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Posts posted by colin

  1. like all phillips Ds, the chargers don't get many turnovers.


    brees is also likely to drop the ball or chuck it into the D when pressued (he runs from sacks and wings passes all the time, only his munchkin ass throws almost underhand).


    we will give up some runs to LT, and a couple passes to a wide open gates, but we will also take the ball away and exploit their terrible secondary.


    if willis gets past the line he has a good chance to eat up chunks of yardage.


    we might decide to lay an egg against these guys on the road, but i think our D in NE and last week are showing confidence and are forcing turnovers and not getting discouraged.


    after a big run or bad 3rd down we used to look panicky, now we just seem to keep on bringing it.


    good test for our team this week

  2. chances are we will lose this game, but i do think the chargers have become the over rated under rated team.


    every year people like to pick the dark horse, and this year it was the chargers (last year it was cincy, year before it was the colts). the way the TV people pick the dark horse is to pick a really good team, but not the champs or the odds on favorites, so the chargers are it this year.


    they have weapons, but are the least consistent team in the NFL.


    with their sloppy ass corners (jeez jammer was taken 1 pick after mike williams, that is 3 texas picks in the top 5 in two years if you include davis who are hoping to keep starting) they tend to be wide open for bombs. they also don't have that great of an o line.


    if losman plays fearlessly and chucks it deep we have a shot

  3. I like willis................................But 2k, get real.........He'd be lucky to reach 1800 once in his life span as an NFL rb......



    i said a shot at 2K, 1800 is a few long runs in a season away from 2k


    i think he can compare to Jamal Lewis, but i think he has potential to be more.


    the comparison made between lewis and willis above saying you can't compare them because a great back catches and blocks and doesn't come out on 3rd down is silly.


    lewis does not catch, is not a great blocker, and is off on 3rd downs all the time.

    he is also being outplayed by chester taylor on his own team.


    if we get a couple top tier interior linemen in here we have a solid chance running willis how baltimore ran lewis.

  4. i want clements to be a bill.


    that said, i would support not resigning him if we get something out of it/get somebody with the money we would have otherwise spent.


    if we move vincent to corner and barker to fs, we won't have TOO much drop off in the secondary, and might be able to go out and sign le'charles and hutch, making our line super charged.


    we might cut big mike, but when he has been healthy he has been a meh pass blocker and a dominant run blocker. the best possibility for the team would be for him to come down on his contract and we put him at RT and work peters at LT.


    teague is gone and for about 1.5Mil more a year we can have a top flight guy like bently at center, so i'd go with that.


    all this said, if we get clements to sign a not crazy champ bailey contract we could keep him, draft a DT or 2, get edwards and spikes back from injury and STILL sign at least 2 more upgrade o linemen (through the draft and by teague leaving) and perhaps have the best overall team we have in a long while.


    no matter what, i think we will get clements or an extra pick and some good new players for our team this offseason.

  5. It's really very simple. It's because guys like that aren't always good right away. Especially guys drafted in the mid rounds and late rounds. They are constantly learning technique things in practice with their position coaches, learning how to interpret game film, developing their strength and conditioning, and watching and learning from the players ahead of them on the depth chart. Crowell was very average to below average as a player for atleast his first season and possibly his second as I saw it. Boy has he stepped it up!



    playing with TKO, lodon, posey and so on is a big plus to a guy like crowell


    he came in with raw tools and learned the game as well as the confidence and high expectations of himself to perform.


    i think moulds has rubbed that off on evans and all of our secondary feel that way.

  6. with TT's costs off the books, and IF we cut or reneg big mike and moulds, we should be in solid cap shape. i could see milloy or london being cut or blend and extend targets too.


    signing clements would be a huge plus, and i don't think his stats look that good this year compared to angelo, mcgee or even vincent and milloy, so he shouldnt' get that top top dollar pay (how smart was signing mcgee anyhow? he really looks solid as a corner).


    that leaves us in the running for bently and hutch. i'd like us to get both, but if only one i'd take bently, he is a monster in the middle.


    if we keep mike we might move peters to LT, or mike might work out at RG, or we could draft an LT on day one.


    preston to LG or a first day guard would be an upgrade at LG too, so we have a couple options on how to upgrade our line.


    we need to grab the best DT or 2 we can find in the draft, and grady jackson wouldn't hurt either. i'd like to keep sam, but he isn't doing it that well here.


    we might be able to cut moulds, but i really think a pay cut and extention would work.

