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Posts posted by Booster4324

  1. If you trade him for the first or swap of the firsts, the Cash to cap allotted to the rookies goes significantly down from the signing bonus a #12 pick would get as opposed to the #30 pick. We could easily structure the contract so the cash laid out to him fits even within our policy. The guaranteed money can be split between this year and next. Put it this way, I highly doubt that Turner would have been at OBD today if they didn't think they were already in the ballpark and capable of signing him.


    While still not sold on the first round pick idea I hadnt thought of splitting the guarantess between years. Thanks Kelly.

  2. Here's a snippet from ESPN's insider. I can't provide a link because I'm not a member, maybe somebody who is can.


    Bills owner Ralph Wilson dispatched his private plane to get Michael Turner to Buffalo after Turner was having flight troubles in Tennessee.

    It sounds like the Bills are really in this despite being in good position to draft a tailback somewhere on the first day. However, ESPN's John Clayton reports San Diego won't take less than a first-rounder for Turner. Apr. 5 - 8:17 p.m. ET

    Looks like Ralphie boy is on board for Turner. I can't but think that if everything looks good Buffalo will make this happen tonight if not already.


    Way to go RW. That's well done IMO. With that said, wtf is up with the flight troubles? I mean Nashville didn't have a flight out? :)


    A straight up first rounder for Turner? I really want Willis to be honest and I am unsure about this. I wonder if we can maybe pull off some sort of draft day deal. Ie have everything in place with it all being contingent on Willis off the board when we go to draft. Maybe a 2nd and a 3rd (ours) instead?


    So much for my fantasy of Turner and Willis. Of course it is Clayton.


    :w00t: at his dreams

  3. i dont know that i understand what your saying???


    but of course this whole scenerio is a long shot and thats what i initially stated.. but ya never know.. if he gets traded then no matter what it will benefit buffalo.... that would free up Lee Evans more when we play the pats.


    Oh I am talking about the cash to cap philosophy. Basically, we can only spend about 12 million total for any new people this year IF they hold to that and after we sign the draft picks that will leave a few million tops to sign other people.


    Mind you if the right deal was struck (Turner) I can see us doing a deal that blows that philosophy out of the water. At least I pray so. Oh but I dont see a top tier CB being our biggest need so I doubt they would chunk it for Asante. I assume this is his last year under contract?

  4. So i guess Asante is going to be requesting a trade here pretty soon from the Patriots as im sure most of you have seen. Not quite sure what kind of compensation the Patriots would be asking for him(assuming they would even be willing to deal him to the bills). If they were willing I would have to guess they would want 2-3rd round compensation. Again i know the odds of this are slim to nil but the pats have been known to deal within the division in the past.


    Asante probably wouldn't be as needy as nate too.. he would sign for something more reasonable. like 6 yrs 48 mil. just a guess.


    Um are you talking about resigning him this year? No offense but we dont have the cash. Now that I think about it that sorta lets Turner out to a new contract. Great, now I have depressed myself.



  5. This is the quote from the article...

    "Asked whether Turner PREFERS the Titans or Bills, Cook said: "He just wants to go play. I THINK HE LIKES TENNESSEE, but we'll have to see how much Tennessee likes him.''


    If you read that as being "nothing" then so be it. I read that AS IT READS...which is given the choice, Turner would rather play football in Tennessee.


    I snipped the personal stuff although I prefer not to edit posts. My apologies if that offends you.


    I underlined the relevant part of the quote IMO. He thinks, not Michael said to me he really wants to play in Tennessee. Not Michael is looking forward to playing for the Titans. Sounds like a suck up to a local newspaper while leaving wriggle room to change his opinion as quickly as possible with the best offer.

  6. how about we trade our 3rd and 7th to baltimore for willis mcgahee? 0:) baltimore has already worked out his new contract.i also hear he is now willing to do his offseason training with his team.lol lol..ok not such a funny joke,but it seemed funny when written.go bills in"07


    Actually, has his contract taken place yet? If his signing bonus has been paid already then...ok nm not even then.

  7. I am no expert on the scenarios that could develop for trading down, so I would like those of you who are, to help me. If the Bills were to trade down from the #12 spot to #16-#25 (somewhere in between) what could we reasonably hope to get in exchange?


