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Posts posted by damj

  1. With McKee out, it makes it that much more difficult to win tonight, so I don't have high expectations, and I'm okay with that. Hell, to make it as far as we have with so many key guys out says TONS about the heart and character of this team.


    That being said, maybe I'm delsusional, but I feel that we have a good chance to win this thing, and if so, this could be the best performance by a Buffalo sports team since the Comeback game. This Sabres team has the same kind of heart that the Bills did back then.

  2. Sure ... why not .... what else can go wrong, but we're still in it .... Go Sabres!!!!


    I have faith that it there is any way he can nut up and play ... he will. If McKee doesn't play, you know that he is really ill.

  3. camera work was awful...JD and Emrick? were awful...chick sidekick was awfull..that was the first game I have watched on OLN and I was not impressed at all....damn you CBC



    I think it was the middle of the second period before OLN realized that there was another team besides the Hurricanes playing.

  4. A.P.- Major source of Greenhouse gases found:

    22 May 2006-


    After recent research, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found a new, significant source of carbon dioxide emissions which has greatly sped up the rate of global warming in recent years.


    This new source has been attributed to a football player named Mike Williams. Mr Williams, formally of the Buffalo Bills and now plays for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.


    According to Mr. Trey Hugger of the EPA, "Mr Williams is so large and exhales so much carbon dioxide with anything beyond the most basic level of exertion, that this has really exacerbated the effect of global warming". My Hugger, also went on to say that "Mr. Williams extreme fondness for Mexican food also does not help".

  5. Good thing that we have no high expectations on Big Aaron ... otherwise after we cut him and he signs with Tampa, we would have a few hundred posts about it ... seriously, I think that this is an interesting signing. Probably won't amount ot anything, but there is some good potential there.

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