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Posts posted by Booster4324

  1. That has to be one hell of a marker. Is it magic?



    Casinos are famous for markers. They will just hand you money and then let you lose it all. Oddly enough I believe a law was passed recently against loaning too much. I would bet Pacman walks away after he loses 300k and then denies the debt.

  2. Sept. 9 DENVER BRONCOS-Win

    Sept. 16 @ Pittsburgh Steelers-Win

    Sept. 23 @ New England Patriots-Loss

    Sept. 30 NEW YORK JETS-Win



    Oct. 28 @ New York Jets-Loss

    Nov. 4 CINCINNATI BENGALS-Win (Does a forfeit count as a win when they have no players?)

    Nov. 11 @ Miami Dolphins-Win


    Nov. 25 @ Jacksonville Jaguars-Loss

    Dec. 2 @ Washington Redskins-Win


    Dec. 16 @ Cleveland Browns-Win

    Dec. 23 NEW YORK GIANTS-Win

    Dec. 30 @ Philadelphia Eagles-Loss


    11-5...weird I usually end up 10-6.

  3. double standard. Duke players exonerated today. Guess what? The nappy haired black ho was a lying B word! Wheres the outrage?


    Actually there was a bit of outrage over this case on even the crazy ultra liberal Democratic Underground. The supporters of the black woman refused to acknoledge her at best and some even called for her to be arrested. Mind you a black stripper lying isnt as dramatic as a gang rape by priveleged white boys so dont expect the media to pick up on this too much.

  4. Viking I am assuming that is directed at me where you quote yourself. I am too tired and a bit buzzed to search back for it so I won't quote you.


    You have the Al Sharpton types who whip their adherents into a frenzy blaming Whitey for all their ills. I feel that the hard left is to blame for a lot of this BTW. At the same time you have the ultra conservatives manipulating the middle class to poor whites especially hard by explaining that the liberals only want to take your hard earned tax dollars and give it to welfare recipients. Meanwhile, after they bicker on TV they go off and have a round of golf together.


    Lets just say I know racism exists. It exists on both sides IMO. I have watched my ex wife cocktail at the casino's and shes one of the hardest working cocktails ever. If a black person failed to get a drink they would on occasion say "It's because I am black isn't it?". Never mind they ordered the drink from a different cocktail on the upper floor.


    On the other hand I have taken a co-worker who was a black female out for drinks just to blow off steam. We happen to work in an upper class white neighborhood and the service we got was lousy. Not once mind you, but 3 times. She was the only black girl at the bar and out of 20 people the only one without a bevnap. Seeing as how we were both ex bartenders it was a poor move financially on their part as we barely tipped 20 %. 5-6 drinks per visit and she never got a bevnap. Subtle racism perhaps...unless you are a bartender. Oh and the service was abyssmaly slow and we got ignored a bunch...mainly because we were a white male and a black girl together. Ignore the fact we were just friends.


    I won't even go into the racism that goes on to blacks on a regular basis because they tip less on average. Let's just say it exists on both sides and calling someone a jigaboo and following up with nappy headed ho isn't part of the solution.

  5. Does anyone remember the old tag line from the movie "Aliens vs Predators"?








    It was along the lines of "No matter who wins...we lose."


    I have to give credit for that to a friend of mine. It's funny in the old days (we have been friends for 23 years now) he was a hard core conservative. I was a die hard liberal. Nowadays we are within 4 out of a hundred points on most scales of measuring ideas. Extremely moderate basically. The independent vote is growing IMO and hopefully we can develop at least a 3 party system. Ross Perot as bat sh-- crazy as he was lost a chance at a legacy by failing to produce a legitimate 3rd party. Hey he was right about NAFTA though.

  6. Ok let me start this off by saying I believe that Al Sharpton and Jesse jackson are opportunists of the first degree. Al Sharpton is particularly deserving of condemnation IMO.


