Littmann would be in charge. Like I said before, five years ago Mr Wilson's mind was not sharp and for people his age their best thoughts are behind them more often than not. It has been my experience that in person Ralph Wilson is a nice, nice man and hope that he has some mental awareness left.

  3. He's not competent or capable.


    He seems confused.



    He also said Spiller was not out there more because he was tired?


    The bolded...It seems all the time even in the pressers after the game. What a disgrace as a HC who is in way over his head


    As far as FJ, Gailey said it was FJ's time to get the carries this game. WTF is that all about. You leave your best offensive playmaker on the sidelines ?? What a joke !! And that comment about Spiller being tired is just pure BS to cover up his ineptitude

  4. Since Ralph and Chan/Buddy talk every week I dont think he has lost any of his thoughts. He may have lost the will to travel back and forth from Detroit to Buffalo but that is understandable at 94.


    But if what you say is true about Littmann's role then its up to him to go to Ralph and say Gailey is not the right coach for this football team. Nix is not gonna do i because him and Gailey are tied to each other because Nix is the one who hired him.


    To me Ralph is still the OWNER. He can do what he thinks is right. His team is poorly coached right now and its clear to all of us fans and the media.


    Let the young guy run the team. I sure Wailey has some ideas to get this franchise back on track. Quite sure he would use the Steeler formula of success because that where he came from. Why wait?? Do it now. Fire Chan, fire Buddy or let him be an advisor to Wailey, let Dave W be interm HC. Let Modkins run the offense and see what he can come up with. Because what Chan is doing isnt working and we have 5 games to see if Modkins can do it better.


    Nix has stated that he talks with Ralph Wilson but how cognizant is Wilson at 94 ? I can only guess from my experience with relatives and people I have known thru the years, that most start loosing some mental abilities by the late 80's. There are exceptions of course and I have a "young" friend of 93 who I could still hold a conversation with "in the present" but his short term memory is shot. IM sure there are others here who can also state that a relative or friend was OK mentally in their 90's but my guess is that number is low compared to other seniors in this age group that posters here might know or have known.


    I just do not believe the fire everyone movement will visit OBD anytime soon. Especially if Buddy Nix doesn't retire this year. I personally hope he does and passes the torch onto Doug Wailey but can anyone envision Nix (a former scout) retiring before the 2013 NFL Draft ?? Wouldn't that be too late hire a quality NFL coach if the new GM Wailey was so inclined to fire Gailey ?

  5. oh i see Littmann is the owner now ? lol


    Say Nix does retire after the draft. What if he takes a QB in the 1st round. The only place you gonna get one is round one.


    The real question i think is will Llittmann let Nix go balls out to get a top QB? I mean to get one of the top one the Bills are gonna have to trade up.

    If we wait until one falls to us Fitz is gonna have to start again so the kid can learn.


    Either way Wailey is in a catch 22 situation.


    I would imagine that anything to do with the draft would be a joint Nix/Wailey decision if Nix planned to retire after the Draft. With a rookie pool in place money should not be a factor in where the Bills draft if they want to move up, but Nix has always valued draft choices like gold so I don't envision any movement on draft day.


    Think of Littmann like a Power of Attorney with running the Bills for Ralph Wilson. He probably does tell Wilson but on what level does Ralph Wilson understand at this point in his life at 94 years of age ? I know from personnal experience with a relative that a loss of cognative abilities can happen fast and for no apparent reason. The bigger money question is weather the OK would be given by Littmann to fire Gailey who has 2 years left on his contract. That's a lot of money for Ralph Wilson to eat.

  6. Here is a thought.


    Promote Wailey as full GM


    Demote Nix to scout or retire.


    Fire Chan hire Billick who said he wanted the job.


    open comp at QB with T. Jackson and a rookie QB.


    I wouldn't be surprised if Buddy Nix retires after the NFL Draft. He doesn't have to make a decision on Gailey and can leave that up to Wailey. Then the question becomes, will Littmann allow Wailey to fire a head coach with 2 years left on his contract ?? Of course Littmann might tell Wailey..."You want the job, then make it work with Gailey" before he is offered a contract. Oh and as far as Nix's statements that he talks to Ralph Wilson all the time, if You believe that then I have a bridge to sell You. After the fact it will be interesting if the truth is told about Ralph Wilson's lack of cognitive abilities.

  7. Yes it's me. I've undergone a twelve-step and renounced hardcore bills fandom. Now, i'm what you'd call a casual observer looking on with mild interest and amusement at another hindenburgian season.


    Good to see You Joe, not many of us oldtimers left around these parts :D Oh I still watch the Bills play but my heart (for real) just can't take the tension by by freaking out over this putrid brand of Bills football. Plus taking care of an 89 year young Mom can put a new perspective on so many different things

  8. Merriman did little from the plays I watched on DVR. Its amazing how much Dareus can't beat a one on one block. Dareus' lack of fire is scary, it's obvious his head isn't on football. We should have given him time off with a sports psychologist.


    That's what I was .thinking that his brothers death has affected play; but whatever is going on MD is a completely different player from earlier in the season.

  9. At least I remember the AFL CHAMPION Buffalo Bills of '64 and '65. Still waiting for an NFL Champion. :(


    I was at both those games with my late Dad; what a big Bills fan he was. Starting in 66, I started going to games more on my own as Mom & Dad had to help at Grandma's restaurant on Sundays. I was 17 and got the money from my newspaper route. I am 63 now and as they say time flies and it sure does and what a ride its been.I was a lucky guy to be up close and personnal in the Bills daily operations for those many years. Started in early 80's or so as I was out of my 6 year stretch with the US Navy by 76 and it probably another 7 by the time I was almost a full time employee, though I still had full time employment elsewhere. Was mostly on the field by the bills bench on gamedays and would escort Marv Levy on & off the field. The players were all neat guys and never heard any bickering, though I did overhear players blaime themselves. I know I have forgotten much from that time, but one thing has always stuck with me and that it was a lot of fun, especially after a win in the locker room. Like I said I was a lucky guy.

  10. Schoop is a complete idiot. He is the reason I will not listen to wgr. You would think the guy would know more bout sports considering its his JOB. Even my gf who was flipping thru the channels asked if I wanted to listen to GR so I said ok. She listened for 2 minutes and said who is this guy he knows less then me about the Bills!!!!!!!!


    And everyone else on The Stadium Wall... WGR is sports radio in name only., fluff and garbage talk whose target audience is 8 year olds. I gave up listening to their cycle babble a long time ago. I had held out hope that Simon's show would be decent but his brain was sucked out of his head when he joined GR. In another post it was mentioned about John Murphy making mis-calls on names, well ya that whats happens when good people join WGR. They become brain dead zombies.

  11. I'm gonna go with 1968. 1-12-1, outscored by 168 points in 14 games. At least it got us OJ.


    Hands down and I've been going to see the Bills play for 50 years. For those ready to jump off the Peace Bridge over our current group QB's, you haven't seen Dan Darragh play. The Bills have had more that their share of duds at the quarterback position but heaven help us if a clone of this guy ever shows up. Plenty of memories, good and bad from watching games at War Memorial Stadium.

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