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Posts posted by ConradDobler

  1. wow. u guys are pulling out all my old faves....saw paul kelly in utica back in the 80's, he was awesome....and XTC......godddam i wish andy didnt have stage fright, they would have had such an awesome careeer....English Settlement is one of the top rock albums..........EVER!!!!!!


    I never got to see PK, but I was one of the lucky ones to see XTC blow the Police off the stage @ UB's Clark Gym back in '78 - '79 or so... they were touring for the Drums and Wires LP.


    Captain Beefheart @ UB (Buff State?) Hallowe'en '77 was great, too.


    +1 to PTR for Gentle Giant;


    +1 to Taterhill for SOTW;


    +1 to BBinATL for Icicle Works.

  2. that is freakin awesome!...now all we need is wind, earth and fire!


    Jack Burton: Terrific, a six-demon bag. Sensational. What's in it, Egg?

    Egg Shen: Wind, fire, all that kind of thing!


    Jack Burton: Feel pretty good. I'm not, uh, I'm not scared at all. I just feel kind of... feel kind of invincible.

    Wang Chi: Me, too. I've got a very positive attitude about this.

    Jack Burton: Good, me too.

    Wang Chi: Yeah!


    Jack Burton: Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?

  3. Sandy and his producer DO know what they are talking about. Sandy produced Bills games on Kb 1520 for several years.



    Where did I say that they don't know what they're talking about? Now that you bring it up, Sandy's Bills knowledge is a bit suspect, producer or not. I know his poop boy does play by play for a local team.


    My point is that Entercom has an anti-Bills agenda, and their on-air hosts are informed of that in no uncertain terms.

  4. It's not just WGR, it's an Entercom thing. Occasionally over at WBEN Sandy Beach and his lickspittle toady sidekick will do an anti-Bills show. The last time was the day of the Pittsburgh game. It was funny flipping back and forth between the two stations and hearing the same talking points and faux outrage over the Bills playing in Toronto. Blatantly obvious.


    I also get a good chuckle when a caller has the nerve to point out to Sandy that it's easy to tell that his topics and viewpoints are dictated by management. Sandy will then dump the call and act insulted and incredulous.


    Sorry, Entercom - you're as transparent a a piece of Saran Wrap, and worth even less.

  5. So I was watching the LLWS and the team from Saudi Arabia was getting crushed. This was not a surprise. The surprise was that everyone on the team was lily white and named something like Billy or Jimmy.


    Does Saudi Arabia really have to kiss up to the USA and make us think their people all look like us? The USA is pretty accepting of different cultures. If you ask me, this is reverse racism on the part of the Saudis and it obviosly has some sort of political agenda. They can just say the kids are named Billy and Jimmy, but how many coerced surgeries did they put these kids through to get them to look like that? That is sick.


    I take crayonz to task for his choice of Bentley over Maybach, but here he has hit one out of Lamade Stadium.


    The kids on this team are treating their hair with oxidizing chemicals. Bleach? Bleech.

  6. Hungarian: I will not buy this record, it is scratched.


    Clerk: Sorry?


    Hungarian: I will not buy this record, it is scratched.


    Clerk: Uh, no, no, no. This is a tobacconist's.


    Hungarian: Ah! I will not buy this *tobacconist's*, it is scratched.


    Clerk: No, no, no, no. Tobacco...um...cigarettes (holds up a pack).


    Hungarian: Ya! See-gar-ets! Ya! Uh...My hovercraft is full of eels.


    Clerk: Sorry?


    Hungarian: My hovercraft (pantomimes puffing a cigarette)...is full of eels


    (pretends to strike a match).


    Clerk: Ahh, matches!


    Hungarian: Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! Do you waaaaant...do you waaaaaant...to come back to my place, bouncy bouncy?


    Clerk (Referring to Hungarian to English phrasebook): Here, I don't think you're using that thing right.


    Hungarian: You great poof.


    Clerk: That'll be six and six, please.


    Hungarian: If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? I...I am no longer infected.


    Clerk: Uh, may I, uh...(takes phrase book, flips through it)...Costs six and six...ah, here we are. (speaks weird Hungarian-sounding words)


    Hungarian punches the clerk.


    Meanwhile, a policeman on a quiet street cups his ear as if hearing a cry of distress. He sprints for many blocks and finally enters the tobacconist's.


    Cop: What's going on here then?


    Hungarian: Ah. You have beautiful thighs.


    Cop: (looks down at himself) WHAT?!?


    Clerk: He hit me!


    Hungarian: Drop your panties, Sir William; I cannot wait 'til lunchtime. (points at clerk)


    Cop: RIGHT!!! (drags Hungarian away by the arm)


    Hungarian: (indignantly) My nipples explode with delight!

  7. Yeah, that kind of is what OTA signals are like for the digital transition right now. Digital is a finicky B word --- you either get a signal (might be pixelated/jumpy if it's ~50-55% (also, while you might get snow and not lose audio with analog, in digital audio is the first thing to go)) or you get nothing. It eases my mind a bit that even in the flatlandish WNY you're having similar problems as I am in the hills and valleys here.


    Thanks for the confirmation, UCJ! At least I know it's not just me. :D

  8. HD or not, at least you got it from a Bills Network prospective. We on the west coast got the Redskins feed. I want to punk just thinking about it again. Nothing but stupid Thiesman comments or adoration, constant interviews when the Bills had the ball and you couldn't even tell who the Skins were playing with so little said about them.


    The game was bad and made worse by the feed. Ugh!!!!


    The Bills feed wasn't much better. Entire plays were missed by the camera, and Ch 7's score banner was one third of the way down the screen and blocked the top of the field.


    Whoever was sitting next to Tasker knew few of the player's names, thought Fast Freddie was still on the team, and generally sucked out loud. :thumbsup:

  9. Hope you've got your HD feed back. Hopefully it's just growing pains for the initial HD broadcast of the Bills Television Network.



    Thanks for the kind thought! HD finally came back in the 4th quarter. I just don't get it though, it's not just channel 7, I'll be watching OTA HD and the signal meter on the TV will just drop to nothing and no go for a couple of hours, no matter what I do with the rotary antenna. The next day everything will be back, with a strong signal, like there was never a problem.


    When Channel 7 went down last night, the only digital signal I could get was Ch. 23.


    Today I'm getting












    With NO changes done by me.


    Tonight it will be different again.

  10. Bills Front Office / TWC / WTVH . It's like a Charlie Chan film. All the usual suspects; who dropped the ball?


    I don't know where you are DHF, but my OTA HD (Ch. 7) here in WNY went out totally early in the 2nd Q. Fortunately I can still tune VHF. My question is: Is this what I can expect 24/7 come next February? Strong signal one minute, and nada the next?

  11. I will give the Bills and coaching staff a pass if they sweep the AFC East this year, and finish at 6-10.


    Yet if they exhibit the <200 yard offense games that they've had in the past two years, I'll be calling for Jauron's head.


    Maybe he'd be a better defensive co-ordinator. No OFFENSE to Hank Bullogh.

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