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Everything posted by fbzh2

  1. You've got that right. This is and what has been the problem all along!
  2. No matter what, when all is said and done the owner has responsibility for the final product. If you don’t like it, do what’s necessary to fix it. Everybody works for you! RW, Jr likes to use old clichés…..how about this one, Ralphy boy, from your old pal Harry S. Truman… ”The Buck Stops Here!”
  3. Of course that’s who wrote it! As I said it was posted one TwoBillsDrive.com>>>>
  4. Most of you have no doubt read this on TwoBillsDrive.com….but I am surprised that no one has commented on what RW, jr has said…..The last time he came out publicly to complain about the teams play was when they turned it around in Meathead’s first year….can we be so lucky this time, with this team? Discouraged Wilson says Bills owe fans better effort Post Comment (October 23, 2006) — ORCHARD PARK — Ralph Wilson stood in the entranceway to the Buffalo Bills locker room in the stadium named after the venerable team founder. The look on his face after Sunday's 28-6 loss to the New England Patriots, a defeat that was like rewinding the tape on nearly every game played between these two teams in the new millennium, said instantly that Wilson was experiencing equal parts frustration, disappointment and anger. "I'm just very discouraged," said Wilson, whose team lost its third consecutive game to fall to 2-5 heading into its bye week. "When we were 2-2, I felt we were on the way up a bit. The Bears game out there, we were overpowered, and since then ...." Wilson collected his thoughts and continued. "The Detroit game, I was extremely disappointed, and today, too. We do a lot of dumb things. Not that we have the greatest talent, but we have better talent than the dumb things we do." Dumb things like nine penalties, including a roughing-the-passer call on Chris Kelsay when Tom Brady had slid to the ground and was sitting down. Dumb things like three turnovers by quarterback J.P. Losman, including a fumble caused by running into an official. Dumb things like Jabari Greer biting on a pump fake that resulted in a 31-yard gain during yet another Brady-led touchdown drive. All of these silly, undisciplined actions were discouraging to Wilson, and what really angered him was the general lackluster effort put forth by his team, inexcusable in his eyes, considering the circumstances. After road losses to unbeaten Chicago and then-winless Detroit, the Bills were returning home to face their fiercest rival in front of the 26th sellout crowd in the last 27 games in Orchard Park. Furthermore, the greater Buffalo region is still getting back on its feet after a freak Friday the 13th snowstorm devastated the area. Despite this cocktail of emotion, the Bills responded with their 12th loss in the last 13 games to New England. It was a loss as hideous as any since Bill Belichick began coaching the Patriots and Brady became their starting quarterback. A loss that gave the Patriots a third consecutive season series sweep. A seventh consecutive Bills loss in the season rematch, including the last five by a combined score of 150-36. As usual, the score sheet said Sunday's game was close, but the Patriots aren't about stats, they are about winning. They suffocate teams with their patience and poise. These are qualities that have not been attached to the Bills — who committed 16 penalties to New England's four in this year's two games — for a very, very long time. Wilson said he was ready for a rebuilding year, but not to be embarrassed. Not many owners would have the courage to say it, but he did. His players let him down. They let their city down. "Yeah (I knew we'd be rebuilding), but it's still hard to take the money from the fans to see this kind of exhibition, and the players really ought to realize that, too," he said. "These fans work hard and go through all of these natural disasters, and dig down and spend their last few dollars and come out and see us play. The players should realize that. They should play hard and not do dumb things." This hasn't been a good fall for Wilson, dealing with a bad back and now another bad football team. Weary from watching his team not make the playoffs in six consecutive seasons, he instituted the biggest organizational reshuffle in Bills history last off-season, beginning with the firing of president and general manager Tom Donahoe. In five seasons under Donahoe, the Bills were 31-49 and the club took a huge backward step last season by finishing 5-11. In came Hall of Fame coach Marv Levy as general manager and Dick Jauron as coach. Back in the day, Andre Reed and Thurman Thomas and Jim Kelly would want to fight you after a loss. But there are still too many players in this locker room spilling out tired cliches and excuses. Clearly, there is a culture of losing here that won't be changed in seven games under the new regime. Wilson, who turned 88 last week, can't help but look back as he looks forward. He apologized once to fans for handing unprecedented power to Donahoe, who did a good job of making him feel like a stranger, and now realizes the job he handed Levy and Jauron is bigger than he thought. "What really upsets me the most: Before Marv and Dick came in, we regressed so badly," Wilson said. "We let players go. We let Pat Williams go. We let Ruben Brown go. There seemed to be too many personalities involved. People say, 'Hey, forget it, Ralph. Look forward. Be optimistic.' But I can't help but look back and say that at my age, I threw five years away." It's a disheartening truth. Give Wilson credit for saying it. And even though he acknowledged that the Bills still don't have playoff-caliber talent, they ought to play with their heads and their hearts in the right place. That's the least that the owner and the fans deserve.
