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Original Byrd Man

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Posts posted by Original Byrd Man

  1. Anderson deliberately missed every field goal he attempted in pre-season in order to force the Bills to cut him.


    It was a pleasure to see him miss his only field goal of the season in the 1998 NFC title game against Atlanta, which cost Minnesota the game and a trip to the Super Bowl. That was Karma, baby!



    Amen to that. I always believed the same thing. It was so enjoyable to watch that miss.

  2. Well then. The solution to the problem is intuitively obvious. We should trade all of our draft picks away for proven vets. BB*** already started in this direction.

    For the draft picks to stick the coaching carousel has got to end.

    F5.....again. Time will tell in the future. That said. Does this years draft count as the new begining or will it be next year?

    I GUESS WHAT I'm asking is 2017 or 2018 the official line in the sand?

    If you don't see improvement this year the media will start their undermining articles, and by the second year end will be calling for a change. That's how they do it here.

  3. Sorry, nothing to talk you into. He is the HC period. The Pegulas love him period. Now my advice is just sit back and give this guy 3 years and let him prove if he is good or not.

    3 years would be nice but you know how it goes. If the bills don't make the playoffs this year the retarded media around here will be all over him along with half of the fan base.

    Disclaimer: This is a sincere attempt to understand what others see in McDermott. Not trying to start an argument, as I don't think we have enough info for a meaningful conclusion right now either way.


    But I am really struggling with this guy so far. And I am an optimist by nature and have pretty much talked myself into every single Bills coach (at least during their first preseason) over the past four decades.


    Here's what worries me:

    -Never says anything remotely interesting. Buttoned-down corporate speak all the way. And I know there is value in keeping your thoughts to yourself, but this kind of say-nothing style doesn't necessarily mask deep thoughts. It often means the person actually has no insight. The way he communicates publicly completely reminds me of Russ Brandon. That is not a good thing, in my opinion.


    -Seems to have read a few too many leadership books. He seems like he is trying to manufacture himself into a leader through notes and aphorisms and process. I am beyond skeptical of that approach in any organizational context. He doesn't seem comfortable in his skin to me - even the way he fidgets around in press conferences. He seems like a guy who loves the idea of being a leader, but hasn't discovered his own authentic approach. Feels like he's playing dress-up. (Again, screams Russ Brandon.)


    -Seems technocratic - thinks success will come primarily through control, detail, process. All well and good at times, but nowhere near enough to manage the seething, human, multi-variable complexity that is any football team.


    -Role in the Whaley affair is unclear, but optics do look like a bit of a backstabbing power grab. I admit this could be TOTALLY off.


    Here's what I like:

    -People he's worked with seem to like the guy.

    -Reportedly does a good job of connecting to and caring about players as individuals.

    -I have mad respect for Andy Reid, so I like the tree.


    I admit, my negatives are superficial and based on my own cursory observations, whereas the positives are substantive and based on the experience and testimony of people who have worked with him.


    But right now I just have the feeling he is in over his head, but has impressed the Pegulas with his organized approach, attention to detail, and stoic wrestler manner - none of which will make him a good coach IMO.


    I really hope I'm wrong, and I'm totally prepared to fall in love with the guy as things play out. But I can't remember feeling this cold about a hire. Even Marrone who came off as a total tool early on, somehow convinced me he might have something.

    Right now the media likes him so what more can you ask for?

  4. Doug if you do follow I would like you for your improvements to the team. I wish you well in your next opportunity as long as it's not in the AFC east. You were a stand up guy and took one for the team regarding the EJ pick, even though everyone who follows the Bills knows Buddy vowed to draft a franchise QB before he left. And you get crucified for the Sammy move but if he gets healthy and has the career you believe he is capable of you will be looked at a genius. Thanks also for the trades and FA signings that proved instrumental.

