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Posts posted by McD


    Here's the letter I just sent to that d-bag about his ignorant journalism!



    Mr. Whitley,

    I assume your column is nothing more than entertainment as it has no true source of real journalism. The Buffalo Bills don't need any "spark" from outside of WNY where they belong. Please do us the favor of not spreading you anti Buffalo comments or beliefs as it undermines any credibility you do have. Terry Pegula is a self-made Billionaire that not only owns the Buffalo Sabres, but is doing an amazing job of rebuilding Buffalo from the inside out. A man of purpose and substance, unlike the "celebrity" of Jersey Jon. I'm sure you still have some real journalistic talent in you somewhere. Try focusing it on what the Buffalo Bills are, what they mean to the people and city of Buffalo. It's more than a sports team, it's an integral part of the identity and fabric of the community who's LOYALTY cannot be questioned. Ridicule us all you'd like (prob because you've not spent any considerable time there), but make no mistake the Buffalo Bills are a viable franchise in the only city it's ever called home and will be for years to come. The fans are some of the best in the league and that's saying something with the product that's been on the field the past decade+. Buffalo gets hammered for being "small market" because the NFL refuses to count the Canadian fans just on the other side of the river. How many other NFL teams would be considered "small market" if you took away 1/2 of their geographical fanbase?? Make that piece whole and you'd see the Buffalo Bills fanbase/market as one of the top 5 in the NFL. Shocking to you? Well it wouldn't be so if you did some research. Take care from sunny South Florida where there is no such loyalty because nobody is actually from there. Good day sir, and GO "BUFFALO" BILLS.



    Tim McDonell


    Tim McDonell, SMSgt, USAF

    Command Expeditionary Engineer Program Manager HQ AMC/A7XO

    DSN: 779-0707

    Comm: 1 618-229-0707

    NIPR: timothy.mcdonell@us.af.mil

    SIPR: timothy.mcdonell@us.af.smil.mil

  2. The league brought to the fore the issues of videotaping, which ended up in the spygate fiasco, by issuing a memo to all teams warning them to stop videotaping.


    There are countless accounts fo teams videotaping all the way to the dawn of video tape including a reference to some things that Jimmy Jonson made on the subject which I posted on page 3 of this thread.


    Keep on defending the cheater... all good man. Like I said... you keep talking about ALL of these other cheaters, but yet where are they?

  3. Just so I'm clear .... you only feel as you do because Belicheat was the only one to have been caught cheating (videotaping)? What of the others who also cheated by videotaping but who didn't get caught?


    As I've stated before... I have NO evidence that any other coach has cheated (videotaped illegally). Anyone that cheats should be labeled as such. You grabbed a general statement that I made about cheaters and turned that into "coaches" cheating, lol. I guess that's how some people roll to try to make their case.


    To be EXTREMELY clear... Belicheat cheats, he got caught cheating and then cheated again. That's what he does. Anyone else that does so is a cheater too, but you're trying to defend his cheating by claiming others have cheated when in fact I don't know of any other coaches that have cheated (Tomlinson cheated and he shouda gotten more of a fine). Show me that evidence and I'll label them cheaters as well. Remember though, that doesn't take the label off of Belicheat. And again to be clear... I could care less about these texting allegations, I only care about his videotaping and other infractions of the league rules, esp the ones we'll never know about because of Uncle Goodell destroying the evidence.

  4. Not all cheaters are caught and fined and/or incarcerated though. Yet, they are still cheaters. And once a cheater, always a cheater. Doesn't matter how many more times the cheater, cheats.


    I understand your dislike for the C word. Just know that it's usage isn't only limited to the military nor was it my intent for it to be construed as such in my post. Apologies if it offended.


    True, they're not all caught, but when they are they should be dealt with accordingly, hence my postings on this discussion. I fully believe Belicheats cheating *won him SB's, and that to me is a major foul. And, the fact that he continues his ways is even more of a foul.


    I took no offense to the combatant verbiage, I understand it wasn't meant to be rude or malicious.

  5. Sure, in an ideal world, there would be no cheating. But, in real life, there is cheating. Especially so at the epitome levels of business, such as the NFL, where the combatants are all competing for just 1 of only 32 jobs in existence.


    It's good that you are not posting your Patriots asterisk due to jealousy.


    There's "cheating" all over business for sure and when they get caught they get fined, incarcerated, etc... Sometimes (just like in Belicheats case) he has people cover for him so the real truth doesn't leak and ruin him for good. The cheater has cheated and gotten caught numerous times... he has so many people looking out for him that he doesn't even bat an eye anymore. It's ridiculous really.


    Dude... do me a favor and don't use the word "combatant" to me to describe an NFL coach. As a 25 yr military man that's served in Iraq and Afghanistan, I can never compare a real combatant to an NFL coach. I understand your "point", but it's not remotely close to the real deal.


    Rules are put in place for a reason... blatantly disregarding them means that Belicheat can't win without cheating, therefore he makes my case for me. Cheating and then saying "well there's only 32 spots so it's ok to cheat" doesn't hold water.

