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Posts posted by colin

  1. I'm not a member of a union and my one experience with them saw them really fail to represent the workers they were trying to organize so my personal experience with unions is non-existent and bad in my episode.


    However, though they are bad, the alternative they work to balance of corporate manaqement seems worse to me in many cases,


    GM and Ford are excellent examples. As horrendous as the UAW seems to be in many cases, the corporate management of these two companies seems demonstrably worse to me.


    Ford and GM management had a dominant position in the market through the sixties which certainly could have allowed them to even try to pursue a seemingly intelligent money making strategy of making the best cars.


    It was not the unions which stopped them from doing this as the Japanese with the "burdens" of the lifetime employment that all workers get there and their socialized medical system built better cars.  The Europeans operated with a social welfare state which taxed corporations at a much higher rate than America but still produced cars like Volvo that emphasized safety or the Volkswagen bug which catered to the lower end of the market.


    GM and Ford managers simply built bad cars and though they began to get their act together as imports swept past them.  They unfortunately did not keep up the push to simply develop better cars and instead focused their time and powerful marketing to pushing SUVs and muscle cars.


    Now that reality had changed once again and gas prices have shot up, GM finds itself near bankrunptcy and Ford is struggling to enter a hybrid marketplace which they had left to Toyota and Honda and the Japanese now dominate.


    Unions are certainly bad, but the corporate leaders are worse.


    The American way is one which instead is dedicated toward the individual. This allowed folks to make their own bed and sleep in it without the guarantee of lifetime jobs of Japan or the social welfare of Europe.  However, within this freedom corporate leaders can be stupid and unions can come together to battle with tese corporate idiots even if they are stupid also.


    It isn't fair but hey life is not fair.




    I agree with the point that the management at Ford and GM is bad.


    I disagree with you on the social safety net impact on buisness.


    in europe and canada the government picks up the tab for healthcare and pensions (or at least they do to a much greater extent than in the USA), this is an advantage for a unionized corporations cost base. by not having to pay these costs for workers, the employer can save money and avoid legacy contracts that cost the employer well into the former employee's retirement.


    european corporations (and american operations in europe) get big fat subsidies and tax breaks (the republic of ireland is the best example) to thelp them compete with lower cost competiters, they also get some pork by way of tariffs and trade restrictions (the us does as well, just to a lesser extent).


    the costs for all of the above is taken out on consumers and taxpayers.


    the health care system in the USA is far from private in the sense that the government is heavily involved in it at every level (this is more in response to another post above).

  2. GM's number one problem is their labour agreement.


    they are in the hole over 10 billion dollars a year vs toyota in wages, health care and pensions.


    that means that they pay 10 yards MORE than what toyota pays, and people who work at toyota auto plants make a hell of a lot more than typical unskilled labours.


    gm's stupid management is to blame for getting into this agreement, and they are just bad at most things they do anyhow (costs them over $100 every time one department orders something from another, there are giant commitees of been counters messing with design and change implementation etc.).


    that said, unions aren't some magical robin hood, they are a an attempt by labour to get paid more at the expense of the product producer. unions themselves are organizations with procedures and are as capable of Effing up like GM has.


    unions end up costing the consumer, and as a consumer i don't want to pay more so some particular unskilled worker can make more while doing a bad job on a car. i'd rather see the product made better and cheaper oversees so i can get a better value than watch someone live high off the hog at my expense.


    unions only service their members (and with corruption they don't always do that very well) so they don't keep the US from being a third world country or protect the "common man", they only protect their memebers, at the expense of their ultimate customers.


    if you really want better wages and working conditions do some research and improve your job skills.


    no one is owed a living

  3. Umm, you keep Schneck because he's obviously doing something right snapping to Lindell.


    Who?  Are you paying attention?


