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Posts posted by mushypeaches

  1. Fortunately, we have an annual player draft that rightly or wrongly, DOES reward the worst teams


    The Compensatory pick system is working EXACTLY as intended.  There was no intent around good or bad teams.  


    Bad teams should draft better

    Bad teams should retain their talent where appropriate

    Good teams should make the right decisions on what talent to retain and at what cost.  If bad teams choose to sign those free agents and have less of a chance of getting compensatory picks, then the system is working


    This isn't welfare, it's warfare.  There's plenty of room in the league for owners like Mike Brown, but they aren't going to be winning titles


  2. 31 minutes ago, Logic said:


    "I do know that this year the 2020 team really set the floor for us," Pegula said.

    "That's not the bar, what happened this year. The bar is much higher. The floor was set with the success that this team had. Kind of really having to dig deep and especially not knowing where the salary cap is gonna fall is going to be a big job for these guys because the bar has been raised for previous years like I said. It's going to be a lot of tweaking, a lot of impact and understanding where we're going to be with our team, our salary. Those are things I leave up to other people. But I know the expectation is pretty high right now as the standard which we're going to be moving forward."


    This is just an inane statement.  


    Of course everyone wants the team to be better and take the next step toward a SB.  But making a "raising the bar" proclamation accomplishes nothing.  Absolutely nothing


    Should Beane and McDermott be on edge if we "only" go 11-5 next year and just win one playoff game instead of two?  Will she start screaming for organizational realignment and start trimming back on scouting and coaching staff?




    Kim Pegula - the best thing you can do is stay out of the way.  That includes public statements on team expectations.

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  3. Ties are the best. 


    They force coaches into interesting logic/strategy in OT that they actually have to think about sometimes.  Seeing them fail can be fun (or excruciating, like McDermott's 2017 Snow Game brain cramp)


    Impact on standings is fun


    They happen so rarely that they're interesting and unique


    Frankly, I miss ties in hockey too, and the changes to OT and adding shootouts didn't really move the needle in that sport either


    More gimmicks in football would be unnecessary


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  4. It's funny because QB is actually becoming somewhat of a "fungible" position.  There are a lot of excellent ones out there, and more coming out every year that look really good right out of the gate, or at least very soon afterwards.   So that makes me wonder why any team would trade for anything less than the best.  


    Any team that trades for Derek Carr deserves what they get.  He's eminently replaceable

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  5. This hire is maybe great for 1970 when the goal was to matriculate the ball down the field and toughness actually counted for something when you could head slap, horse collar, clothesline tackle and all the sh*t that used to be macho and fun to watch


    Maybe someone in Detroit has heard that it's OK to pass the ball too and that the top teams in the league are really good at it.  Might be good to have a head coach that realizes that too

  6. 1 minute ago, billsbackto81 said:

    Dude, as impressed as we all are with the dynamic passing attack the Bills have you'd have to be pretty naive to think they'll be any sustainable success in the future if they don't establish a competent run game soon. Honestly I'm surprised they've gotten this far. What Allen, Diggs and the offense have done this season is nothing short of remarkable. This is similar to what Baltimore did last year before they got figured out this year.  Catch everyone by surprise with unconventional offense. I wouldn't expect the same results next year without a good rush attack. Doesn't have to elite, just competent. 


    Sorry man - disagree with you too.  Everyone's been trying to key in our passing game all year and few have slowed it down, much less stopped it.  There's little reason to go away from our obvious strength, especially with the way that rules are these days.  


    Let next year work itself out.  I'm concentrating on winning on Sunday.  And the best way to do that is let Josh sling the rock all over the frigging field


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  7. 24 minutes ago, Process said:

    It's not Josh Allen. This offense has absolutely ZERO threat of a run game. Defenses can play us in a way they can't play any other team in the league. Sit back and go all out on taking away the deep stuff, knowing we can't do **** on the ground. 


    Beane has some work to do this off-season. I am always against RBs in round 1, but we should just do it if that's what it takes. 


    What Allen has been able to do this year is ridiculous. It's why anyone that tries to compare guys like Tannehill and Mayfield to him can't be taken seriously.


    Can't wait to see what he does next year when hopefully we have the run game fixed. 



    I'm sorry man, but I couldn't disagree more.  We have a top 5 offense, with a crazy effective passing attack.  But we should draft an RB in Round 1 so we can "fix" the running game?  And maybe have an 18th ranked offense so we can play Jauron-ball?  SMH

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  8. The OP has a decent point in that this is likely how playoff teams are going to try to attack us.  It's not rocket science, and even our weaker opponents this year have tried to utilize this strategy.  


    But can they stick with it for 60 minutes if we're putting up 30+ pts?  I have confidence that schematically we'll prepare and adjust to teams that try to run against us

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