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Original Byrd Man

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Posts posted by Original Byrd Man

  1. Good for you. I'd rather lock in Money Mitch and never have to watch a half assed qb struggle to get 189 yards passing

    I responded to your disagreement about the OC being more responsible for the passing stat in "TT vs the media". Check it out. The media has it out for TT and evidently you're buying into it. He's no HOF'er but he is solid. If you bother to look at the stats you would see that. Instead you want to use a 1 for a QB with 1 year under his belt. Money Mitch could very easily turn out to be a reincarnation of the last Money man, whom I believe is still available.

  2. Ahhh yes. It's the coordinators fault the qb can't pass. Good one.

    I know you don't want statistics to influence your desire for a new QB, but other than the fact TT had about 200 less ATTEMPTS than the majority of the league his completion % of 61.7, and yard/att. of 6.9 yards put him about the middle of the pack and his TD to Int ratio of 17 TD's to 6 int's. put him in the top 5 in that category. Only Matt Ryan and Aaron Rogers from the top 25 had a better percentage of TD to int. ratio. If you project TT to a number of attempts more comparable to the league avg. He would have 4,400 yards and would be 12th ahead of Winston. I will admit TT has scrambled on some pass plays called but all QB's do or take sacks. TT also finished 28th in rushing with 6 TD's which puts him #1 among QB's in that area. You are beating the wrong horse. This team would have been in the playoffs if the Defense had done their jobs. Ignore the media because they don't like statistics either, It's much more entertaining to arbitrarily nail some one to the wall. The readers around here eat it up. So like I said, yards per game is more the result of more running plays called than pass plays, so that is on the OC, who by the way I think did a very good job when you consider the Offense was ranked 7th in the league. Now if the D was better they may have been top 5 with more plays run. Take it for what it's worth but there are a lot worse QB's than TT and the crop this year is a real crap shoot. You may hit it lucky bit the odds are against it.

  3. He's not wrong.


    The Buffalo Media is a weird group in general (especially when it comes to football). They really aren't "football" people like in other cities. There isn't a large college football presence in Buffalo so they aren't particularly educated on prospects or their transitions to the pro game. They don't really pay a ton of attention to the rest of the league either (at least comparatively). The talk show hosts don't really understand the game. Sal is probably the exception here. This is a little bit of rambling but I guess that what I am getting at is that they don't have the depth of knowledge and understanding that people in other cities, in their positions have.

    I agree. Sal is about the only person I feel you can believe.

    Dodge the accountability for the 189 yards passing per game.


    Solid play TT.


    Only a fool would fail to realize he is running the plays as they are called. Don't like the offense then criticize the coordinator. Unfortunately you evidently live in a dream world where reality doesn't exist.

  4. The issue isn't whether or not this is a good year to draft a QB, it is whether or not the Bills have the right guy in place that knows a franchise QB when he sees him. In 2013 Whaley drafted EJ 19th overall - bust.


    He missed again in 2014 when he traded from 9 to 4 to get Watkins. If he would have stayed put, he could have drafted ODB or Cooks and then traded up in round 2 to land Carr. Instead, he traded down with the Rams and we ended up with Kouandjio.


    In 2016, he takes a flier on Cardale Jones in the 4th and he missed on Dak Prescott.


    The man behind the curtain is the reason the Bills continue to miss the playoffs. Just look at his draft record and you'll see that we have a "smoke and mirrors" GM who never seems to get it right.


    Cooks + Carr = Playoffs

    Watkins + TT = New Coach

    Couple of things. You can have Odell the head case. It's way to early to judge the Watkins pick. Prescott was picked before CJ so it would have required a trade up. Watkins + TT does not equal new coach. Sucky D = new coach. 7th ranked Offense says enough points were scored to get better results. I'm not saying I would have minded Cooks and Carr, but there were questions about his arm strength to handle the winds here. EJ was drafted out of desperation from not selecting a QB much sooner. That's totally on Nix. In case you haven't noticed CK has become a solid LT.