  6. Sometimes it takes a flying reindeer reference to make a point.


    FWIW, I actually don't have a problem with asterisking so long as the asterisk rule is applied consistently, to all teams that have been shown to cheat, and is not just done in a manner specific to a certain team that has owned the Bills like a rented mule for the better part of 15 years straight. As I said previous, such action screams of jealousy.


    There should be NO cheating... none, zero, zilch. I'm referring to Belicheat here because this is a Belicheat discussion. Would you like to discuss other cheaters? Fine, create a new post and we can certainly discuss them too. BTW... I'm still not jealous... I don't waste the time, energy or emotion to be jealous of them. The fact that you continue to bring that up is fairly lame however. It's more like you continuing to deflect the real issue we've been discussing.

  7. You also have no proof that reindeer can fly but common sense prevails eventually.


    Also, do asterisk any coach or team that you know has been shown to cheat or is this honour only given and specific to the Pats?


    Very weak analogies man. I expected more and/or better from you. I'm talking multi-billion dollar sports, and you're talking reindeer. The asterisks (ironically enough) were just randomly thrown out there much like your defense of Belicheat. I had no real purpose for them, just threw them out there, however a case can be made for their relevance I'm sure.

  8. It's getting testy in here.


    If Biil Belicheck's off-season conversations with players helps him beat other teams ... then he's playing against schitty teams.


    This rule is a joke and so is the notion of any punishment in excess of a fine.


    My comments are directed at Billy's previous infractions. If he wants to talk with a murder suspect, that's on him.

  9. You don't think that every NFL coach has, at some time during their ramp up to the epitome of coaching level in their sport, not once cheated? OK, nothing I say will convince you otherwise. So keep asterisking away :rolleyes:


    That's pretty much exactly what I'm saying. I have no proof to believe otherwise, however I do (as does the NFL) have proof that Belicheat has cheated. All you're doing is proving my point about the lack of independent thought. You think you can just throw out a comment stating "ALL" coaches cheated and try to pass that off as fact? Lol... C'mon man!


    You need to understand there's gaining a competitive advantage LEGALLY and gaining a competitive advantage ILLEGALLY.


    ************************************************* <---- Many asterisks.

  10. So, Belichick cheated. BFD! There isn't a coach in the NFL that hasn't cheated in his career. Yet many target Belichick and asterisk such a thing in relation to the Patriots.


    Not only is this perplexing but it screams of jealousy.


    I can't speak for everyone, but I'm not jealous of Belicheat at all. However I will take exception to your comment about "BFD"... it IS a big freaking deal. Just because you don't give a damn about someone cheating doesn't make it right. You also make a comment about ALL coaches cheating... that's a very generalist comment that holds no weight at all. Seems that you're defending your hero and that's ok, but what he did and most likely continues (illegally) to do isn't.

  11. You don't want to win badly enough.


    Bill Belichick is a winner, and does what he has to do to find an edge.


    I teach my kids to find what they love, and do the best they can. If what they love to do it win, then they should do whatever it takes to win. You may not like it, but that's how life works. Awards that matter aren't given for good citizenship, and the winners write the rules. You might raise your kids to earn participation trophies. I raise mine to succeed.


    I teach my kids to do what they love, and if what they love to do is win, then they should do what it takes to win. That's how the world works.


    The beginning of the story is that you don't really want to win.


    I can go either way with your comments... I can agree that you need to do as much as is needed to succeed, but therein lies the rub. What are you calling "success"? In reference to kids I would say that winning at all costs is more damaging in the long run. All of my kids play(ed) at a high (select) level of ball, but to me at this age it's still about development, competing and learning life lessons. Cheating isn't winning at that level; all you learn is that you'll continue to cheat to stay "on top" like Belicheat. Integrity, hard work, perseverance should rule the day... now you want to talk about win at all costs like a war or life, well then you're talking something different; at that point it is win at all cost. Players taking PED's are considered "cheaters" and they do those to gain a "competitive advantage", however it's against the rules, so if they get caught, they are banned. Why should it be different for coaches? Why is he put on a pedestal for cheating?

  12. I don't see the need for name-calling.


    It's just a game.


    And this has been a very civil discussion.


    I'm being civil. As for name calling... I wouldn't go that far, I called out nobody individually. Just a game... lol! Just a multi-billion dollar game. And really all good, I lose no sleep over Beilcheat, but if I keep reading how superawesomespectacularamazeballs he is I have to say something every now and again.

  13. All of you that condone Belicheats tactics are lemmings and ultimately show your lack of integrity. Gaining a competitive advantage is one thing, straight out violating the rules is another. The funny thing is, the worst things that he's done we don't even know about because the NFL has gotten rid of the evidence to protect him and the Cheats so the league doesn't look bad. Unfortunately the NFL has become big business and all is fair in love and big business.

  14. The NFL has been vocal about the Bills needing a new stadium to stay. It's possible they will require a firm stadium plan to approve any ownership.


    I keep hearing this, but I wonder why they want a new stadium so badly? The Ralph is a good venue and the new renovations will keep it viable. I'd love a new state of the art stadium (as long as it doesn't hurt the game day experience, tailgating, etc), but if the NFL is that hell bent on stadiums why don't they tell the Packers and Bears to get a new stadium as well?

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