  5. Bills fans need to show them what a real home crowd is like...Buffalo style...on Sunday......... http://www.jetsinsider.net/forums/showthread.php?t=125524
  6. He should have saved that excuse for this week’s game. I really think the Jets will beat them this week.
  7. Good post. Well stated points I tend to agree with. I have had a few posts in which I’ve implied the TV’s body is starting to fail him, as he has been injured the last few seasons. It’s clear by TV’s statements that he recognizes this. Takeo’s competitive spirit may have trouble with accepting that, especially since he felt his own injury vulnerability.
  8. If I recall correctly, he got hurt on the first series of the first game last year. And I believe he also got hurt in the first game or so, and was out the first part of the season, 2- years ago; the year he broke JP’s leg….they rehabbed together….
  9. If I recall correctly he got “hurt” on the first series of the first game last year. And I believe he also got hurt in the first game or so, and out the first part of the season, the year before…the year he broke JP’s leg….they rehabbed together….
  10. Well I hope we don’t have to get to a point of having a “This is a fact, and This is my option” columns so as to differentiate between the two, so people don’t assume someone’s options are a scientific or indisputable facts, or stats. It seems that it would to be evident to even to the most casual reader. However, I apologize if I confused you. I’ll be sure in the future to clearly distinguish the difference.
  11. There is no contradiction, he didn’t care period, irrespective of where it took place. As far as the rest of what you said; you have your opinion, and I respect that, and I have mine. But as far as I can tell we are both saying the same thing. We are all Bills fans and we are all hoping for a winning season and to get back to the winning ways we have all enjoyed. As I said “So I guess it’s just some frustration with his Bills performance to jump on the “bash Drew” bandwagon.” We are all Bills fans and we are all hoping for a winning season and to get back to the winning ways we have all enjoyed. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s kickoff!
  12. Why wasn’t BB concerned about trading him to a division opponent?
  13. He was saying that while the statement of “you’ve got to be able to run the ball and stop the run” is common, and maybe over used, and a little bit worn-out it is still, nevertheless true.
  14. Generally speaking, and for the most part, I would agree with you. However, in Drew’s case I think a lot of Bill’s fans feel that he really wasn’t all that interested in the team and Buffalo, as much as it was just a good paying job…win or lose. He would work only at a certain level of his talent, and maybe have a good game or two, throughout the season, but would never go beyond that minimal level of his talent. It never seemed to bother him to lose.....oh well just another game. At times, even when he was at NE I got the impression that he was almost bothered that they “had to” play beyond the regular season into the playoff’s and SB. I never got the impression that he had an absolute burning desire to bust his balls, and to do whatever it took to be a SB champ. I never remember hearing him express that passion to be number-one. My impression is that if he got there with his talent and minimal effort from time to time, that that would be ok. To me he is that kind of guy that we have all worked with at one time or another that puts in his minimum effort but never interested going above and beyond the call, as it were, to achieve that level that they could achieve with extra effort and commitment necessary to get to the next level. So I guess it’s just some frustration with his Bills performance to jump on the “bash Drew” bandwagon.
  15. Generally speaking, and for the most part, I would agree with you. However, in Drew’s case I think a lot of Bill’s fans feel that he really wasn’t all that interested in the team and Buffalo, as much as it was just a good paying job…win or lose. He would work only at a certain level of his talent, and maybe have a good game or two, throughout the season, but would never go beyond that minimal level of his talent. It never seemed to bother him to lose.....oh well just another game. At times, even when he was at NE I got the impression that he was almost bothered that they “had to” play beyond the regular season into the playoff’s and SB. I never got the impression that he had an absolute burning desire to bust his balls, and to do whatever it took to be a SB champ. I never remember hearing him express that passion to be number-one. My impression is that if he got there with his talent and minimal effort from time to time, that that would be ok. To me he is that kind of guy that we have all worked with at one time or another that puts in his minimum effort but never interested going above and beyond the call, as it were, to achieve that level that they could achieve with extra effort and commitment necessary to get to the next level. So I guess it’s just some frustration with his Bills performance to jump on the “bash Drew” bandwagon.
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