  5. By all accounts this is not a good year to draft a QB. If you use a 1,2,or3 to draft a QB this year you lose out on the chance to get a legit prospect next year because you will be waiting for your prospect to develop. Good things come to those who wait. I know it's been 17 years but what is another year or two in the grand scheme of things.

  6. Okay so the screamingly obvious choice here is the Patriots who would continue their reign of cheating terror over the Bills and rest of the NFL as well as force us all to hear from obnoxious spoiled (likely drunken) Patriot fans about how great the Patriots and Brady are. (I live about 30 minutes from Boston so I know ut worse than almost anyone). However, A Falcons win removes another team from the dwindling "teams that have never won the Super Bowl" list leaving us to be grouped with sad sacks like the Browns, Bengals, Lions ect. Either way the outcome is miserable and I will probably cheer for the Falcons (and of course career ending injuries to Brady)

    With a doubt I would root for the second to last non SB winner to beat the Pats.

  7. I am a long time ST holder but decided not to renew about mid season. Will still continue to support the team emotionally, but don't like the direction the league has taken. Roger Goodell needs to go! I'm tired of the inconsistency. Heavy fines for excessive celebration and a slap on the hand for illegal hits on the field. Domestic abuse all to common with to little repercussion. Maybe it's not all Goodell, as I'm sure the NFLPA has their hand in it as well, but I'm just tired of the whole mess.

  8. It's possible Dennison wanted TT, but after seeing the results and the salary, has cooled.

    Everyone gets all crazy about "the salary". If the Bills pick up the option he would fall into the lower third of starting QB's salaries, yet he ran an offense that ranked 7th in the league. Yes Shady played a big part in the O but TT did as well. The threat of him running complemented the run game. Pay the man!

  9. Find your QB in this draft and take him.

    Right because that worked so well with EJ. QB crop is very unspectacular this year. By all accounts next year is far superior. If you use a #1 this year you will miss a possible blue chipper next year while waiting for this years pick to develop. Do you really think the Rams will draft a QB in the first round this year. Extremely unlikely because no GM wants to admit they made a mistake. Especially with a #1.

  10. Offense with Taylor (15 games):


    #3 in NFL in touchdowns behind only Atlanta and Saints.

    #5 in NFL in points per game scored.

    Scored at least 25 points in 10 of the 15 games Taylor started.


    Defense (15 games other than the NE shutout that was an anomaly against a 3rd string QB and essentially no Gronk who barely played due to injury)


    #26 in NFL in points allowed.

    Lost 6 of our 9 games by 6 points or less. In those 6 games that we lost by 6 points or less, we gave up an average of 28.33 points.



    For me, its very clear that we are capable of scoring enough points and the D giving up way too many points cost us the post season. There was a post going around that showed Russel Wilson and Taylor production numbers at about the same points in their careers and they are remarkably similar. There is no reason to scrap this whole team and go down a rabbit hole of trying to find the next Aaron Rodgers which is rare. I will also add that Brees threw for 5000 yards again, and he won 2 LESS games than we did and probably would have been 3 less had TT played week 17.


    Most importantly, we scored all those points despite lots of injuries to our skill players on the offense. And on defense, we lost our only good Safety who happened to be our best communicator on the field in a defense that the rest of the roster struggled to grasp. We also lost our top 2 draft picks for much or all of the season and have them coming back. Add in that we didn't have Marcel for close to half the season too, and its not hard to see how getting all those guys back and a better coach for our personnel can easily see the defense rebound this year. Factoring in help in the secondary from FA and/or draft, and this D can be capable of being top 10 again like it was before Rex and company over complicated it.


    Clear path to me is option 1...roll with TT and use our #10 pick on one of the stud WR's like Williams/Cody or one of the elite Safety or Corners. Personally, I would prefer them to go WR because Woods is not a reliable #2 and not going to be worth what he wants and the draft is deep with Safety prospects and we can grab a pretty good one in the 2nd probably if we haven't addressed it already in FA.

    You are now on all the Tyrod haters sh*t list. You confuse many of the posters here with statistics because they only care about their misguided, ill informed opinions.

    It absolutely does. By the the time we entered the draft, there was only 1 QB taken in the first round. That speaks to the quality of the QB prospects that the NFL on a whole agreed upon.


