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Original Byrd Man

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Posts posted by Original Byrd Man

  1. Worst moves assuming he had control

    1) what the he!! is Brandon Spikes doing on this rooster.

    2) What could he possibly be thinking with Percey Harvin

    3) Druggie Dareus should have been canned 2 suspensions and 1 fat spell ago and sent a message to all players

    The NFL needs to get it's head out of it's a** and stop with the marijuana testing. Do you see any other sport busting player for pot? NO! Seantrel Henderson has a Rx for an illness and he still gets busted. This league acts like a bunch of Republican Retards and it needs to change. Data shows marijuana is a very effective pain killer while the league prefers to dole out opiates like Halloween candy. Have to keep the drug industry happy.

  2. I like the Idea of Lynn. While he is not a big name at least he is already familiar with the personnel and I think he definitely improved the play calling, pick up the option on Tyrod(next year is the year of the QB not this year) and improve the D( safety, CB, LB), draft a stud WR. This offense was fun to watch this year, and if the defense stepped up to the plate we would have made the playoffs.

  3. Football isn't meant to be played by robots and isn't meant to be officiated by robots. Outlaw replay entirely and give refs back the confidence to make decisive calls.

    Replays have nothing to do with it. The NFL needs to hire full time refs not hand gratis jobs to ceo's, dr's, and lawyers. Corporate America at it's finest or should I say at it's worst.

  4. I don't know the extent of Tyrods sports hernia. Obviously he has able to play with it. A lot is being said about "electing" to have the surgery with out consulting the Bills. There has been insinuations that it was done to collect the 27 Million. My question is would he have passed the team physical with out the surgery? If not, then by getting the surgery he is giving himself a better chance to pass the physical in March and saves the Bills the money. If he would have then it would appear to a monetary decision. Sorry I did a search for Tyrod sports hernia but nothing was found

  5. That is a famous aphorism written by Spanish-born American philosopher George Santayana in his 1905 book The Life of Reason - considered to be one of the most poetic and well-written works of philosophy in Western history. The portion from which the quote is written is appropriately named "Reason in Common Sense."


    Historical Event #1


    After the disappointing season of 2012, the Buffalo Bills decided to release the less-than-stellar yet fairly reliable Ryan Fitzpatrick. Although Fitzpatrick was frustrating at times, he was able to perform admirably on occasion during his three seasons as full-time starter. Fitzpatrick was respected in the locker room for his toughness and leadership qualities and was also well-liked. The issue on those teams were that Fitzpatrick had to carry the team on his back due to having a poor defense and little talent around him on offense (aside from running back). Instead of implementing a run-based play-action scheme with a flawed, limited quarterback, Gailey curiously installed a passing system that struggled to put up points consistently due to not having an elite quarterback to adequately run that type of system and a poor receiving corp.


    Despite (a) being a durable, dependable, well-respected, and accomplished veteran, (b) having no other quarterbacks on the roster, and © having a very significant dead money cap hit, the Bills decided to release Fitzpatrick anyway. A questionable decision at the time that only got worse with time.


    Hamstrung by that decision, the Bills signed concussion victim Kevin Kolb and forced themselves into reaching for a quarterback in the first round that April. EJ Manuel was a controversal pick at the time because many throughout the league did not expect him to be chosen before the 3rd or 4th rounds. The pick reeked of desperation.


    Fast forward to the 2013 season, and low-and-behold the defense is much improved under DC Mike Pettine. Unfortunately, because the Bills did not do their proper research about Kolb's concussion issues and having to start the rookie EJ Manuel (with the occasional appearance by UDFA rookie Jeff Tuel) long before he was ever ready the end result was a team hamstrung by a poor offense. If only they had a dependable veteran quarterback on the roster. Because of the struggles on offense, the Bills finish the season with a 6-10 record and are left scrambling to find a quarterback to replace Manuel in the 2014 season after not drafting one in the 2014 NFL Draft.


    Historical Event #2


    After Doug Marrone quits following a 2014 season in which the defense finished #2 in league in DVOA, new owners Terry and Kim Pegula took the hiring process in their own hands. They knew that had a great thing going with Jim Schwartz running their aggressive 4-3 defense. Promoting Schwartz to head coach was an option. Another option was hiring an offensive-minded HC while retaining Schwartz as the team's successful DC. Both options were considered - rumor has it GM Doug Whaley preferred Benglas OC Hue Jackson and Jackson thought the job was his.


    Instead, the Pegula's are won over by former Jets HC Rex Ryan. While the thought of Rex prolonging a good defense for many years was intriguing, it was a tremendous risk considering the current defensive system that worked so well would have to be blown up and replaced by a wildly different system with extremely dissimilar philosophies.


    The plan was to continue dominating on defense and to turn around the offense by bringing in highly-touted run-oriented offensive mind Greg Roman as the offensive coordinator. Matt Cassel was brought in to compete for the starting QB job with EJ Manuel, along with a little-known backup named Tyrod Taylor. Taylor ultimately won the job and led the offense to one of its most efficient seasons in over a decade. However, the defense fell hard - going from #2 DVOA to #24. The unit looked like a fish out of water, often confused before the snap. As a result, the team finished with a disappointing 8-8 record. Those same struggles would be continued almost identically the following season and Rex Ryan would be fired shortly before the end of another disappointing 7-9 season.


    Learning From History? Or Repeating It?


    The Buffalo Bills have a golden opportunity to show everyone that they have learned from mistakes of the past and will not repeat them.