  5. Here we go again! The pats sign one of out backups and make him a starter! I think it's rather funny. Don't get me wrong I like Gillislee but I don't believe he is worth that much money to the Bill's. Remember when the sky was falling because the Bill's cut Karlos Williams. Also a big deal was made about signing Hogan last year to a big contract last year. His numbers did improve, but not significantly from the year before. An argument can easily be made that the Bills got much greater value for him dollar for dollar, and I think it will be the same with TD Mike. Now wouldn't it be Ironic if the Bill's used that 5th rounder they get the pats and draft Kelly or some other QB and he becomes the next Aaron Rogers. Eventually their spending will bite them.

  6. i can't wait! i just think the bills will have a coach who may have more of a say in the draft than in the past. so far i'm happy with all the things they have been doing and i have not been a big whaley fan. so far though, i'm pretty impressed, and to me it appears that they have been/are setting themselves up for all possible scenarios.


    i think that somehow this will be the best draft this team has had in quite some time. at least, i'm not expecting any boneheaded trade up moves and i think they will maximize their picks. this is definitely the year to do it.

    How is it you don't think previous coaches have had a say in the draft? The Shaq Lawson pick I'm pretty sure was Rex's call, and before that Chan said he wanted a "scat back" and we took Spiller.


    So they should have kept Wrecks and fired Whaley because he didn't put together a winning 53 man roster? Whaley went out and hired all the Ex-jet coaches and brought in the ex-Jet players AND picked up Taylor, all on his own, because he though Wreck would like that?

    Even though Buddy Nix said he would deliver a QB before he stepped down and did so, it falls on Whaley? Even though Nix was still in charge?

    Marrone asked for the new owner clause in his contract because Whaley wanted him to have it?

    I'm not buying any of it. You realize each new coach wanted players that fit their system and if the new coaches changes that system then that means the last group of players may not fit anymore?

    Don't you know if you use logic on this board it will go over the heads of most of the posters. DW is blamed for 17 years of futility even though he was in Pittsburg for most of them. You have to be pretty stupid not to realize that isn't a valid assumption. And didn't you know it's also his fault that he is responsible for the failures of the coaches he didn't hire. You can only build a successful roster if you have CONTINUITY in your organization. Look back at the Bills coaching history and it is pretty sad. Three years is a dynasty here. I'm sure DW had a hand in all of it some how.

    Sorry, you don't keep a GM, because he made some nice trades, drafted some pro bowlers, and signed some nice FA's

    You keep him because he puts together a 53 person unit that wins 10 games plus, if not consistently, at least often

    Or he has the potential to win 10 games plus consistantly

    All the criticism towards DW is because we don't win, cos if we did, or had, none of these threads would exist

    Sully would not by writing these kind of negative articles

    Again tell me we;'re gonna win 10-11 games this year and I'll say DW is the guy for this team

    Sully might too

    And I'll stop critiquing DW's dreadful off season dumpster dive moves

    But we look like a 7-8 win team again so there;s nothing to celebrate here, except continued mediocirty

    For if we looked like a 10-11 team season Sully;s articles would likely be beaming and very positive

    And perhaps less drama fueled and more factual



    Maybe you should go back and read some of jerry's columns in the early 90's when the Bills were winning. It was the same negative BS. He is a whiner. It's all he knows. Maybe he's bitter because he can't be a "real" journalist. He is just a guy who writes sports columns. Sad!

  8. I don't understand how so many posters can blame one person for 17 years of failure when he has only been at his position for 4 years!!!!!! I read about draft picks traded, players injured, no QB drafted. As for the draft picks, we do not know the magnitude of these decisions, as we are not nearly far enough into the careers of the acquired players to determine their true value. As for the injuries they happen and can not be accounted for unless there was a significant history previously. And as for QB, who would you have selected with out trading the ranch to get, when this team has so many needs. As a caveat I will say the Lawson pick was unfortunate as he clearly had the injury before the draft, but can you not agree that pick was directly from Rex most likely! And still if he goes on to a stellar career it will be looked at as a genius choice. In closing I only wish jerry's article had been, the BN has finally come to their sense's and this will be my last column. I refuse to click a single BN sports article as I don't need them to form my opinions for me.

  9. That's not true. Cowherd went off on the Bills for giving money to TT and compared it with the money they threw at Fitz. Something to the effect of they obviously don't know what they are doing. On that we can all agree.

