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Posts posted by mushypeaches

  1. I'm absolutely fascinated that someone gave my comment a dislike.  

    Please - tell me more about how experiencing her call a game is anywhere remotely near an enjoyable experience.  I'll hang up and listen


    57 minutes ago, mushypeaches said:

    As long as we never never never ever again are subjected to having to listen to frigging Beth Mowins call a Bills game


  2. I don't understand why the Broncos made this move right now other than the desire to lock things up and have some cost control while QB contracts keep going up


    But with Wilson's current contract not even expiring until the end of 2023, if I'm the Broncos, I want to see this guy on the field and go through the 2022 season before throwing all this money at a 34 year old QB.  Again, I get that you already committed all of the draft capital to the trade and don't want to see a guy walk after 2 years, but I'm on the side of hedging my bets with Russell Wilson

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  3. 9 minutes ago, BillsFanSD said:

    Breaks my heart to see this happen to such a proud franchise.


    Just kidding I hope they go 0-17.


    Actually, I'd like them to have a litany of seasons where they finish in the range between 6-11 and 8-9.  Good enough to pick in the 11-18 range but never bad enough to have a shot at an actual top QB without totally mortgaging their future


    And may their next victory against the Bills in a game that matters come in like the 2037 season

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  4. 6 minutes ago, BTB said:

    Yes!   Also, no on wants a LB who can tackle and make game changing plays.  In todays game, give me one with a big wing span who can stand in the middle of the field doing nothing. 

    /sarcasm off


    Sorry chief, if your main criteria in a high-quality safety is punishing and most likely, illegal hits, then I'm not sure if we're watching the same game here in good old 2022

  5. 45 minutes ago, Sargent Hulka said:

    Disagree, Poyer and Hyde were on the field during those "13 seconds", we're they not? They're both getting by on reputation at this point. I'd rather draft a big hitting, Leonard Smith, Steve Atwater type safety that opposing receivers have to think about. 


    While you're at it, build that time machine so you can go back to 1991 when that was the kind of safety that teams actually wanted

  6. A full time no-huddle offense isn't the answer


    When we initially rolled out the K-Gun, it was truly innovative, and other teams didn't have the preparation or the athletes on defense to handle it.  That lasted a little while before teams caught on, and at times, it was terribly counter-productive for us


    A lot has changed in 30 years, and I don't think going no-huddle really scares defensive coordinators any more.  Especially with what teams can do in the 2 minute offense anyways.  


    I'm certainly not a fan of having our defense, or any defense spending more time on the field, just because we want to go quicker on offense.  

    It didn't work in SB XXV and it probably ain't working today either

  7. Not specifically answering this topic, I do think that the Bills have been very smart with how they devote their resources toward WR's.  With receivers coming out of college with a much more refined set of skills and being pro-ready, the difference between a 1st round WR and a 4th-5th round WR isn't as distinct as it used to be.  


    So in past years where we used to blow a lot of draft capital on guys like Sammy Watkins, Lee Evans, and James Hardy, we're now drafting more for value with the recent drafts of Davis & Shakir in later rounds.  Let the other teams drive up the costs and fight each other for getting guys early at what's becoming the 2nd most premium position.  I'd rather have Davis & Shakir, and early round picks spent on other positions.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 1 minute ago, The Dean said:



    So you're simply assuming.  Gotcha.


    Let me ask you this question. If they are only asking for a 6th or 7th for him, wouldn't you expect the deal to be done already?  I'm assuming it would.  


    I'm willing to guess there's some significant distance between what the Dolphins would like to get and any (more realistic) offers that they have so far received

  9. 7 minutes ago, The Dean said:



    Where did you hear/read the Fins are looking to essentially giving him away? They  could be asking for something a bit more substantial. 


    Well, let me ask the question a different way - what do you think an opposing team is going to give them for a guy playing on an expiring $10M contract less than 3 weeks before the season opener.  Is someone opening up a good amount of cap space to bring him in?


    The Bills did extremely well to get a 5th round pick for Cody Ford.  If the Dolphins got even a 4th for Gesicki, I'd be surprised

  10. I love that a division rival is looking to get rid of one of their most talented players for a bag of peanuts and a roll of tape


    They just ponied up a buttload of cash for several guys that are on the downside of their careers (see Hill, Tyreke), but don't want to give a second contract to a homegrown stud player just because he doesn't seem to fit what your new Boy Wonder coach wants to do? 


    SMFH - Mike McDaniel is already turning into Adam Gase 2.0 and I for one, couldn't be happier

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  11. I think the point that we're all trying to make here, is that we don't need the Josh Allen designed QB sweep on a random 2nd & 4 from our own 28 yard line


    I'm all for him scrambling on designed pass plays, as well as designed runs in the red zone.  


    But it's this ridiculous other stuff outside those areas (where he invariably takes bigger hits, it seems) that has to be significantly reduced in our offense


    I don't need our generational QB carrying the ball, when a highly effective (and replaceable) RB can do the job

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  12. 22 minutes ago, hondo in seattle said:


    Good summary but too comprehensive and long.   Instead of trying to cover a myriad things already covered in other threads, maybe you should have limited yourself to the W-L record in close games and the idea of regression to the mean.


    As for Allen, you follow the regression-to-the-mean theme again and I think it may be misapplied a bit here.  Allen tended to perform his best when the OL gave him time.  While he made some amazing plays when the OL broke down, some of his worst games statistically occurred when he was running for his life.  Allen's talent is certain.  His production will be determined by a lot of variables to include Dorsey's scheming & playcalling and - maybe even more importantly - the performance of this year's offensive line.  If the OL is as improved as we all hope it is, Allen will have his best year yet.  


    You do realize that the OP was just copying and pasting the content from the original Bill Barnwell ESPN article.


    Barnwell has been writing these kinds of pre-season articles for several years.  He takes a defined statistical historical approach towards predicting rising & falling teams for the upcoming season.  It's not meant to be comprehensive of all the variables, but as math & stats folks do, he's trying to incorporate those that he believes to be most significant or contributing to potential big changes in W-L record.


    It's not for everyone, but I think it nicely rounds out all the things that fans are looking for from national publications & sites


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  13. Successful NFL QB's & head coaches, just like any other strong Type A personality, are wired to want the pressure, to need the pressure, and to thrive on the pressure.


    They fully recognize the burden of their responsibilities, which are magnified many times over any other positions.  That's why they get the big bucks

    The fan component of that, is relatively miniscule, especially in comparison to what these folks inherently feel, and often times put on themselves


    Josh knows it, understands it, loves it, and can't wait to deliver a Super Bowl to Buffalo

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