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Posts posted by ConradDobler

  1. I would rather go 0-16 than win a Superbowl under those circumstances.


    Once you get caught cheating, you're illegitimate. It might not seem like much in the rush of the present, but think in terms of history. Do you honestly want the first Superbowl the Bills ever won to be tainted forever? You can think of football in a lot of different ways, but with the ever increasing emphasis on the NFL as a family oriented game (as evidenced by the increasingly stringent tailgating restrictions), you can't help but think about its impact on the next generation.


    Do you want to implicitly tell your kids that it's okay to cheat to get ahead, because their favorite team did it and was successful in doing so? What the Patriots did is so much worse than steroid use. Steroids are most often used by an individual to perform at higher level than they could normally achieve, one way or the other. The Pats, however, did something that violated the rules on an organizational level. It was a conscious effort by at least a few powerful people in the Pats coaching staff/front office to do something they knew violated the rules.


    Or maybe you don't care about winning with honor, dignity, or class. I'm not saying the guys all have to be saints (although I wish they played like they were Saints...), but win the right way. If Buffalo ever won that way, it would break my heart. I'd have to give up rooting for my team.


    Hopefully you're trolling. If not though, I'm stunned.


    Jesus, Lord. Well written. Thank you.

  2. Why Cardinal, that's a horrible thing to say to a fella,



    Note: On the O-line debate would you rather have a Good QB make a bad O-line better or a good O-line that would give a good QB the ability to do great things, like win a Championship for instance.


    You'd need a good QB which Trent is not. Give it up Dog, all is forgiven.


    You picked a "Lame Duck Colts" game to inspire us with confidence in Fitz?!


    Fitz will probably move the chains a bit more, but make other mistakes that will keep these Bills out of the endzone. He might get the Bills a field goal more, every other game (1.5 points per game), than Edwards, but throw an extra interception that leads to a touchdown or something like that. He blows.


    Same end results really. A low-scoring offense, and losses.


    Still better than Trent.

  3. mpl did get better after a while about it but I agree since this 2nd loss he has been crusading a bit. If you really feel that way though Conrad you should report it. That is the official line from SDS which he put in one of mpls threads a while ago.

    That is what I did about a poster recently for exactly the same reason and poof now he is gone and the board is a better place.

    I won't report mpl right now because he has made an effort to improve his dialog in the past and warning him at this point about crusading might be the best policy. Like this



    Hard Rules.

    Posts that contain the following material will not be tolerated and will be removed promptly (and depending on the nature of the offense - your ISP may be notified of these violations):


    Do NOT post:


    Personal "crusades" (posting the same information/opinion in an excessively repetitive manner. We want posters to share opinions not bludgeon others to death with them.)



    and mpl his calling you a little gnat would fall under this

    Courtesy is contagious - Just become someone doesn't share your opinion - doesn't make them an idiot.

    Which is under

    Softer Guidelines:

    Activities that are frowned upon:


    Point taken, Bow. Just to clarify though, that it's not MPL's opinion that caused me to call him a gnat, it's his tactics. If you check, I don't post that often, but I'm here multiple times a day. To see nearly every thread with a 4 month/+900 posts member posting the same basic stuff in every one gets to me.

  4. People resort to insulting behavior when they no longer can intellectually defend themselves and or their positions.


    Guys well done.


    People posting the same haranguing topic over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over all over this board is NOT well done IMO.


    You are a repetitive and annoying pest; a gnat.


    I pray to the mods that you'll be banned for crusading soon.

  5. I was wondering if anyone else thought this -- thanks for reenforcing that thought. It does seem pretty obvious based on his postings and gaps of logic.


    You know, I've pissed some people off on this board over the years and vice-versa -- goes with the territory. However, when people call me out, I usually reconsider my post and offer an apology if appropriate. For example, I made a rude and unnecessary remark to Bills in VA recently and he called me on it and I apologized. Dean once let me have it for ripping into Kelsay in an over-the-top and inappropriate manner and I apologized for the remark. And I've reconsidered several other posts when challenged with better logic or a more-considered opinion. That's what the board is all about -- give and take -- back and forth -- not just a place to state your opinions, but also a place to LISTEN to other's opinions. I really try to stay flexible on this board and be reasonable. So to all on the board, I will continue my efforts to keep my posts in moderate tones and I hope posters continue to continue to call me out if I'm making a bad post -- that's fine with me -- that's what it's all about. If I don't like a post, I do attempt to attack the post and not the poster -- I think this is something on the board many need to work on.


    However, in regards to mpl6876, I'll make the LONE exception -- piss off you little gnat!


    Chas, I'd like to rent (or purchase) that final line for use as my sig, with proper credit given of course.

  6. Listening to him and the bullfrog right now and I want to throw the radio out the window. He can not seem to understand why Gailey would bench Trent after only two games. Hey Mike, have your watched the games? Trent SUCKS! He is afraid to throw the football. He did not show his timidness in practice, training camp or the preseason, but when the bullets started to fly, he rolled up in the fetal fecal position. Chan has no choice but to bench him, he should have done it in the third quarter against GB. Kudos to Chan for realizing he made a mistake with this clown and is now playing one of the other crappy cards in his hand.


    And if Trent wasn't benched yesterday, d'ya think the dynamic duo would be bitching about that? I do.


    Oh, and fixed. :pirate:

  7. 3) James Hardy/Marcus Easley. When they return in a couple weeks. Watch out! You'll see how effective Trent Edwards will be


    Does this person not understand that Hardy was cut, and will probably NOT "return in a couple weeks"?

    And anyone who uses the word "dominate" when they actually mean "dominant" will get the back of my hand every time.

  8. Thanks Dean, I have a tape deck, I think there's a CD recorder in my future, that way I can download tapes and albums to CD


    It's getting harder to find standalone CD recorders today. You'd also need different CD's (Music CDRs vs. regular computer style CDRs.) Another drawback is that if anything screws up at any time during the recording process, the CD you were recording is junk and you have to start again from the beginning. I used to have a Sony CD recorder and would make compilation CDs from vinyl. I can't tell you how many times I would be doing the last song of a 75 minute CD and get the dreaded "error" message, meaning that several hours of work just went down the porcelain bowl.


    I now use an Alesis Masterlink, which records analog (or digital) sources onto a hard drive, lets me split/index songs and when everything is cool reliably burns them onto a computer CDR. It's like using a tape deck.

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