    With that said you do realize that the producer called them jigaboos in that conversation. That makes it a racially charged incident all by its lonesome. Nappy headed and making fun of their tattoos I can almost forgive. Then he called them Ho's. Do you realize that he just called a bunch of college age kids whores? They aren't really public figures you know. If he had attacked the WNBA in the same fashion I might be more forgiving. These are 18-22 year old girls and certainly didn't deserve this.


    I realize Imus does some really good work with charities and such. He has certainly been an equal opportunity basher on many occasions in the past. He stepped over the line IMO, and at the very least the producer should go.

  7. I like 8-0. How pretty would we be sitting pretty at 0-0-8?


    That would so rock. I mean we would have another record and looking at the schedule it wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to us. I am still waiting on an answer to whats worse than 0-8 after 8 games in another thread.

  8. Your right about point 2, I cant believe I missed. He royally screwed it up by replacing one of the best special teams coaches with that idiot jones. Point 1 is debatable. Johnson did play great against indy in the season finally. Couple points though. Even though the game was played Jan 2 or 3rd, I remember the weather was perfect that day. I think it was close to 50. I remember being at the game, with my friends, & we were in jeans & sweatshirts. 2nd, Indy had nothing to play for, clinched the division, plus homefield, watching the game, it was pretty obvious they packed it in. Now, Im not trying to debate the Johnson/Flutie call, I went to every home game that year(as I do most years), flutie was pretty rotten the whole year. I remember taking my dad to a december game against the gmen that year. Once again, perfect weather conditions, my dad made a comment(big flutie fan) saying he couldnt believe how poor the flute was throwing the ball & that you dont realize it as much on tv as you do when your actually at the game. Anyways, tough call to make either way. I would of probably stuck with the flute, but I thought johnson did enough things right in that tenn game to justify the decision.


    I admit to being a DF fan back in the day. My bigest problem with RJ was how often he got sacked. It would put us in 2nd or 3rd and long far more often than DF. Others would dog me by saying the QB rating triumphs. Some would say in support of DF that he won more often than RJ by far. The smarter RJ proponents argued that wins and losses between the two QBs were relatively meaningless compared with SOS. A fair argument admittedly. The problem was when I redid both their QB ratings and added each sack as a pass attempt and subtracted the yards lost from the passing yards for both QBs RJ was about 8 points IIRC behind DF.


    Now with hindsight that really makes them about even. SOS vs an improvised (but valid IMO) QB rating and I suppose you have to go with the youth and talent over the aging but still decent QB. We will leave out the injury factor I suppose. Still to yank him from a game (TN vs Buffalo) in which our QB was sacked 7 times for 40+ yards? Mind you DF would have thrown an interception in all likelihood but damn that was stupid.

  9. just let the guy roll in his ignorance. The Bills are better than the most pessimistic bills fan and worse than the most optimistic bills fan. That said given the progress the bills made last year i think that the offense will carry the team as the offense had only lost one key player that hasn't been replaced at this point. I think JP takes more steps forward this year and the team hovers around 8-8 again.


    My Prediction: The bills will be playoff bound 2008-2009, with the only starter not under contract for '08 being Cieslak, I think the continuity will allow the bills to become one of the most dangerous teams in the league


    Actually that's pretty much my train of thought. I like our chances in 2008 and we will alternate between being a dangerous team and one that makes you go oh my what were we thinking in 07. A lot rides on this draft I do admit.

  10. I'm sure everybody who is blasting him is a perfect public speaker, you don't get nervous and start inserting "umm" a hundred times. I've didn't see the interview in question but I've seen perfectly intelligent people who do the exact same thing when they get up in front of a room full of people.


    I can do it it front of a crowd of fifty or so. On the other hand I have seen my boss who has more self confidence, knowledge about the topic at hand, and a heck of a lot of experience in the field start fumbling for words in front of a few people he doesnt know. Me, I figure if I talked on national TV I would be umming a whole lot.

  11. This team has some serious upgrading to do between now and the regular season (draft, trades, FA's, whatever) as well as some growing up to do between now and then...

