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Posts posted by Dibs

  1. I have no doubt Glazer is reporting what he has been told---and is confident in the source. What I'm saying (and apparently doing a poor job of) is that if the leak is coming from outside the Bills organization, it could be a mis-direct or poor lead. Now I don't expect that is what it is, given Glazer didn't say "probably" but reported it as a done deal. But I thought his description of his source was a bit odd.

    Is there an article? I went to foxsports and all they had was the Glazer tweet....no mention at all about the source.

  2. What's your take on this? Did Rex/Roman authorize someone to leak the info (or leak it themselves) for PR purposes? Or do you think it is a true leak---agent, another coach, player? If the later, there is always the possibility Rex is playing whack-a-mole. Possibility, not probability.

    I said upthread... I can't envision any team purposefully burning a legit member of the media in this manner by giving a false leak. IMO this is very most likely a legit leak which could have come from a myriad of sources.

  3. While I believe the report is true, it could be someone other than Rex leaking this. In fact, it most certainly isn't Rex, IMO, given the way Glazer describes his source. Again, I'm not suggesting it is a smokescreen, and Glazer wouldn't report it if he wasn't pretty sure his source was accurate.


    I only meant that if it was a purposefully false leak that it would come from Rex(Bills Org.). As a true leak it could come from whomever.

  4. I think it's saying that there are other factors than preseason games that go into the analysis of QB choice, for example performance during practice, especially the practices towards the end of training camp.

    I unerstand that, but several people stated that they thought QB A was the better QB but thought QB B would start. This makes very little sense to me.

  5. I stand by that, if you are playing a high output offense like Brady, or the Eagles the way you beat them is to keep them off the field. You gobble up time, you get their defense on the field as break them down while keeping ours fresh. You don't get that trying because 1 out of three times you're able to connect on a deep throw.


    That might be what you meant to say, but what you actually said was....


    "...connecting on incredible deep balls is fantastic, but that means the defense comes right back out against the likes of Brady, Luck, Eli, Romo and Bradford (who we are all likely to play) to shred and wear down your D. I will take a 8 minute drive for only a field goal in the 1st quarter, because that means opposing D is worn down in the 4th, when it matters."


    Without the addition of the "1 out of 3 times" concept, the statement is bad. I didn't mean to cause you angst, but I don't know you well enough to assume that your original statement wasn't precisely what you meant.

  6. Exactly, the $4.15m they would save can be rolled over to next year when they will undoubtedly be paying Marcel close to $20m per year.


    To my mind it has to be a factor. If the Bills have determined that Cassel gives them a similar chance(or worse) to win games as the #2 QB does, then I can't see that the bean counters won't push for him being cut.



    *deep breath*


    I am not against the deep ball. I am against stalling out drives. As such, I support the QB who has done the best and most consistent drive management. Taylor has done so using the run game, his legs, and decent short to intermediate passes.




    Deep strikes are great, but if that ability comes with QB play which occasionally takes the risky play, and you start seeing three and outs/turnover risks you have to balance the risk and reward. You aren't wasting talent if you don't constantly go deep. You are if you load up on stalled drives and leave your D hanging.


    Edit: Regarding "longer drives which score fewer points had one caveat: Early in the game. Beating teams down early helps if you need to speed it up in the fourth.


    I see by your "edit" that you realize that I wasn't twisting your words. The logic in your original post is still spurious though.

    I have connections who have a neighbor who is inside OBD - always tight mouthed - but said the real issue is they really can only keep 2 of the three - they don't want/have space for 3 qb's out of the 53....


    That's actually proper news. Those neighbors of your connections are not as tight mouthed as they might think they are.

  8. Your point seemed to be that the long sustained drives somehow lead to less points, and subsequently less wins. I was pointing out that even with EJ's big deep ball plays, he hasn't outscored Tyrod by much despite additional attempts. If that's completely off base then my bad, I'm just getting caught up with this topic and your comment stood out.


    My point was in direct response to Whitewalker saying that scoring on the deep pass is bad because the D has to come straight back out and defend against good QBs....and that he would prefer a longer drive that scored less(see post #403 & what I was responding to).


    That concept is spurious logic. Aside from the obvious, if this were a legitimate concept then we should want all kickoffs to be touchbacks and all punt returns to be fair caught for fear of scoring or getting good field position which would put our D back out on the field etc.

  9. You do realize that this preseason EJ has led us to 5 more points than Tyrod, with 4 extra possessions to do so, right? And 7 of EJ's points came from a 3 play drive involving 0 passing plays. But please, keep getting caught up in the more points argument.

    What has that got to do with the point I was making?

  10. And you somehow think that this is impossible to do with Taylor? No screens, no slants, no jet sweeps, no putting Clay at LT while using 6 linemen, and having Clay be hot read off the play action?

    It's like we've barely been looking at G-Ro's tape.

    Slow down there. I haven't even commented on the individual QBs, let alone made some sort of stupid remark about what I think one or the other can or can't do.

  11. That's been the word out there for at least a few weeks. As of two weeks ago he was firm in his stance that is who he wanted. It has been an actual competition though and subject to change. It sounds like it might be changing some.

    As that didn't make much sense to me....and there was no direct quote from Roman saying as much(or even allluding to it), I assumed(and am still assuming) that the inside leaks/sources were slightly misdirected in that it was Roman's view prior to him coming to the Bills, or at least until he saw how much better his young guys were compared to Cassel. Anything else pretty much paints Roman as a bit of an idiot IMO...and I really can't see him being one.

