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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. I take it as as compliment that I'm left out of the board's 7th and 8th most prolific posters mutual admiration society! I love how the standard comeback has now become "yeah well you link back to your sources!". I suppose in your altered reality not being a paraphrasing plagiarist is a bad thing.
  2. I'll give my prediction partial credit. It's obvious my challenge to you created a butterfly effect which altered your response somewhat.
  3. Wow, a "you work at McDonald's" insult, how creative! Did you see that on a re-run of Hee-Haw? I guess that passes as humor for a middle-aged guy with over 16,000 posts on a single message board. Talking Point Tom is really living up to his moniker tonight! By the way I absolutely know what your response is going to be! Prove me right!
  4. Oh so you were just being an idiotic bloviating right wing shill again. Thanks for clearing that up for me!
  5. In case you didn't notice the "associations card" didn't work all that well on election day. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein, (attributed) US (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)
  6. What are the options really? Higgins? We'd probably be better served with Higgins staying in the House and getting some senority in the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.
  7. Aww how cute! Talking Point Tom's cheering section is coming to his defense!
  8. Maybe the fact that WNY is just sitting on it's collective hands waiting for Albany or Washington to come to the rescue is a bigger problem then who may or may not be the next Senator.
  9. I think you need to go back and re-read this thread, although I know it will take you a few hours with your mental deficiency and all, and explain to me how the person who made the assertion first can be playing the "I know you are, but what am I" card.
  10. Did you spill your coffee on your crib sheet? Even by your standards this was pretty weak.
  11. Sigmund Freud would call this "projection" and Karl Rove would call it "attacking your opponent in an area where you yourself are weak". Which is it?
  12. Colts fans were more represented than Bills fans!
  13. Are you actually trying to deflect my assertion that you're a paraphrasing hack by paraphrasing my previous observations of you? What chutzpah! But I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the weakness of your material immediately before the Monday 24 hour news cycle, should I?
  14. Putting the trademark superscript after "change" is so original and clever. I mean I've only seen it 100 billion times! Another day another hackneyed post by Talking Point Tom!
  15. I'd care only if Neil was chosen because of his involvement in the S&L scandal. I couldn't care less about Marvin.
  16. What is microstamping ammunition and why is it bad?
  17. http://blogs.usatoday.com/onpolitics/presi..._election_2012/
  18. How does being a freshman Senator equate to being the Vice President for a 72 year old disabled cancer survivor? To recap the wingnuts were having a PMS attack after Obama nominated Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State because she's from Washington and that doesn't fit their brain dead definition of "change" yet they are similarly outraged because Caroline Kennedy may or may not be the next NYS Senator because she's inexperienced? By your definition of "change" this should be right up your ally!
  19. Not exactly. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../BUDA14GTA9.DTL
  20. Probably something along the lines of that there has been X amount of aborted people since year Y who would have contributed Z amount into Social Security and so on and so forth. Something tells me however that if El Rushbo knocked up one of those whores he frequents in the Dominican Republic that he'd probably be singing a different tune!
  21. So I take it once abortions are outlawed you'll be happy to pay increased taxes to take care for all these unwanted children?
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