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Posts posted by KCNC

  1. I have not heard anyone mention that we gave the ball 4 times vs. the Cards. You can't win against anyone when you give it up that much, I don't care who you have on defense (unless of course you are the Cowboys playing against the Bills). But I'm telling you, if we win the turnover battle we have a good chance of winning the games coming up.

  2. On the Reuben Brown show from last night, they spent a long time talking about it. Reuben is actually in favor of keeping Trent out in the SD game, hoping that it would give more reassurance that he will be good to go the rest of the season/rest of his life. In his terms "once that egg is cracked, it's easy to crack again", so he thinks Trents brains need to settle down. But then again he does not know the extent of his concussion. I feel like the braintrust will make a good decision, whichever way it goes. I would like to see him out there (especially since I will be at that game), but if he's not, I'll know it is for a good reason.

  3. He can't say "Annapolis"....

    Just remember how many of us (myself included) felt when we traded for Bledsoe. This is probably the same thing the Ravens fans are thinking....then they'll get reality when Willis says they should move the team to Annapolis.
  4. I like to be optimistic too, but to be realistic, I think LT may rush for 300 yards against us. I watched him last night for the first time in a long time. That guy is amazing.


    One can only take so much from a big win over the Texans.  Don't get me wrong, to see the Bills overcome a fourth quarter lead and win a close game is awesome...the game snapped a THIRTEEN game losing streak of games decided by three points or less.  But let's see how this momentum carries them into next week.  Buffalo might be setting themselves up for a 2004esque late playoff run.  If all the stars align...it could happen...

    Jacksonville - a lot of momentum coming home against a team without their starting quarterback.  Buffalo SHOULD win this game.  IF they do:


    SD- Two game winning streak.  Back at home, expect to see a similar game plan like we saw against the Colts may be not as much running because SD is obviously better against the run, but a patient, methodical game plan and more turnover-free football (LIKE WE'VE BASICALLY SEEN SINCE THE BYE WEEK) could equal a big upset for the Bills.  Not to mention, HERE COMES THE SNOW...


    NYJ-  No matter how you cut it, this will be a good game and will come down to which team makes fewer mistakes.  Buffalo should have won the last contest and looks to even the 2006 series.  Especially coming off three big wins in a row, including two home upsets, a win is definitely possible.


    Miami- Unless the Bills truly crap the bed, this should be a win.


    Tennessee- If the Bills lose this game, they deserve nothing.


    Baltimore - If the Ravens continues to win, there might be the possiblity of seeing some reserves allowing Buffalo an easier chance at a win.  Aside from that, this will be a tough game...no guarntees here.


    Okay, so I've just justified a win in all of our remaining games resulting in a 10-6 record.  FURTHERMORE, Willis is likely to be back one of these weeks and whether or not you like him or want to keep him in Buffalo, you can't deny that a Wills/Thomas combo is better than just Thomas...


    Please do not accuse me of being drunk off a win, next week willl truly dictate the course of the remainder of this season.  I want to see them carry this momentum and not Jekyl and Hyde Western New York like they've been known to.  I'd like to believe that this new regime won't allow a complete breakdown...

    Oh Boy!




  5. I agree, how can you not like it if you're a football fan. My kids and I never miss it. My wife, who could not care less, even takes a peak to watch guys get blown up. Last night's was really good, especially #1 and #2

    How can you not love jacked up?


    That hit on Jon Kitna was BRUTAL


  6. I am bringing the family for the game. I have not been there in a few years. Any cheap parking around or is it best to just use the lots posted on the Bills website?


    Hope to see some of you there this Sunday.

    Remember, i'll be the one with the strange accent.

    I begin the 2 day journey tomorrow morning...countdown.

    Go Bills.


  7. Umm, no. Football is played on the field. What some previous posters have described as taking place in the stands is asshattery, pure and simple, and deserves to be 'rewarded' with a trip to Orchard Park Town Court. Not too many gameday experiences suck worse than missing part of the game because the drunken frat brats right in front of you decide to start a knock-down, drag-out brawl with the equally-inebriated fellow Bills fans sitting right beside them, as happened during my last game in Section 221.


    JMO... and the reason I now have the Guest Services Gameday Hotline (716-312-8933) on speed-dial.


    Thanks for providing that number. I am bringing my wife/kids up there from NC for the Green Bay game in Nov. I will be quick to call that number if that kind of crap happens near me and my family.

  8. Thanks Jack. I will stuff that number in my wallet for when I bring the wife and kids up there for the Green Bay game.



    The Bills have had one these past couple of years.....


    Page 21 of the Buffalo Bills 2006 Stadium Guide...

    Game Day Fan Hotline

    The Game Day Fan Hotline, (716) 312-8933, is a direct line for guests to call on Game Day if they need immediate assistance or see a potential problem within their area.


  9. I'll be making at least one and maybe two trips up this fall to see the Bills play. Gonna bring the wife and kids (ages 10 and 8). Just wondering if you would fill me in on other things to see while in the area. Niagra Falls is definitely on the agenda and the Anchor Bar. But what else is there to do with the family? Thanks guys and gals.

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