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Endless Ike

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Posts posted by Endless Ike

  1. I'd rather have a team go 2-14 every single season than not have a team. The gameday experience is what it's all about. IF we lose this team in the future because of Ralphs passing or any other reason, a little bit inside me will die. I can't say for sure I wouldn't be a football fan or not at that point. But it would be lime losing your life partner. I've been a Bills fan longer than I've been with my girlfriend, longer than I've had my best friends, longer than my job, dog, cat, car, house, etc..... Chances are a piece of me will die. The Bills were always there for us. Good or bad, if you were feeling down you could always enjoy a game, or at least realize you had it better than thier sorry players. Lol


    Take drive out to syracuse and tailgate there on saturdays. You don't have to worry about being hungover on sundays if all you care about is the "game day experience" of being at a football game.


    Ralph's a miserable old bastard, and I can't wait to see what happens when he's gone. Even if that means the team moves. I'm sick of feeling like a hostage. Shoot me or release me, !@#$er

  2. Thank you for your answer. I'm not saying eat the crap RW is serving, just whether you'd rather have the team or not?




    If the moon were made of BBQ spare ribs, would you eat it?


    If the team leaves, I think UB would be wise to sink as much money as they can into their program. the University can't leave town. Buffalo just might be a college football town in 50 years.

  3. If this team's management didn't pull the trigger on a Tebow trade (for a reasonable price), I would be pretty upset. The guy is a gamer no matter how you look at it. I watched him win games last season, and he doesn't make many mistakes. That guy is exactly what this team needs. Trade for him, let Thigpen go, and let Tebow sit on the bench for half the season and learn this offense. If Fitz hasn't proven to be a starter by mid-season, then we give Tebow the ball.


    Jesus Christ, open up your eyes. Tebow is slated to be teh 3rd or 4th string QB on a below average Denver team.


    he is not a good NFL QB.

  4. For some Bills fans rooting for the Bills and being optimistic is not an optional alternative. I am a Bills Fan. I have been so since 1960 when my World War II vet dad let me know how the original All America Football Conference screwed the Bills (the 2nd most successful franchise in the league) and accepted the Browns, the 49'ers and the Colts into the NFL and dropped the Bills. I have been a die hard ever since. I will be an optimist every year. I will find the silver lining in every cloud. I will hope that this year is the year that it all comes together. I am convinced that this year that Merriman, Williams and Dareus will turn this season around. I was convinced that Monte Ledbetter would turn the season around in the late 60's. For those of you that want to lament that we have not made the playoff for ten years and that the franchise will not turn around until the owner dies, the management changes or karma blesses us, you are missing out on the wonderful feeling of optimism that begins every season. Am I fooling myself? Maybe. But the great thing is I wont know until we see how it plays out and until then I am an optimist. I am one of the crazies that spends a large portion of my disposable income on Bills tickets. Guess what, it is people like me that have kept the Bills in Buffalo. So, forgive me for hoping for the best. Sorry for not doing the woe is me routine. If us optimists leave, the Bills are the Los Angeles Clippers.



  5. Will be really interesting to see if Ralph or Mike Brown actually comment on this.


    Ralph's too busy drooling into his cream of wheat


    Umm, no. It appears that Ralph Wilson, not Goodell, nixed Vick coming to Buffalo. This whole story has been overblown. Buffalo was not an option and he was never going to be brought in as starter in Cincy.


    Frankly, it doesn't matter. What Gooddell did was bad, the fact taht it didn't ultimately hurt anyone is irrelevant. It's not ok to shoot at someone just because the gun you're using happens to misfire.

  6. It suddenly occured to me why Rex Ryan might be so interested in Maybin. Remember this from last season?


    "Jets head coach Rex Ryan knows Aaron Maybin a bit more than the average NFL head coach that doesn’t have him on their roster.


    That’s because Ryan’s kids went to the same high school as Maybin in Baltimore when he was the Ravens’ defensive coordinator."




    he's going to be hanging out with the ryans on the sideline

  7. My new favorite player Michael Jasper aka SHADOW!


    Per Murph..."He casts a large shadow".


    Shadow is fuggin awesome. He's got the perfect attitude and can clog entire highways.


    I have never heard of another player with this nickname....and we need a unique name for this mammoth of a player.





    why do practice squad players get nicknames?

  8. I agree DR. In the olden days when I kid couldnt read or do math, he was dumb. now that kid has a "learning disability" or "reading comprehension disorder" or ADD or ADHD....



    Just another excuse.


    Borderline Personality Disorder is real and treatable...and is no less real because a lot of people have it.


    Back in your day the flu was caused by bad smells and leaches were an appropriate treatment for fevers. Fortunately science has intervened and stone age superstitions and ass-backwardsness are a thing of the past.


    Try joining us

  9. Someone will pick it up.




    betcha 20 bucks


    I lived in Albany for a number of years and thanks to NJ Giants training camp at SUNY Albany, its definitely Giants country. Also, being 2 1/2 hours from NJ as opposed to 4 1/2 from Buffalo doesn't hurt either.


    It's definitely Giants/Jets, but i'd say its still a sizable minority of Bills fans...I can name three Bills Bars that I know of...I'm sure there are more that I've never been to.


    Losing the radio station is not good.

  10. What will you say after he finishes the season with 40rec and 400yds? It seems apparent that w/ the signing of Brad Smith, Chan's offense is going to be quite interesting and unconventional. Don't know if we want a 8mil TE being underutilized.


    NO DAMNIT, My fantasy team requires that I start a TE, that means the BILLS NEED TO START A TE

  11. Yes it's an overreaction. Open a dictionary and this would be the example given of overreaction. We lost one player and we are in full panic mode. A player, by the way, no one felt was worth signing at $6M let alone $7M. Oh, did I mention it's day one of free agency?




    Well i guess if you repeat something enough, and say "look in a dictionary" it must be true....

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