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Posts posted by colin

  1. They couldn't run effectively in crunch time.  They couldn't complete a pass it seemed the whole 2nd half.  They took some stupid penalties to keep drives alive for Miami.  They gave up enormous chunks of yardage to a QB that was shutout by the Browns two weeks ago.  The coaches called plays they needed to execute and they couldn't....period.



    no way.


    we pass more than we can pass block. the coaches know that.


    obviously we don't have great players, we have near the worst o line in the nfl, but our coaches are idiots.


    sitting moulds?


    first and goal up by 20 and we pass? why?


    we NEVER run in the redzone.


    3rd and 10 and a first down wins the game and we run a draw up the gut.


    did we EVER double chambers?


    we had a 21 point lead and scored zero points in the last 3 quarters of the game.


    we have been hot in the first quarter and sh-- in the next 3 all godddamn year.


    that is bad coaching. we have bad coaches.

  2. the problem is we fall on d AND o to the same sh1t every damn time.


    a blitz in the middle against our O will ALWAYS beat us because we have 4th rate coaches who can't adjust.


    our D is easy to figure out, when the blitz they show it, and we never bump WRs even on the goal line.


    grey only knows the plays that greggggggg williams taught him.


    we really do have some of the worst coaches in the NFL

  3. Hey guys....I was passed out on cold meds, then woke up to see the score. Is JP tearing it up, or does it just look like that? Is the score legit? Summary? Anyone?






  4. i've been a jp losman detractor for some time, and i still don't think he should have started the season, but he looks like he evans and mcgahee are the only guys on our O who come to play.


    aiken just flat out sucked ass on that play

  5. There is way too much party schilling mixing in with the economic discussion here. You guys seem to root for your respective parties like how I root for the Bills-- in thick and thin, right or wrong.


    Supply side (with along with most neoconservative policy sort of spans the spectrum from free market to socialist policy) and keynsian policies when put into practice end up being socialist spending and regulation/taxation getting put into the republican cronies (military socialism) or the democrat cronies (old american left socialism).


    Neither are honest applications of economic theory, just a way to excuse behaviour that fulfills political agendas.


    The rebublicans in power now are just dumping a ton of spending and lowering taxes which is EXACTLY what reds like keynes would have wanted (although he might be iffy on the tax cuts on the upper end of the pay scales). This is foolish and irresponsible governing and the fallout of this is monetization of the deficit (measured by true inflation: growth in the money supply).


    The Republicans actions (despite what some of their better memeber, like Ron Paul for example insist on) are that of a big government cold war military socialism regime. The rhetoric that most often gets thrown around by republicans is much more free market than thier actinos.


    The Clinton administration saw a MASSIVE credit expansion (essentially inflation of the money supply and a very wide spread amount of over investment) and most of the really hammer and sicle policy get shot down or watered down by the split houses.


    I don't know if you guys are all about the economics and the betterment of your nation, or about just supporting your party like a sports team, but each party acts in its own best interest and that moves them very far from their rhetoric and very close to each other.


    At times it is like you guys are arguing about what colour box of the exact same thing you should buy.

  6. imo there are only 3 things that TD did or does wrong:


    1 Coaches. He has been horrible in selecting coaches, this is by far his biggest problem.


    2 Neglecting the lines. He needs to suck it up and put more money and picks (high picks) into our lines. with some FA guys this year i'd like to see him drop 10mill a year on C and LG in Hutch and Bently, we'd be a much better team there alone. We need the best DT in the draft as well.


    3 Extending Drew. Getting drew here was a good move, we can see from 02 and now that drew can still play with the best of them. the extention they gave him was nuts, and it seemed like TD was going to go with a rook HC and a rook OC to hope to fix drew. If you drop new money on a player who is struggling you make sure you do everything to get him in the best position to win. MM and TC are clowns and came in with jack on their CVs, if he grabbed a guy loke Fassel (sp?) it would make sense to double up on drew and ride him, but this new QB, new OC and HC while extending drew shows he was not being smart about his decision.


    anyhow, TD is WAY above average at drafting value picks (look over his career in Pitts as mentioned above) signing and trading for FAs, and avoiding big contracts for over the hill players.


    if he can get our coaching and line stuff fixed this offseason (and I think he can) then I'll take TD.

