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Endless Ike

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Posts posted by Endless Ike

  1. I'm glad you geniuses aren't running this show.


    what were you expecting today? We were almost instantly in a hole. Of course he's not going to get touches. We're going to bash our RB for not being able to haul in a 60 yard bomb over his shoulder? Is that what we drafted him for? He wasn't drafted to be a WR, and he's never played WR the fact that he got open deep in teh secondary should be to his credit....


    Dear idiot what-have-you-done-for-me-lately, fantasy football "expert", mouth breathing slob of a fan: You don 't know **** about football.


    Spiller has done pretty well with the opportunities he's been given. The problem is that Fred is clearly a No. 1. Now maybe he shouldn't have been drafted where he was with a team that had both Lynch and Jackson when he was picked. Thats fine. But that says nothing about his talent, which is substantial. YOu give the guy 15 carries a game and he'll do just fine.

  2. http://www.cato.org/pubs/regulation/regv23n2/coates.pdf




    Publicly financed stadiums are almost never worth the expense in the end, regardless of how you run the numbers.


    They might have psychic benefits to residents but its blatantly and inarguably NOT a money maker for the taxpayers and the government. Arguing otherwise is an exercise in ignorance.


    You do realize that posters (like me) who don't currently live in western new york are part of the exact reason its a GREAT idea for the State of New York to shell out cash for these stadium upgrades.


    I come to Buffalo twice a year - both primarily due to the fact I love the Bills and Sabres. I eat at restaurants, spend nights at hotels, rent cars, visit the ballet (Canadian stimulus). On top of that I almost always bring buddies with me that have never been to Western New York and otherwise have no interest in going. I have never had any of those people come away with anything other than a very positive attitude of the area.


    There is no difference between doing something like this and giving money via tax abatements to a Fortune 100 to come to your town.


    Numbers don't lie, and people like you don't actually improve the taxbase...study after study say so

  3. Only good thing I could think of if they added a dome is that they could play a super bowl in Buffalo. Not that they ever would play one in Buffalo but they technically could then.


    Other than that, screw the dome.


    No they couldn't play the super bowl in buffalo. Not without about 5,000 more hotel rooms at nice new hotels. The hotel stock in buffalo is largely outdated. There are probably a handful of hotels in the area that wouldn't be embarassing for the tens of thousands of high-rolling out of towners to stay at.

  4. You should definitely get a new bank. This is just not true.


    It's true enough. It can take weeks to get it sorted out, and in the meanwhile, the money's gone from your account. In addition, most banks put a time period on how long their refund policy covers, so if you don't catch the fraud for 2 or 3 weeks, they'll tell you to pound sand.


    I canceled my debit card for exactly this reason. I now have an old-school ATM card (no visa/mastercard logo), and some credit cards.

  5. I was always one the boat of screw the owners, if they can afford a team they can afford the stadium as well.

    But you also have to look at what that teams brings to the community in tax dollars. Think about how many millions in taxes the team brings in over the years to the state/city.

    maybe someone has some type of analysis? If i am wrong would love to see the evidence either way.






    It's a scam. There is no economic benefit to the host city.

  6. Start saying goodbye to the small and mid market teams and say hello to multiple NY/Boston/LA/Big Market teams


    As bad as it sounds to be helping oput these million/billionaires by helping pay for stadiums or upgrades to them, by not helping, what is their reasoning for keeping their product (the sports franchise) in that area? If you don't support your government helping fund some of the upgrades/stadiums, then you better not be mad when they end up leaving for places that will Sports franchises and stadiums bring in alot of revenue into these areas, they should be entitled to some assistance from the governments to make the places better and help generate more tax revenue.


    Then start saying goodbye to a national fanbase...if the NFL wants a national fanbase they need to have teams outside of the top 10 or 15 markets. If the NFL has to chip-in for a stadium than so be it.