  12. i think all this 'ground and pound' talk was motivated by his doubts in the QB situation - just like the Jets.. he and Roman will attack how and when they can.. and we're right back to who gives them a more dynamic O

    I think you are right on that. Things change....sometimes for the better.


    I'm hoping we get the chance in a couple of years to lament losing a star player or two in order to re-sign our young Franchise QB. What a great change in direction due to fortuitous circumstance that would be.

  13. yea, its possible but its very rare to devote those kind of resources to. id pay for my kids schooling before a bomb shelter, for instance. you devote $5m to a practical high usage position, not absolute worst case scenarios.


    its interesting - im one of few showing little worry about our long term ability to retain potential probowl starters (glenn, gilmore, bradham, darues) but seemingly also one of few that thinks its impractical to spen 3-4% of your cap space on a 3rd stringer. if hes 2, i dont love it but can stomach it. if hes 3, youve got to make the move though.

    Yeah, that is what I was saying.

  14. McCoy is not a "ground and pound" style running back. If they had Lynch I would expect "ground and pound" from Rex and Roman.


    Don't take everything Rex says as the truth. I think he was just acting like the tough guy saying that "we're gonna be ground and pound" stuff in his introduction speech.


    IMO the Bills will still run it a lot, but they will have an equally effective passing attack. I expect to see around a 50-50 run/pass ratio.

    I think we could G&P if we wanted. It can simply mean running a lot, not necessarily the style of running. But I think you are correct regardless. Having Sammy and Woods, and adding Harvin and Clay would be a bit of a waste if we didn't pass the ball enough to take advantage of those weapons IMO.

  15. ....

    It really is amazing how many folks don't lend credence to the fact that people can actually change their minds.

    Something I learned from playing poker was that most people expect others to act(and think) how they do. I see that most people around here(and everywhere-sigh), can't change their minds.....so going with my poker theory, they can't envision other people changing their minds.
  16. I think you guys are taking me a bit out of context. If Fred Jackson scampers off to a long running touchdown I am sure as hell not going to ask that he walk it 20 yards back. But do you think that we are going to win in a high speed slug out with some of the more offensively minded teams? As better I feel about our quarterback situation than I did at the beginning of the offseason I still think that our best option is a control game. We have the home run playmakers who can take small short plays and turn them into big gains. That doesn't necessarily making deep throws down the field. I'll take an efficient offense moving off and that grinds the opponents down so that their dog tired later in the game.

    Again let's go over what Rex said when he was first hired. We are going to ground and pound. Ground and pound. Ground and pound. We will run it 50 times a game if we can. Every minute we have the offense in possession is our opponents nor scoring. A long drive for points early that's awesome well in the fourth quarter. That is my biggest objection to Cassel. cassel can sustain drives but so far he hasn't scored any points.

    To me Taylor is splitting the baby just right between being efficient and consistent and still giving us big play potential. IF EJ is the guy I'll be thrilled, but the talking heads are coming down on Cassel or Taylor and of those two I am sure as hello who I want starting.

    A ground and pound game is not mutually exclusive from deep passing(see Big Ben's early years). Pound that ground as much as you want.....but when you pass, if you can achieve a successful deep pass, you would chose that over a successful short pass. Added to that, the G&P would open up the deep ball....and the deep ball would help the G&P more than the short ball.

  17. I read that this morning and read it as "Roman is softening on his allegiance to Cassel."

    Did anyone actually believe that he had an allegiance to Cassel? I always took it to mean that he was reticent to come here unless we had a veteran QB on the roster.....I assume because he had no idea how bad/good EJ or TT were going to be. That QB happened to become Cassel(could have been any vet QB)....and subsequently it has been clearly shown that Cassel has been outperformed by the young guys. Why would Roman have an allegiance to Cassel?

  18. ....

    EJ connecting on incredible deep balls is fantastic, but that means the defense comes right back out against the likes of Brady, Luck, Eli, Romo and Bradford (who we are all likely to play) to shred and wear down your D. I will take a 8 minute drive for only a field goal in the 1st quarter, because that means opposing D is worn down in the 4th, when it matters.


    So scoring less points is the best tactic for winning games. Got it.

  19. .... I think EJ has looked the best overall in the preseason games.....


    I expect Tyrod.

    I've seen a lot of people state pretty much the same thing around the many QB threads and I don't really understand the logic. By saying that one thinks QB A has looked a better QB than QB B...but they expect QB B will get the start, isn't that saying that one either does not have faith in the coaches to make the right decision, or that one(for some reason) thinks that their own analysis is wrong?

  20. Arizona got into playoffs on 3rd QB last year. Have seen teams down to 4th QB.



    2013 Bills were down to 4th QB. Oh how quickly some people forget.


    That said, I'd risk it and cut(trade) Cassel. I can't see him being able to progress us through the playoffs, and I can't see that going with Simms for a few games during season(compared to Cassel) is going to much hinder our chances at making the playoffs. I would definitely take the risk that our #1 and #2 QBs don't both go down for a substantial amount of time(at the same time) during the season, but make it back for the playoffs.

  21. Nobody's torn.. it's a playmaker's league. with 3 (actually 4) guys who've all shown they can distribute the ball from the pocket - unless there's some major flaw in their games - you start the most dynamic playmaker, and back him up with the second.

    I'd be shocked if our 1 & 2 isn't Taylor & Manuel.

    Hasn't EJ been the most dynamic playmaker during preseason? Not saying that TT hasn't had some dynamite plays....but EJ has been a machine.

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