  7. Can't vouch for my intelligence, but can tell you that Simon isn't smart, because he doesn't even have a college degree.


    Now back to this disaster of a serpentine thread.


    Why did you pick on Gaughan's article and not Sully's, as your thought pattern clearly parallels his?


    Here's a news flash, genius, Bills have had a crappy record in drafting both line positions.  That's not a secret, and is quite accepted by many on this board. 


    The problem for you and other Jerry Sullivan attention starved accolytes, is that once you say it, it's done, so you have to keep on saying it over and over and over again.  When that gets old, you start manufacturing crap to justify saying the same thing over and over and over again.


    And that's when I come in, especially when laws of logic, as they apply to men and not women are broken.


    The reason that I brought up Roy Williams, is youre inane point that Donahoe did not trade down from #4, when it was widely speculated that Bills wanted RW.  So if Bills had received a trade offer and they really really wanted RW, why didn't they?  Could it be that there was no reasonable trade offer?


    Then you continue to harp on lack of 1st day OL picks, even coming up with a convenient statistic to illustrate your brilliance.  Too bad your brilliance is overmatched by your ignorance.  Although, OL represents 22% of the starters, applying that hard ratio to 1st day picks is ridiculous without considering the team's other needs and available players at the time.  How did Travares Tillman work out as a 2nd round pick, when Butler applied your need theory for a safety?


    Then you get to conveniently pick & choose the correct trades & draft pick sto justify your superiority.  Well, genius, if Butler had not traded for RJ, we'd still be sitting pretty with a very good LT in Tra Thomas.  So, you can't use the Bledsoe trade as Donahoe's stupidity, but laud him for the Clements trade & the Willis trades. So much for consistency.


    I'm still scratching my head about the Antoine Winflield trade.  Myabe you were referring to Antonio.



    i don't think we have been bad picking D linemen, or really O linemen. I think we have good value for the 2nd rounders we have pumped into the Dline (not great, but they look worse with the chumps at DT). I think our problem is just NOT spending any high picks at all on interior D linemen and only 1 in 5 years on the O line at all.


    I am pretty sure if TD and co really stepped up and decided to work on drafting and signing linemen we could be MUCH better right after this offseason.


    Let's hope I am right and they do want good lines.

  8. isn't daunte stallworth an FA?


    he or wayne would look good for about 5.5-6 mill a year, our marginal cost on moulds (he has already been paid much of his current cap hit).


    if we cut moulds, milloy, and williams we can sign a bunch of guys and will have huge cap room in the future.


    a new WR could well be an upgrade, a new safety is certian to be an upgrade, and 2 or 3 new O linemen would be massive.


    that said, i'd like moulds at a cheaper price.

  9. i remember when big pat and ruben talked to sam adams about coming in for us.


    TD did a bad job ditching rueben, we haven't found a LG since.


    TD did a bad job ditching pat, essentially adams was a compliemnt to Pat, so losing Pat also hurt adams ability to do what he does best, which means we just lost the middle of our line.


    i think sam and rueben had their problems because of the coaches, gregg was canned and MM or at least TC will be canned this year, so we hung out our best big men because of our bad coaches who we are ditching anyhow.


    i am a let arrival on the kill TD bandwagon, but what is said above is true, he just makes too many mistakes that together show a lack of direction.

  10. in typical plian fashion he has never been without very good to great WRs, a GREAT RB (the worst RB he ever had as his starter was Faulk!), a solid O line and a good O coordinator.


    the bottom line is polian has the best QB, but he also makes sure his O has every single tool they can.


    they might lose edge, and they might have to lose wayne and some linemen, but he spent the cash on skill positions primarily and got value on quality big men.