    Also: do the Bills currently have two 2nd round picks, or is ESPN just have something faulty on the draft day page?


    The value chart is a good place to start. The thing is finding a suck...err trading partner.

  8. Sadly it doesn't look like we're going to be signing any big name players in trades. I'm finding it hard to accept the thought that we are going to just stand pat and only go with our draft picks and maybe a couple of minor signings in free agency. This team still needs a big shot in the arm to have any chance to compete for the play-offs.


    Honestly, and I know this sucks big time, but I think we are shooting for 2008 and beyond. So whats this make? Year 7 of the rebuilding plan?


    To be fair its only the second year of the Levy regime.

  9. The injury has of course cut short several careers. But Spikes is a monster, if he can recover from it Philly will get the better of the deal. Regarding the age, this is virtually irrelevant. Spikes is only 6 months older than Walker, who will be 30 before training camp. My only point is that we can't look at the past 2 years and say Walker will be the better player based on that. Hopefully both players will gel new environents, both seem like class guys



    Honestly, I wish the best to both of them. I am picturing the Bills in 2008-2009. Spikes wouldn't be part of the equation by then. Walker might, but I see him as just a guy to fill the rotation for this year.

  10. Booster- am I baiting or am I discussing Football?


    Diferent players? The Deal? Past moves by the front office? Draft Day wishes?


    Good GOD, persecution complex or what dude?


    Nope, not at all. I am proud of my football team and I think we are taking the right steps so far. I could care less what the media thinks about us as they are usually wrong over half the time. You just picked the appropriate time to troll is all.


    As to the trade, I addressed that somewhat in other posts on this board, which you would know if you bothered to read it. You may indeed have a great coup if TKO returns to form. However, you fail to realize the financial straits this team is in. Without that one bit of data you are basically clueless. If he flops completely which is entirely possible, then you just got a decent back up QB for a decent DT who will be part of our rotation. Oh and then theres the whole thing of we might have cut both of them anyway and you could have got them for a lot less by signing them as free agents. Hmmm who is the sucker now?

  11. Umm 1981 is 26 years ago. 1960 would be 57 years ago.

    NO, the actual game was in 81, but it was the 80 season. half pt per player here.


    I think Math is your downfall.


    And troll spotting.


    I worked 14 hours today. So yeah my math is off and I am pissier than normal. I am still not the troll on someone elses message board.


    Oh and P.S. Thanks for helping me by upping my putrid posts per day and relieving a bit of aggression.

  12. Umm 1981 is 26 years ago. 1960 would be 57 years ago.

    NO, the actual game was in 81, but it was the 80 season. half pt per player here.


    I think Math is your downfall.


    And troll spotting.



    In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who posts derogatory or otherwise inflammatory messages about sensitive topics in an established online community such as an online discussion forum to bait users into responding.

  13. Oh and you aren't a troll? Are you absolutely sure?

    Hold on.


    Trolling- you REALLY know what that means? It does NOT mean comes to a site with a differing opinion or one thats not PRO THE HOME TEAM.

    Sorry pal.


    Secondly, WHO is bragging?


    What bowl 40 yrs ago are you talkin about?


    You mean the Championship in 60 that Philly WON? Thats 46 yrs ago.

    The 80 SB they lost to Oakland? 27 yrs ago.

    The 2004 one they dropped? 3 yrs ago.




    Umm 1981 is 26 years ago. 1960 would be 57 years ago. I meant to type 30 I assumed we were at least talking the NFL. I also assumed you were smart enough to realize a board full of football fans would realize the Eagles lost again in 2005, but assumptions have always been my downfall.

  14. I think they'll draft a bigger back.


    Id like to see Leonard outta Rutgers- more of a FB/H-back type.


    Whats your plan? A TRAIN AGAIN?



    Oh and you aren't a troll? Are you absolutely sure? Generally speaking it's considered proper etiquette at the very least to start off semi polite. As to the last 30 years or so...which is worse I ask you? 3 consecutive Conference championship losses or 4 SB losses. I will grant you the one SB win almost 40 years ago, but wait you lost that one too. Oh so why are you bragging again?

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