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Posts posted by Chandler#81

  1. Right... this has got to be an April Fools joke. Jauron? A caoch that lives and breathes shortening the game via time of possesion and keeping his defense fresh? quicker offensive tempo? not on your life!!!


    A quick tempo offense doesn't necessarily defy Jauron's style. Kelly's K-gun would routinely take nearly all 40 seconds to run, they were just in position and keeping the DL down in their stance for the full count. The same can apply here.


    3 step dropbacks and quick release play to Edwards' strength's, I believe.

  2. Not actually on DirecTV...yet. What you saw yesterday was ESPNNews broadcast on ESPN2, which is in HD on DTV.


    Expect maybe something later in the week as to a full-time slot for ESPNNews HD on DTV.


    Thanks. I wondered what happened all of a sudden. They've (DTV) been having some problems lately keeping HD networks up & running -at least in these parts.

  3. I do not think it is that simple. There are a number of writers who vote for Hall of Fame who remember the whiney Reed who also made some negative comments about the sports writers who are voting for Hall of Fame. Writers have "Elephant-type" memory for these type of comments and no listing of facts and comparisions will change their mind. He will get in when he has "paid the penalty" for the remarks and no earlier.


    I did not think he deserved 1st round Hall of Fame vote and even last year he didn't but neither did any of the other WRs either. Too many other football players deserved entry.


    Agreed. I'm as grateful as any Bills fan for Reeds's great Buffalo career. But top 10? No way. I don't even go back in history before my time, to come up with better WRs. Alworth, Berry, Warfield, Maynard, Bilitnikof, Swann, Lofton, Rice, Largent, Gene Washington. Reed never sees the field if any of these guys were on his team. He's not a whole lot further behind though, and most (all?) are in the HOF, so there continues to be hope.

  4. I can't speak for cable subscribers but it just began this a.m. on Directv. Impressive layout with 'next up' topics scrolling along the top, scores and stats still scroll along the bottom and the ongoing newscast in the big picture. Makes for a great quick check!


    Always happy about new sports programming! :nana:

  5. I don't care I already know that a fruit like you will be running to the mods as soon as you can get your limp wrist to type a PM.

    And so does everyone else who has ever posted here.


    But that won't change what you are.



    Didn't Siemens buy you out? :unsure:

  6. The Bills offense from the 2007 season has not changed one bit for the 2008 season. Yup we have a different offense cord, big deal. The Bills better add some playmakers to this offense or it's going to be 3 and out all over again! :unsure:


    Adding one rookie WR to this team in 2008 is like peeing in Lake Ontario and trying to raise the water level. :blink:


    Spot on, Frez. I'm overwhelmed with what HASN'T been done to help the offense, though I agree with eball that no Fairchild is addition by subtraction..


    Someone please tell me there's only one way the offense can go, and that's to get better.. :lol:

  7. The entire season of posts is gone ???

    Haha how very convenient for certain members who spent the season calling anyone who wasn't a die hard Losman fan every name in the book .

    Not only do they boot anyone with a contrary opinion they then erase all evidence of how clueless they were and how right all those they had removed from

    the forum were.

    Well I guess that allows them to keep pretending.

    I bet you are because it was you that had all those members booted.

    I see in your posts that your idolitry of Losman is still in full swing .


    tick... tick... tick... tick...



  8. Hard to believe that we may be witnessing the passing of an era.. :blink:


    I love watching the 'Lost Episodes' features. The clarity rivals HD on some of them -even old AFL footage.

    I just don't buy the NFL being 'frugal' on this aspect.. :unsure:


    Then again, I definately don't fit the 18-24 demographic..


    Where's my bi-focals? Who took my walker?? Damn whippasnappa's!

  9. Good article Stuck, thanks!


    I disagree with the Face mask proposal -for reasons already explained.


    I agree with the new playoff seeding scenario. Schitty divisions should not be gratised (sp?) with a home game.


    The 'force out' proposal marks a rare deviation from most new rule changes in that it benefits defense -interesting..


    The 2nd D guy w/ com device and Official team 'cheating scapegoat' sound like knee jerk reactions to Spygate. I understand there will be a problem with one particular defender always being on the field but I don't think this is the answer..


    Good stuff.

  10. I love Marshawn. He is a beast on the field, has a great attitude. I hope the bills can work some more receiving out of the backfield in with him this season. Great football player!


    Welcome! Is your screen name in response to poor Sir Paul?


    He coulda had that one-legged goldigger whacked for the equivalence of next months rent in some areas...


    Just sayin'..

  11. Bill, I'd love to see him here. I agree with most everyone that he's a tad over the top, but he's a 4X Pro Bowler still in his prime. I'd be concerned that he seems to love the spotlight, and it's not very bright in Buffalo. Looks like it will take a 2nd and something else, though I'd call the G-men's bluff. They obviously didn't miss him..

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