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Posts posted by ConradDobler

  1. How about relenting on the adversarial approach.




    Where the HELL are your parents? You are nothing else on this MB BUT adversarial.


    If my son (forgive me but I'm ASSuming you're a boy) got this worked up about anything not directly related to his success in life, I'd make sure he'd be distracted from the issue, even if it took a good spanking to get the point across.


    Keep your childish opinions in the schoolyard, and stop pestering the adults.


    Try the Disney boards. They may appreciate your pithy reviews of the latest Hannah Montana movie.

  2. If it was my car, I'd leave the bum tire on it and send it and the wife to Germany to drive on the autobahn.


    But seriously, do you get any wobble from that tire? I've had some tires with sidewall undulations that never gave any problems. Note that I'm not talking about an obvious bubble.


    I realize that's an unusual size, but have you checked for used ones anywhere?

  3. Is it true that the name Tonawanda is an Indian phrase that translates to "man who forgot to send mead his wine"?


    It actually predates Mead. I've read somewhere that it translates to:


    "Hey Chief, look! All the palefaces are on welfare."

  4. Or maybe she's just as arrogant, self-centered, and venal as many of us New Yorkers think she is....


    May she and Billy-guy just go away and torment each other over what might have been....



    Mark my words, the Clintons are not yet finished. If Hil doesn't get her foot in the door somehow with Obama's run this year, she will run for NYS Governor in 2010. Then we will have the additional insult of Chelsea running for Mom's senate seat.


    In NYS they both will be shoo-ins.


    WTF did we ever do to deserve these people?

  5. You've got to be kidding me.



    Besides, the smart move is a white male selection for veep. Asking the general public to vote for the first black president and if something should happen to him the backup plan would be the first female president might not be the smartest move political strategy-wise. It's not a racial or sexist thing, it's a playing to win thing.


    /Will probably vote libertarian or not vote at all. The choices in this election blow...


    +1. Thanks for expressing my feelings exactly

  6. Great. I see this and anticipate posting and people take the sails out of my wind:



    Yall: Top Secret. My first thought was the bookshop scene...


    KDinCT: Used Cars. "I'm Roy L. Fuchs, you SOB!"


    Bills44 sticks the knife in: Slapshot. "Lady, your kid looks like a fag."


    Buftex has the follow up: After Hours. Maybe the best nomination.


    I'll suggest Repo Man.

  7. Tennessee Titans for the festering wound they gave to the Bills. (MCM and then our acquiring Greg, Jerry Gray, Eddie Robinson and a version of their uniforms.)


    P*s and Miami of course.


    But there is a special place reserved for Jimmy Johnson and whatever area of the universe he is currently occupying.

  8. As a further thought, why does it seem that the truly good tight ends are as rare as hen's teeth? There are many WRs, RBs, CBs, OL, DL in the league, but fewer TEs that are difference makers, especially in the Winslow Sr./McKeller (pre-injury) pass threat style. Gonzales is one today along with Gates.


    It seems that we don't see as many excellent TE prospects come along compared to excellent prospects at other positions.




    Edit: And I mean this to be league wide, not just the Bills.

  9. For those who are able to watch this, take note:


    When Edwards comes up under center (not in shotgun) and then turns to his right and left (as if he is calling an audible) it is a run play. EVERY TIME.


    The game will be shown again at 8:30 tonight, then 4:00 AM and 11:30AM tomorrow, all times Eastern.

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