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Posts posted by ConradDobler

  1. Re-watch the game and tell me Trent doesn't have the opportunity on MANY occasions to get rid of the ball. And on top of that, he doesn't know what to do with the space he has in the pocket when it's there. Instead of stepping up to avoid the edge rush, he'll run backwards. Instead of throwing the ball and trusting that his receivers will get to the spot they need to be at, he waits to see if they run wide open. It's the most frustrating brand of football I've ever seen.


    And that is all on the QB. Ryan Fitzpatrick can do better with the space he is provided. He can't throw as well as Trent given a perfect situation. Unfortunately, Trent doesn't get too many perfect situations. Trent did have one today, and took advantage of it. Nice post GW.

  2. My anger for the chan criticism comes from those bumbling douches on WGR on the post game. :wallbash:


    Thank you. They themselves seemed to not believe the script given to them by Entercom. So many options to legitimately crap on discuss and they run the bus right off the road.

  3. Agreed. If we win this game, a loss in the Green Bay game would be a good thing as it would help any tie breaker scenario. Then if we split the next two we'd 2-2 but 2-1 in the division. Despite all the press I think the division is weak overall so you never know. Starting at 2-2 could be a real boost.


    Beat Miami, lose to Green Bay and then take it from there.

    I,m stoned right now, but I find this post I:d report@

  4. http://www.phinfever.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2206


    I was just scrolling down a dolphins fan site, and was curious to see what the dolphins fans thought about sundays game. It seems like most of us, the real fans, are confident in the Bills winning. It also seems like ALL of the dolphins fans are looking it as an easy W.


    Those ******* dolphins fans think it'll be an easy W. I want a win sooooo badly, just to shut not only the dolphins fans up, but all the ESPN trolls, Sully etc.. GO BILLS! SQUISH THE FISH!


    You wont shut Sully up. Every win is another step on the road to mediocrity for us, according to his highness.

  5. '87. Narrow loss at home to the Jets, followed by a thrilling come-from-behind win vs. Oilers. Then came the strike and scrub games. The strike over and all players back, we traveled to Miami for our first ever game in their new stadium. Marino passed them to a 21-3 second quarter lead. Then Kelly came out SMOKIN'! Riddick and Burkett had huge games and we took the lead before Marino tied it at games' end. Scott Norwood delivered the OT FG and a new NFL power was born!




    I was there! A wonderful comeback! IIRC it was the first regular season game played at Joe Robbie Stadium.

  6. What a change from the past three coaches!


    This. Quote me if you'd like. Greggo was a blowhard drill sergeant. (And ruined a perfectly good defense when he got here.) Mularkey was better, but hobbled by Jerry Gray's smoke 'n mirrors defense. Enter Marv and Dick. Lather, rinse, repeat. I welcome Chan Gailey.

  7. If the QB is Peyton Manning, Tom Brady or Brett Favre, then maybe they have some input. Trent Edwards has not done enough in the league and is not enough of a leader for a head coach to go to him and say "What do you think?" If he leads the team to the playoffs several years in a row and becomes a team leader then maybe, maybe the head coach asks him. But no way does Chan ask him at this point. IMO.


    If I were Trent Edwards, or any other quarterback, even below NFL, I'd give the coach feedback about the receivers.

  8. who cares? Even they have to admit if they are being honest with themselves that Spiller is a unique talent and simply is better than them.


    FJ has a broken finger and needs to heal. Had his injury (or Marshawn's for that matter) not occurred where would we be now?


    Just a random thought/question.


    There may be a method to this madness.

  9. Jackson was the best player on the Bills last year and gives his all on every single snap. The guy always drives his feet forward and seemingly earns positive yards on every down. I've never heard him utter one word of complaint in his entire career and he handles himself with class. If that guy hasn't earned your respect I'm not sure what it takes.


    Well put. Freddy put us into position to win games.

  10. And, since I already threw his name out there, I would have to say the most overrated is Jimmy Buffett. How he has a whole following of people traveling to see him, I have no idea.......He seems to have hit on one theme - drinking in the tropics, and made a career out of it.


    And this is a bad thing how?


    nb: JB's music leaves me meh, but that's one thing I've always enjoyed. Drinking in the tropics. Drinking in Buffalo. Drinking in LV. Drinking in Europe.


    I love exotic locations!

  11. Hit the nail on the head. It can't possibly be that they are still targeting and negotiating with players, or the fact that most teams take a few days to fill their PS rosters. No-sir-ee, you of all people on Planet Earth figured it out. They are trying to save $400K. Brilliant. I wanna pin a medal on you.


    Agreed, except for the last line. I'd choose something other than a medal to pin on this guy. Not just 100% negative, but 100% unthinkingly negative.

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