    ... because part of me looks at this schedule and thinks the Bills could start 8-0 before heading to Miami. I'm guessing 6-3 at this point, but who knows... maybe we'll all be surprised and they'll play out of their heads the first half and be sitting pretty at 7-1 or better.

    Consider this the optimist's reply to Ghost of the Rockpile's thread. B-)


    So your top three guesses are 8-0, 6-3 and 7-1?


    Looking at this schedule, part of me thinks we could finsh the first half of the season 8-0, but another part of me thinks maybe 7-1, but another part of me thinks maybe 6-2, but another part of me thinks maybe 5-3, but another part of me thinks maybe 4-4, but another part of me thinks maybe 3-5, but another part of me thinks maybe 6-2, but another part of me thinks maybe 1-7, but another part of me thinks maybe 0-8.


    ...sorry, I couldn't resist.


    Sorry I felt the need to edit your post Matt as I seemed to have entered Bizzaro world. Mind you I think we have a good shot at .500 in the 1st 5 games :lol:

  12. I did a little more bye week breakdown over the last 5 years. I also listed every teams record coming off their bye week for the last 5 years, with Baltimore and Philadelphia being the only teams that have won coming off their bye each of the last 5 years. I tried to notice some trends as i was looking through each team during that time period, and it was actually pretty consistent in that bad teams lost more often and good team won more often (huge surprise), and it also seemed like a team that was streaking was pretty likely to have the streak carry over the bye, whether the streak be wins or losses. Also, the same amount of teams were above and below .500 for this stat over the last 5 years.


    Overall, it doesn't seem like coming off the bye week is that huge of an advantage afterall, it seems more like it depends on what team you're playing. Unfortunately for us, we keep having to play New England after the bye, whom we would probably lose to anyway, so once again, the bye week advantage might be somewhat of a farce.


    Teams coming off bye week: 86-74 53.7% winning percentage


    5-0- 2

    4-1- 7

    3-2- 7

    2-3- 11

    1-4- 5


    ARIZONA 4-1

    ATLANTA 2-3


    BUFFALO 2-3

    CAROLINA 3-2

    CHICAGO 1-4



    DALLAS 3-2

    DENVER 4-1

    DETROIT 2-3

    GREEN BAY 4-1

    HOUSTON 1-4




    MIAMI 2-3




    NY GIANTS 1-4

    NY JETS 4-1

    OAKLAND 1-4



    SAN DIEGO 3-2


    SEATTLE 2-3

    ST. LOUIS 2-3

    TAMPA BAY 2-3




    Interesting. I remember Stats Inc did a big write-up like 8-9 years ago that indicated around a 10% swing I believe. Of course thats still a 7.4% swing and it of course favors the teams who prepare better for every game and not just the bye weeks. Thanks for the stats though.

  13. Watching him on the Hot List (although, he did say he was excited to go to Buffalo), the man has said "Ya know" and "uhm" at least 50 times.


    Willis? Is that him again!?



    "Look it up Thurman."-Marv Levy


    Pardon me if I remember an old high school meeting we all had to attend due to the graffiti that had appeared around the school. The principal rambled for a bit and I only remember one line from his speech,"If you Illiterates don't quit writing on the walls.". I earned several stern looks for my peals of laughter as well as a bit of suspicion. B-)

  14. Yeah, i'm definitely there! The "debating" comment was for Aussie because she's met me personally and knows i'm almost on top of the Superdome. It's say...about a 15 minute drive to NOLA for me, so there's actually no debating whatsoever.



    I was wondering with the CajunBillsBacker monicker but sometimes Menotsmart.

  15. JP has put on a couple of pounds this off season thanks to the chicken wings. Now that he is coming of age at the qb position he'd probably like to put a hurtin on all of the other qb's who get more credit than he does. He is just the guy we need at DT in a cover 2. Hell..let Craig Nall hold up the qb job. I like JP at DT.


    Please be serious!!!! I mean if we are talking LB then it's worth considering.

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