    As for Aiken, I'm pretty sure there's another receiver out there who can "contribute" more than him.  He's a marginal ST player with average hands and nothing for speed.  Time to let him go.  We probably should have kept Haddad instead of him.  At least that guy has a nose for the ball.  Anybody know whether we let George Wilson go/sent to practice squad once Parrish made it back on the roster?





    is he your husband or something? did you buy a long snapper jersey to be unique?


    i'm sure we'll be able to sign him or find a new long snapper

  4. You bring up some valid points, I am sure a lot of these guys would be gone if this was Madden football, where you could remove the salary cap limitation and just sign anyone to replace them...I also find it curious that you signal out London Fletcher as one of the 100% guys (and I am positive some here would take exception to the Schoebel nod as well, but not me).  It may be true that Fletch gives his 100%, but I am afraid that age is catching up with him, and his performaces are pretty erratic.  He looks really good some weeks, and dreadful other weeks.  I am all in favor of keeping him (good team guy, usually plays smart), but they should seriously consider of rotating him with a younger guy...I am 40....some days I feel great, but the next day I might feel 60...it is part of getting old...in NFL terms, London is getting up there...at his best, he reminds me of the slightly over the hill version of Chris Spielman who played for us way back....


    Also, I guess I am the only one who thinks that Troy Vicent has actually played pretty well this year?  I would still rather see him playing corner (he is still amazingly fast, even for his age), but he hasn't been all that bad either.  I think early on, he was overcompensating for some of his teammates...



    i see us tagging and trading clements, drafting a day 1 corner (will have 5 day one picks, i see DT, LT, then SS, Corner, LB/DT/DE in the first day).


    with clements gone, we put TV at corner, baker/rook at FS. the next year we are done with milloy. and there we have a new secondary.


    i don't think we will cut M williams (I am 60% on this, it could happen). I see our team thinking he can still be a good RT, or a very good G and just getting him to blend and extend his contract and avoid a bunch of his upcoming roster bonuses. if he can get say about 3 or 4 bucks a year in FA, it is worth us to pay him a bit more (say 1 buck a year more) for him to stay (assuming he can be a solid RT, I think our team still feels the he can be).


    this will free up cap room and along with preston/villarial will solidify our right side.


    i expect 1 or 2 new FA linemen coming in, and either peters or a high rook to be an upgrade at LT. i'd expect bennie and Gandy to stay on as depth.


    this offseason could improve both of our lines a great deal

  5. WR Sam Aiken (RFA)

    LB Mario Haggan (RFA)

    LB Angelo Crowell (RFA)

    LB Josh Stamer (RFA)


    ***I'd keep all the above RFAs, they won't be too expensive and all of them can contribute***


    CB Nate Clements -- if the money is OK, ow tag and trade (2nd or late 1st?)

    DE Ryan Denney (he shouldnt' be expensive, so yeah if he ain't too costly)

    DT Justin Bannan (gone)

    C Trey Teague (gone)

    LS Mike Schneck (who?)

    CB Kevin Thomas (might keep if we need him for dime or nickle, cheap)

    DT Ron Edwards (should sign cuz we need DTs, he should be cheap)

    QB Shane Matthews (whatever, min cap hit so keep him)


    the good thing about having lots of crappy players is that you have a replacement for when another crappy player leaves!!


    go TD!

  6. we could get in next year


    playoffs will happen if we go 7-1 at home (which we could still do this year) and sneak in 3 on the road we are in.


    we could do that next year.


    we get TKO back (making our linebackers TKO, London, Crowell) we get edwards back, we draft a kick ass DT, we might sign another DT, we will get a FA O lineman or 2 (for christmass i'll take hutch and bentley) and we get everett.


    losing nate will hurt, but if we get someone of equal value to our team we will be fine, and we could put vincent back at corner (he is too small for safety) and let our young safeties who show promise to fight for a job.


    that is











    with a possible decline in corner


    and JP, evans, roscoe, willis all get better


    I expect us to cut moulds, prolly milloy, lose TT, and renegotiate with M williams

  7.   2  4  36 WR Jake Reed LSU

      2  29  61 DE Ryan Denney BYU

      3  32  97* SS Coy Wire Stanford

      5  4 139 DT Justin Bannan Colorado

      6  4 176 CB Kevin Thomas UNLV

      7  4 215 OG Mike Pucillo Auburn

      7  40 249* WR Rodney Wright Fresno St.