    .Very interesting. I didn't know anyone wasted their time listening to the ranting of Colin Cowturd. I still believe TT contract was a great deal. If he isn't their guy going forward they can walk away clean. If they think they can win with him for now the salary number is reasonable and they can rework the cap hit to make it more favorable.

  10. He told of how he was on the Bills when they dumped Bledsoe and went with Losman. He went on to say that the best players on the team were furious and virtually quit on the team. They knew that there was no chance to win with Losman.


    He also said that players such as Incog, Glenn, Wood, and others would do the same if Whaley cuts Tyrod and goes with CJ.


    He went on to list several dumb moves by Whaley (letting go of Hogan, drafting EJ Manuel and other stupid moves). He is NOT impressed with Whaley, nor am I.


    I guess any time a Bills Fan thinks that it can't get worse with this team, reality smacks us in the face.


    I for one hope that we keep Tyrod and fire Whaley, who is a rank amateur and a sub-par joke of a GM. I do however hope that he keeps us posted with fashion tips. He sure knows how to dress (and destroy a football team).


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So many people harp on the fact that Whaley drafted EJ. Even though he was the "assistant" GM at the time, lets assume he was responsible for the pick. The Bills needed to address the QB position because Nix ignored it for so long and EJ was one of the few options. The other was Geno who hasn't done so well with the Jets. He was forced into a very difficult position, and tried to make the best of it.

  11. On this we agree 100 percent. He's a perfect fit because they run so many short passes in which the other receivers have to block if the play is to work. His block is what got Amendola that 2P conversion. A sloppy effort on that play and the Falcons win.

    Actually if the Falcons don't move themselves out of FG position the whole thing would be a moot point. Hogan is who he is and the Patriots grossly overpaid for a mediocre receiver. Nice story but certainly not a real threat.

  12. It WAS the best Superbowl ever.


    They do have the best team ever.


    They are obnoxious.

    Just like we were in the Kelley era.

    My complaint is the slanted officiating. There were obvious penalties that should have been called down the stretch against the pats that some how were over looked! Their vision was excellent when it came to the falcons transgressions. And it's not just in the super bowl. All season the patriots seem to get the royal treatment. The ref's always make sure they call the necessary number of penalties but they don't very often get the critical calls that may influence the out come.

  13. He reportedly wants to play well into his 40s, so I don't see him (or Bill) riding away anytime soon.


    And....that was my first post. About Brady, no less. Damn you universe!


    I've heard the same thing. As long as he is healthy he will continue his dominance over the AFCE. It will be a cold day in hell before I root for Bellicheat and Marsha to win. Even if there was a guarantee the retire. I would love to see him slink away.

  14. After TT got embarrassed by the Raiders and Steelers resulting a 1% chance at playoffs, it was open season on his behind.


    What's the issue ? Suck it up and play better and you can shut people up.

    So it's all about 2 games! Really you need to suck it up. Lets not take into account that the Defense gave up 38 points to the Raiders and 27 against the Steelers while giving up over 200 yards rushing to Bell allowing the Steelers to control the clock. Maybe some one can explain to you the season is more than 2 games long! Lets forget he played his ass off in Seattle on Monday night only to get robbed by the refs. You are obviously too narrow minded to look at the whole picture. As I stated previously I don't believe TT is going to Canton but he is serviceable. You just let the jaded media continue to create your opinions for you. And when the Bills don't fall for one of the pretenders at QB in the draft this year I will be looking for your post blaming Whaley for being incompetent and not following the media's insistence that TT must go. Like it or not he gives the Bills their best option for success in the near future.

    Let's do some simple math:

    3,023 Passing Yards in 2017 for Tyrod

    15 Games Played in 2017 for Tyrod



    Still low, but c'mon man, at least use factual numbers.


    Yeah I pointed that out to him earlier but he is obviously a media devotee and buys into their whining theory that TT sucks and has to go because he doesn't throw for 300 yards a game. Running the football is too boring for the media. If you're not filling the air with passes you suck.

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