    Will they release Tyrod Taylor and leave a gaping hole at the most important position in sports like they did four years ago? Or will they learn from that mistake and retain the best quarterback this franchise has seen since Doug Flutie?


    The offense will finish in the Top 10 in DVOA for the second-straight season after not having a team finish that high since 1999. Greg Roman's laid the foundation of a productive offense and Lynn took it and ran with it by orchestrating one of the best offense's in the league despite having a starting quarterback that only finished #17 in passer rating.


    Will they blow up the offense by not promoting Anthony Lynn to head coach like they did in 2015? Or will they learn from that mistake and retain the system responsible for the best offense we've had since the 1990's?


    Stay tuned.

    Dear sir you are far to intelligent to post on this board. Most of the posters here absorb all the crap being flung by our malevolent beat writers and then lament when another year has gone by with out a playoff appearance, because that is all they know how to do. Asking them to develop a well conceived thought is beyond their capacity. They can only repeat what they have read or heard.



    Nobody deserves the playoffs

    How much more time should we give them? It's been 17 years for godsakes.

    Right! I want to see the Bills make the playoffs as much as anyone else, maybe more, but there has been 17 years of constantly reshuffling the deck. Each new coach brings in a new staff and implements a new system. Now many of the players the GM drafted to fit the scheme are now not a good fit talent wise for the new scheme. So we go back to the draft. Then in 2 years when writers throw the current coach under the bus we get to start the process all over again. Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting new results. By that definition the media here is insane.

  7. All you Tyrod bashers don't get it. This team failed because the Defense failed. He is operating a run first offense by design. It's funny hearing that Jimbo says they need more out of the position. I remember plenty of times he was going 3 and out or throwing picks. Hmmm short memory I guess, or maybe too many concussions. I'm not saying he has proved to be the most accurate QB but this team scores plenty of points and if the D was better would have scored more. The media around the country seem to feel he is a solid option moving forward, unfortunately he doesn't fit the QB mold of the stooges of the media here so they slam him.

  8. First it was tight fisted Ralph Wilson, now it is the incompetent Pegulas that are to blame for the Bills woes. Is it jealousy that creates this angst? I don't know. Maybe it's because they feel inferior at their jobs and are just looking to drag someone else down to their level. These people are self made billionaires but some how as sports owners we are to believe they are incompetent.? The media clearly has an agenda in many cases because they are the "ultimate authorities on how a team should be run". They routinely throw coach after coach under the bus, then whine about not making the playoffs. Are they to stupid to realize they are part of the problem? Any organization needs time to develop. Unfortunately the media here demands instant success.

  9. Vintage Sully! :worthy:




    "Anthony Lynn's inaugural press conference as the Bills' head coach was not exactly a public relations triumph. It was, quite predictably, the latest installment in the Pegulas' amateur hour production as pro sports owners."


    Can't wait for next Monday's presser! :thumbsup:

    I don't even bother clicking on his articles. Hopefully others will do the same and maybe the BN will drop him

  10. THis really does not have to be a black and white answer......


    They should keep TT




    THey should draft a QB


    Is there any doubt that Tyrod had some regression in his game this year? I am a card carrying member of the COT and I say he regressed this year......still the head of a snake that was 7th in scoring points in the NFL.....a league low in turning the ball over........his receivers barely played together......




    Why not hedge your bet? Draft a kid with potential.

    Very sound reasoning and I agree. Wish we had adopted the idea of routinely drafting a QB.


    Yep. That's what we do bro.


    Just think it is a waste to whine about things that can't be changed. Like if you were born too short or too tall. What the hell good is it to whine about it? And wouldn't everyone get sick of listening to you whine about it? I would.


    It is insane to sit around and whine about things that NOBODY can change. Nobody but Pegulas can change the ownership of the team. So what good does it do to whine about them as owners? Answer = none.

    Love your flag by the way!

  12. Landry should have taken 10x the punishment from both the league and the Bills, in both of the games. If Rex's defense is so complicated that it can only be mastered by a few cerebral veteran players over a couple years, it's a bad defense, in case that guy gets hurt. Hard to say if Williams knowledge of the defense and calling out signals/coverages was the biggest element of his not being there, or whether he was simply so much better a player as his backups. It's probably a combination. I don't think we see that big of a drop off if he is just a better player all around. All teams suffer injuries to their leaders at some point.

    I don't know if it is just his knowledge of the D, he is a physically gifted athlete and gave them a great deal of flexibility on that side of the ball. And after he went down it was a revolving door at that position due to poor talent and/or injury. I agree Landry got off way to easily. You injure a player intentionally with an illegal hit and get fined $9,000, you have an excessive celebration in the end zone and get fined $25,000. Really?????

    I've always felt if you injure a player and he misses games you miss right along with him. When he is able to come back so can you. If his career is over I guess you had better find a new one as well. Adapt that policy and I guarantee you will see a dramatic decrease in the number and severity of injuries.


    It's not a gamble for Taylor. Top 10 PFF grade in his first two seasons as starter for a perennial loser. Top 10 offense both years (first time in over a decade). Top 10 passer rating in 2015, 17th this season. 7th QBR in 2015, 11th in 2016.


    Not every GM is as incompetent and dense as Doug Whaley.

    Seriously, if this defense did it's job the Bills would be in the playoffs this year and probably last year as well but you have to understand that the fans base their views what the clowns that cover the Bills have to say, and unfortunately they have tunnel vision and can't understand there is more than 1 way to score points. To them it's a QB driven league where you have to throw for 300 yards a game or you suck.

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