  7. Not particularly, I was just responding to your take on what's motivating him.  You may be on to something.






    i figured as much, but was aiming to fish out a tom clements fan (i swear there is one on another board).


    this dude on this other board is also a HUGE kelly holcomb fan. no he isn't "Dawgged", but yes he might be drunk (always).

  8. i think tom clements might be on some kind of secret brewster's millions mission.


    he might have to run 1000 terrible gadget plays while still not losing his job to get his final payoff of a rubber spine transfusion so he can actually cram his head up his own ass. right now he can only do so figuratively and it is just eating him up inside.

  9. seriously now.


    i wanted jp to sit his jumpy ass down after Q1 against hotlanta.


    holcomb played about as well as i expected, and i think we would have won atlanta and NO if he started for us.


    anyhow, i think jp should start now because he snapped out of his funk and realised he needs to do what he does best.


    today we had some horrible play calling, not once did i see a play fake or a pass agsint a run D or vice versa. the gadget plays that our coaches run to feel like steven hawkings wouldn't be any less effective if they were run by steven hawkings.


    we also had nothing going on the ground, yet JP came out and made about 5 game changing plays.


    i honestly think he clued in while on the bench that he could lose his spot to a guy playing OK unless he gets some stuff done, and he came out and did it today.


    i expect us to be effective if we mix it up on O, run well, run play action, and run JP about 6-12 times a game.


    i think if JP can make about 7 yards a run his legs are a nice substitute for the effective short pass game from holcomb, and he is miles better at avoiding hits, protecting the football, and throwing deep.


    he also has a strong enough arm that he might cripple tom clements on the sideline with an "errant" throw and instantly upgrade our entire O

  10. No kidding...  I thought it was going to be only a matter of time until KC realizes that they should just run and then we would be done for.  It never happened and we won. 


    Anyone who thought the 'D' did well today, must've missed the fact that we still can't stop the run.  Johnson almost averaged 5 ypc.  KC should've just kept running the ball at the start of the 2nd half, but they insisted on trying to establish some kind of passing game.  I would've kept running until the Bills could stop it consistently.  Our D was getting handled in the running game.



    i disagree.


    our D didn't give up any back breaking plays, and if you can own the pass as well as we did today all you have to do is keep them out of the red zone and make a single play on first down to take them out of running distance on 2nd and 3rd.


    our d has been aggressive and made plays since the oakland game, against VERY good Os. they played with big time intensity and got better as the game went on. they also played great on 3rd down and in the redzone.


    our D and special teams played well early to keep the cheifs from scoring inspite of having some bad drives by the O.

  11. not only are all those gadgets sh--, we also:


    -- put in MW when he is hurt and at a new position. wtf kind of idea is that?


    -- run WR screens WITH NO BLOCKING, which is more of just a bad pass


    -- a lack of running attempts (when we throw on 1st downs we tend to stumble)


    -- play action passes anyone???!?!?!? we did them against NE, worked, against KC, we did none. i swear we play action less than any team who had a top 5 back in NFL history

  12. williams was made to look a fool on pass plays at guard, but we got hurt right up the gut on blitzes after he was gone too.


    i tivo all the games, williams is still hurt, he can't move laterally with his ankle(s).


    he is on his last leg (hahaha, get it?!?!?) as a bill, but in the games he was healthy this year and the last 8 last year, he was dominant in a lot of situations.


    the bills won't just cut him this off season (unless they ask him to take a cut/restructure and he balks) and will prolly bench him till he is 100% and then put him back at RT.

  13. Mike Williams?  Seems like the Bills are struggling to get any push ... what is Mike Williams doing?  How is he doing?  I'm listening to the game on the radio ... and so far our offense sounds awful, and unprepared after bye.



    wiliams is getting a big push on runs and is getting schooled on passes (who knew the guy who never played guard won't know how to deal with stunts?).


    our coaches suck, we have 150 pound roscoe blocking badly and getting flagged on a run that got called back, little out passes, no TE on the field, and a flee flicker on 3rd and 10.


    clements is a f@@cking retard (the OC)

  14. Dude... you're missing something.


    Mike Williams WAS NOT awarded Anderson's spot.  Peters was awarded Williams spot.  Anderson and Williams will split time according to the coaches.  It will also be a game time decision as to who starts between those two...


    Yes... this move was an indictment and conviction of Mike Williams.  he just got his latest and last kick in the ass by the coaches.  The coaches have made the determination that Mike Williams is a failure at right tackle.  Williams last chance with this team is to fish or cut bait at guard.  if he can't do that, he's going to be kicked to the curb.



    some truth to that, but if williams was healthy he'd be playing there and would be effective.

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