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Everything posted by gravytrain

  1. love freddy, but at this point its aaron rodgers.
  2. i know we need receivers, but this guy has got too many disciplinary issues. i don't think he fits this team's character.
  3. The G-Men are good, but make too many errors. Bills go big in the second half after a tight first half. 38-21. 5-1. Go Bills!
  4. i was at the game yesterday. love george wilson. and agree he's playing much better than donte ever did. donte was always looking for the hit (and they were never that great) and not the ball. look what happens when we start getting turnovers. we start winning games. we're number one in the league give away/take away. donte never had the nose for the ball that george has. but again, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. we still have a lot of season left. if i remember correctly it was donte who guaranteed the playoffs after starting 4-0 with captain checkdown. at least george has enough sense not to make that kind of stupid statement. these bills are smarter than that.
  5. way to early. the jets are still dangerous. it's never over until the fat man in the green cap sings.
  6. true. but even funnier is the third paragraph that mentions fitzpatrick...
  7. check out this site on the wonderlic test. pretty funny http://walterfootball.com/draftwonderlic.php
  8. i'm still confused as to why the clock on this site is off an hour. it's really bugging me.
  9. more importantly why is the clock on this site an hour off?
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