    I guarantee that doesn't happen this draft. Let's bet.


    Bridgewater was 2014, btw. EJ was the first off the board in 2013, at #16. I guarantee a QB goes higher than #16 this draft.


    There are plenty of drafts with no clear #1 overall QB's. That doesn't make them comparable the 2013 draft. That's the simple point you fail to grasp over and over. it's like calling Maybin and Mack similar prospects because there were competition level question marks. Like no bro, that's not how it works.

    How would you know how anything works. Simple minds at work again. Gotta love it! If they do get drafted in the first it would be based on dire need not on talent. the odds of any of them succeeding is slim.

  11. Ha ha OK. Hmm so beacuse of his crossers being high lowed (NE exposed that in Chans Offense)


    Buzzing under routes eary changed a read (made Fitz go deep)


    Yeah exposing a designed offense to hide QB flaws has NOTHING to do with QB success. And I am the one that needs to do homework. Ok

    You want to call me out fine. Now go fine one post of my many on the QB position that i ever mentioned 5000 yards.

    Sure and alot easier to get to that win column when you have a QB that can run a balanced offense and be able to help his team in OAK instead of hanging them out with 3 and out after 3 and out.


    But thats unconventional QB play

    Wasn't claiming you used 5000 yards just trying just trying to point out that you and the rest of the Tyrod haters ignore the success of the offense and focus on passing game statistics. Interestingly you did mention the second half of the Raiders game. You are right he did struggle in the second half but the offense scored more than enough points in the first half and would have won if the defense didn't fold. Oh by the way Tyrods second half wasn't any worse then Carr's first half so I guess Derrick sucks as well right? Bottom line is it was the defense that was responsible for the team not making the playoffs.


    Actually, long term success would be drafting a guy who develops into a franchise QB. BUT the draft is a crap shoot, and we currently have a serviceable QB on the roster. So the ideal move would be to keep the guy you have, and see what happens with the guy you draft. If the guy you draft doesn't show what you want, at least you have a known quantity in Tyrod. I don't think anyone here is claiming that TT is a franchise QB in the sense that he's someone that can take over a game and win without good players elsewhere on the team. There's only a couple QBs that qualify as that anyways.


    Well said! I think MAJBobby shares the same misguided opinion as all the writers and radio personalities here, who feel you have to throw for 5000 yards a year or you suck.

  13. Sorry i dont use a team or unit stat to try Nd justify a player. And i dont like to settle. So if a player is flawed and not part of a solution for building a long term contender i am not going to marry myself to him for the next 3 years.


    Maybe some day you will understand that football IS a team sport and the only thing that matters is the final score and it doesn't matter how you get there.

  14. Yep. So we now as Bills fans want to keep a QB that needs to have a very specific type of Offense Designed so he can execute and we think that is a long term model for success.


    Remember what happend whejnwe got excited aboutnthe Last Flawed QB that actually did very well in an Offense designed to hide his limitations? It got exposed and QB got Cut and hurt our Cap for 2 years.

    Wrong again! Do a little home work before you respond. He struggled for the same reason where ever he has been. He has a gunslinger mentality but not the skill set to always execute it. Turn overs have been and always be his demise. Has nothing to do with the offense. If you knew any thing about football that would be evident to you.

  15. It didnt for Tebow did it.


    Sometimes players just cannot internalize changes happens


    Am i wrong? Thats what i thought.

    I don't think anyone is claiming Tyrod does not have some deficiencies, but only the stubborn nay sayers ignore the fact that the Bills had the 7th ranked offense last year and Tyrod was a big part of it.


    Man, talk about Sullivan always having his finger on trigger ready to fire...didnt take him long to write another piece of garbage.

    It's always best to do you what well. I actually heard McDermott didn't want control just wanted to be aware of what was going on. Way to be on it Jerry.

    Look at that...another "I hate the BN/Jerry Sullivan" thread. I'm sure there will be at least a dozen or more threads on the same subject in the coming weeks.

    He could always do everyone a favor and find a job he is more qualified for.

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