  7. The reason the packers atrium thing is a YEAR ROUND success is because it is attractive to non-packer fans...largely the same reason that Wrigley and Fenway have such an attraction even to non-cubs and non-sox fans. It's about the history of THE GAME, not one franchise.


    Nobody but bills fans is going to give a crap about Ralph Wilson Stadium. Take off your fan goggles, guys. Let's be honest, even amongst Bills fans who's going to drive out to Orchard Park in the off-season to buy Tchotchkes from the team store and look at a fancy atrium and an empty stadium more than once? Maybe people who already live out there? I know I sure wouldn't.



    And for the record, every team has the right to celebrate their history, but its a joke to think that every team or most teams should spend hundreds of millions of dollars to build a temple to their mediocrity next to their stadium. Most teams are historically mediocre, by definition. The Bills are one of them.

  8. I agree to a point, but a lot of that has to do with the mileage, not just age. If you pile up 2500 carries by the time you hit 30 (like Thurman), than a sharp decline should not come as a surprise.


    But FJ has only played 4+ years, and half of those as a backup. IMO, he is a very 'young' 30.


    He played elsewhere before coming to the NFL...those hits still count

  9. Who is complaining? Besides, whenever Spiller gets the ball it is like watching Dancing With the Stars. Seems like he can never make up his mind, whether it be a punt return, a reception or a running play, he dances around instead of using is awesome speed and taking off.


    Yeah, that 7 ypc average is the mark of a really ineffective runner...


    If I am thinking of the same play, I remember scratching my head and thinking, why FAKE the end around? Defenses generally don't bite on something like that because it's fairly unexpected, so why ever fake it? Either do the reverse/end around or don't run the play, but why fake it? I'll admit, I may be missing something here - If so, please fill me in!


    A couple reasons


    1) end arounds rarely work, there's way too mcuh team speed in teh NFL.


    2) the only way they work is if you run something to set them up...that doesn't have to be a fake, but it has to be somethign out of a similar formation and upfront blocking. With so much speed you need someone to bite away from where the play is going.

  10. God, we've played one awful team and one ok team that we beat on the very last play of the game.


    Be excited, but don't be foolish. I think we could easily lose every single one of the NFC East games. At best the giants and redskins are toss-up type games, while cowboys and eagles we are going to be underdogs. We could also lose all 4 to the pats and the jets very easily. In fact, I, like you, would bet on losing 3 of 4.


    I think 8-8 is a healthy amount of optimism. This is still a team with losing in its blood, and its a team with a lot of young guys in key spots on offense. That means brainfarts

  11. After the way Fitz has improved each season and the big jump he's made this year, if he has a couple of more monster games, I anoint him franchise QB and pay him franchise QB money.


    You were probably really happy about that Dick Jauron mid-season extension too, huh?


    He had two good games against one mediocre and one awful team....lets keep our heads.


    We could easily still be a 6-10 team this season. Bills had a very easy starting schedule...that won't last

  12. I like Fred and all, but no where near Davis. But even at 30, I think he has a good 3-4 years of full time work left in the tank, with probably another 2 used in a Kevin Faulk type role. In the end, not Davis, but could play till much older barring serious injury.


    I think you're crazy. 4 more years of this? I just don't see it. He'll probably suffer an injury at some point that will just linger and that will be that.


    Just because he wasn't in the NFL, it's not like he wasn't playing football...he was still getting hit, and that's going to catch up with everyone eventually.

  13. Is Palmer that much better than Kerry Collins at this point? Carson had a few nice years, but, to me, he is looking more like the Drew Bledsoe of 2003-2006, than the good Carson Palmer of a few years ago. Palmer was badly injured, and really hasn't been very good ever since. I am not completely sure, all things equal, if Collins wouldn't do just as well as Palmer. He may be marginally better, but, IMO, if Manning doesn't come back, the Colts are !@#$ed either way.


    I believe carson palmer could be an elite quarterback if he was on a decent team. The bengals are horrid, I would honestly feel bad for Andrew Luck if thats where he goes.

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