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Posts posted by Dibs

  1. I shouldn't have used #1 nod that was the wrong term(its late). And I was trying conveying for his prospective as that was the post's context I was taking from. See my comment to Kelly's post @Posted Today, 12:07 AM.

    No worries on that. I think however you are reading more into that string of events(RB starting nods and RB acquisitions) than what was actually there. As I see it, we had a 1st round RB who was starting....Fred was an UDFA. The 1st rounder faltered so Fred took the reigns. The new HC Gailey was not convinced that Fred could do what he wanted(and/or he fell in love with CJ) so he drafted another 1st round RB. Fred then showed that he actually could do the job, and held the 1st rounder out of the starting role for 2 more seasons....till he got injured. After that the team went with the multi-back philosophy sharing the starting job with Fred and CJ for several more seasons(which was shown to be very beneficial to both RBs).


    I see nothing that points to FJ being unjustly overlooked through his career....apart from maybe his very early years where he had much to prove.


    Side note: Time stamps aren't any good as people are in different time zones(Melbourne Australia here). Post number works best I find.

  2. Marshawn Lynch was the feature back in 2009 and CJ was drafted in 2010 to be the next feature back. Both got more money and status then he did ... I am not sure what you are trying to say? I think you are confirming what I wrote.

    What I was saying was that, contrary to what you wrote, they certainly did give Fred the #1 nod.

    Fred surplanted Lynch as the starter during the 2009 season and carried on as the undisputed starter through the 2010 & 2011 seasons.

  3. @ByTimGraham: Bills organization will remain unified when speaking publicly, but two sources tell me Doug Whaley went rogue in cutting Fred Jackson.

    The only way that this makes sense is if at the meeting where they(Rex,Whaley,coaches,Pegs) decide on the cuts, Fred was not one of the cuts that they decided upon....but then went and cut him anyway. That is going rogue.


    Alternatively, Whaley, with the big picture in mind, held firm in the meeting and despite perhaps strong debate from several others it was decided that Fred should be one of the cuts. That is not going rogue.


    Sometimes I think that members of the media don't actually use inflamatory and incorrect language on purpose....instead they are simply too ignorant and stupid to know the difference.

  4. There was a discussion on this over the offseason.......


    - Franchise QBs are so hard to find....

    - Unless you are an absolutely aweful team you dont get close to the most "talented" qbs in the draft

    - If a team has a QB in this group they NEVER let them get away

    - QBs that come into the league nowadays are simply not ready to be franchise QBs.....


    So what do you do? How do you find one? Its not like there is a tree to go pick one off of.....you can have all the money in the world but you cant buy one if another NFL team wont let him get away


    You do what the bills did.......they let Tyrod Taylor simmer on the Ravens stove as they slow cooked him......then when the time was right they picked him up.


    Tyrod Taylor has been in the NFL staving off backup qb competiton on the ravens for FOUR YEARS......enough time to work on whatever deficiencies he had in college......enough time to let him go through 3 NFL training camps and preseason......3 seasons of running NFL scout teams......


    Basically....on the job training.

    Purely based upon draft history, if TT becomes a franchise caliber QB, the Bills will be extraordinarily lucky. It virtually never happens that a low round drafted QB becomes good....even with years of learning as a backup. Luckily "virtually never" is not "never" and TT has shown(IMO) that he has a very good chance to buck those odds.

  5. You lost me there. Only three people have ever said he HAS a higher than 50% chance. So everyone except three people on this whole website were in agreement with me. Hey I'll admit he looked fantastic against Pittsburgh and his odds have increased in my book. Still not 50% though. You?

    I thought I was pretty clear. Virtually nobody has said that they think EJ has higher than a 50% chance to become a franchise QB. Therefore, if all you have said was that you thought that EJ has less than a 50% chance.....why are you constantly in arguments with people who feel the need to defend EJ(against you). You have obviously said more than just that simple 50% statement.

  6. OK that's fair. Do you see what I'm saying though about a double standard round these parts? Bills fans are quick to mock and make up dopey nicknames for other QB's who have been in the league for a short period of time and haven't had their chance to develop, haven't had weapons at their disposal or exemplary coaching, yet will defend certain Bills QB's who I'm sure other teams' message boards mock just the same. Take Geno Smith and EJ Manuel for example. Just be objective is what I'm asking. But I do understand your point was ion regards to how good they might be right now vs. potential.

    How is it that you can see that other young QBs around the league might not be garbage because of your above reasons(short time, need to develop, no weapons, bad coaching), but up until very recently you have assessed EJ to be garbage and rejected those very same reasons?

  7. Id have the same opinion in April, and have complained about moving on from tjax waaaaaay to early for that reason, but at final cuts you have to make moves that go beyond simply worst case scenario. we cant commit 5m to a guy as a just in case to a just in case. theres a reason that literally no other team in the league will have a $5m third stringer. its advocating buying a bomb shelter at expense of putting meals on the table. how many spare tires do you load up on before hitting the road for important destinations?

    if he were firmly number 2, and who knows, maybe he is.... itd be a different discussion.

    I think that those that believe EJ is most likely going to fail(and is still not as good as Cassel) will find this logic difficult to comes to terms with.

  8. I guess he could count keeping three including Simms if you count the PS.

    He never definitively stated he would keep 3....just that it was looking highly likely(at that point). I imagine that when Rex said that he was not wanting to cut EJ as he could see potential in him.....and after EJ showed himself to be actually better than Cassel, there is no reason to keep the more expensive vet.

  9. I'd love to say go for it on 4th downs, but if we have Gay as a kicker or just one kicker, or the punter that can also kick - let him cut it?


    I know its absolutely crazy. But, I don't want to think about Fred anymore because I am out of tissues and I don't want to think about EJ/Meh/Tyrod anymore because I am out of booze. So, I still have some crack and this seemed worth a thought.

    But wouldn't it be more logical to simply keep the better FG kicker (Carpenter) and cut the KO specialist (Gay)?

  10. Yes, I posted it earlier. I'm sure it got lost in the flurry:




    I find the description of his source a bit tortured:


    "a source informed of the team's thinking"

    That comment, "source informed of the team's thinking" was in regards to Rapoport. Either Rapoport also has a source, or his "source" is Glazer(and subsequently his source).

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