  11. tought to say how good someone is without having to consider the quality of the team around him.


    one thing i can say, our O as a unit is BAD.


    we have shown ability to run, but can't seem to run now (i think having bike mike hurt/done doesn't help).


    bledsoe was great for us one year under the gilbride O, was bad the next. he was just about average under MM/TC and is doing great now in dallas.


    Henry was great under gilbride's O, sucked under MM/TC.


    If you look at ST Lou, they lose all their top WRs, O linemen, go through 5 QBs (green, warner, bulger, martin, fitzpatrick), different RBs, lose their damn head coach and STILL have a great O. Same thing in denver.


    i think it takes a bunch of good people running the show to get the results we are looking for.


    the first thing we need to do is fire the coaches on the O side of the ball.

  12. i got a 360, no freezes (yet).


    MS will dump money and developement into it until it is a success, the xbox was horrible to start but got much better.


    the ps3 LOOKS awesome from clips i have seen, but doesn't exist yet. i doubt it is going to be on time and deliver on the crazy specs that have been thrown around

  13. If the Bills hierarchy is like most organizations, top execs like TD depend on the assessment and recommendations of the managers in the chain of command.  In the case of the D-line, that would be Krumrie and Gray.  Obviously, both thought the young guys were capable of filling the hole left by PW's departure.  And perhaps more importantly, indicating that SA still had something left in his tank. 


    Contrary to what many  posters believe, TD doesn’t make personnel decisions in a vacuum.  If Tom’s performance in addressing the D-line has been mediocre, part of the blame has to fall on Krumrie, who’s something of a sacred cow around TSW because of his appealing personality/history as a player (Gray already gets his share of blame here, so I won‘t repeat that effort now). 


    If I remember correctly, Tim Anderson was drafted because Krumrie liked him a lot (e.g., he wrestled TK better than any other prospect during his OSU workout).  I’m not mentioning this to slag  Krumrie specifically--the same thing applies to Mouse McNally on the OL--just to point out that TD does not make decisions unilaterally.  In the scouting area, this also applies to Tom Modrak and his team. 


    TD is the ultimate buck stop, but the collective underperformance by management/coaching/scouting has been the biggest disappointment for me this season.



    i agree.


    fire them all

  14. The tackle we coveted in 2001 was Kenyatta Walker, though he was still on the board when we traded the pick to Tampa Bay, who picked him.  If Marcus Stroud hadn't gone one pick earlier douby we would have traded down.



    stroud and henderson (who i wanted us to take if peppers wasn't there with the 4th in 02) were 2 players i always liked. the jerkwires got them both too, bastards!


    i really wonder how good leftiwch is on that team, they have weapons and a great D, but their o has pretty much sucked.


    i think there back up is good tho (for a #2)

  15. i just got a big tv and so did my buddy.


    if you get a projection (DLP or LCD) you will have to see the viewing angle in the place you plan on watching it, i personally err on the side of quality over more inches.


    i got a panasonic plasma HD 42 incher, i couldn't be happier. i play my new xbox 360 and what not on it and watch all kind of football. not cheap but a nice thing to have.


    my buddy got a 32 inch Acer LCD tv. at its price it is far and away the best value i have seen. Acer make great computer kit and this TV is no exception, but since they are a low cost producer without a strong name in TV you get a great value.


    watch out for ED vs HD and if you are getting a projection TV, ask if you can bring it home and see how it looks while you are in your house. you'd be surprised how the viewing angle can alter the image.

  16. i like the ideas, but i still think we can salvage mike williams if the price is right.


    if we keep him at RT we have a guy who can still improve and is a very good run blocker. we will still have peters and gandy so if he goes down we have people to take his place.


    i'd go after hutch and bently, and also look at the other good interior guys coming out.


    Gandy/peters, hutch, bently, preston, williams would be a VERY solid line and the best in buffalo since a guy named jim was calling his own plays

  17. i always was a massive pat williams fan. i tried to justify that williams was let go because he signed for too much, I head he was getting 24 mill over 5 years.


    what was his contract anyhow? i think he is clearly worth 24 mill over 5 years, he has played at a pro bowl level for years, he just didn't get credit for it.

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