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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. So we could have stabilized Iraq earlier by killing more civilians?
  2. In the world of the right wingers it's bad to have an Ivy League education, it's bad to be respected globally, it's bad that you draw large crowds, and it's bad to be prepared in advance of becoming the leader of the free world.
  3. There's a good reason why they call KBR "Kill, Bag, & Replace".
  4. By the way Obama's acting you'd think he's going to be President of The United States in less than 2 months or something!
  5. Such as a blowhard brother who accosts complete strangers to set their flag etiquette straight?
  6. And what makes you believe he doesn't (this oughta be good!)?
  7. I know, Biden actually thought that being the VP was equivalent to being a second Senate Majority Leader...actually that was Sarah Palin...who doesn't know that Africa is a continent and not a country...or what newspaper she reads...whose ticket you voted for...
  8. Shouldn't you be busy doing something creepy and intrusive right now?
  9. Knocking on a complete strangers door because you have a problem with how they're displaying their flag is deviant behavior. It isn't normal in my book. Since when hasn't it been deviant behavior?
  10. He did not!!!???? Want to help me organize a recall campaign?
  11. Why hasn't Alaska Darin piled on these guys for being "lemmings"?
  12. You do realize that there was an 8 year period between Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, right?
  13. They seem to love the CP's candidate Chuck Baldwin! But that's just a coincidence, right? http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=495126
  14. Alaska Darin is a crackpot? Say it ain't so! I'd have never of guessed! http://www.themediaconsortium.com/reportin...dex.php?tag=rnc http://www.mhrn.org/newsarchive/0500cpm.html http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/20/2008/3256
  15. It's Charles Manson's head on some kind of weird lizard or something.
  16. I know, Obama wouldn't shut up about "Don't ask, don't tell" while on the campaign trail and then he mentioned it about one million times during each of the debates.
  17. You mean you're against the very core of their entire platform? Why are white supremacists as enthralled with the Constitution Party as you are? http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=401492 Something tells me you'd fit right in at a Constitution Party rally...
  18. http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport...cle.jsp?pid=221
  19. We need the Constitution Party to come into power and fix everything, right?
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