      7  42 251* FB Jarett Ferguson Virginia Tech

      7  50 260# LB Dominique Stevenson Tennessee



    that was a boom or bust draft and we got hurt in the first round. that happens.


    the thing that i don't like is the CRAP we picked up afterwords.


    4 day one picks including the 4th and 36th overall and NONE of them start on our team. none of them even look like they will start on our team.


    in later rounds we got nothing too.


    i still think williams can be a good RT in the NFL, and will have to take a bit of a pay cut to be worth while, but even if that works out for the best the above draft was friggin horrible, especially since we could have gotten henderson and le'charles bently and really improved our team for years to come.

  8. this board must have been totally friggin awesome before if it is that much worse now.


    other bills boards are REALLY bad. you have clowns with no idea pontificating over what player is better with what attitude when they don't even understand the basics of the game or who is playing it.


    here you get some stuff back and forth, but it is funny most of the time and there are plenty of great takes, wrong or not, the analysis is interesting.


    have posts been deleted or changed by mods here a lot?


    i really can't tell

  9. mckinnie gets on his man well, he just doesn't do too much when he gets there (reminds me of fina a bit).


    has finess and instincts and all that, but no power. fina was light, but bryant is just fat and lazy. he did like 17 reps or so with 225 in the draft combine bench press, most guys over 215 who lift weights for a few years could do that if they spent a couple months emphasizing bench press for reps. he really doens't have the power to match his blocking tools IMO.


    williams is sort of the opposite, but i think he real problem is confidence

  10. He's nothing more than a possession receiver now who can't even beat single coverage against the better NFL CB's, let alone double coverage. His production no longer justifies the gigantic contract he makes.





    he has lapses all the time (when you lose your speed and explosion, you have to be savey and gutty, moulds is neither).


    he shortarmed one deep pass early yesterday along the sidelines, it was infront and if he dove at it we have a 30+ yard gain. he gets no double coverage and has made one big play all year.


    i have been worried that we need to replace him with a big body, but he isn't getting jack done anyway. he is done here.

  11. we need to get 1 or 2 new olinemen, renegotiate mike williams and have his start at RT.


    hutch and bently are FA this year, if we sign one or both and let TT walk AND draft a young guy we are well on our way.


    we need to draft high and often for DT, and sign ANY decent DT that has a chance to come our way.


    KC is a team with an outstanding O line that can't get it done. we need some guys on D too.


    can we draft a coach?

  12. i think the following gets us the best team possible next year:



    get moulds to renegotiate BIG TIME (don't think he will) or just cut him

    kick reed in the balls for 20 straight minutes, then cut him (even if he is a FA)

    ** we might want to sign a big body WR or draft one, unless Aiken can do it


    OL: Teague is gone, buh bye

    Williams-- he renegotiates. we can't keep him at his current cost and i think he looks bad enough that he knows he won't get big cash in FA. he stays our RT and when healthy can play


    Sign Hutch/good rook G/somebody else for LG

    Sign Le'Charles for C (at about 4.5 bucks a year he will be barely more expensive than TT)

    draft an LT or 2 (at least 1 on day one)

    Villarial and Preston can fight for RG, villarial might get cut too.


    Dline: sam is gone

    edwards comes back

    we draft the best DT on the board, perhaps 2 (2 on day one might be a good idea)


    LB: posey is gone, spikes fletcher and crowell look very good. i'd get rid of london if we can get someone else to replace him tho


    Safety: keep vincent (he might be a better nickle, or to play in place of nate clements). cut milloy (wow, money for nothing. guy has heart but plays terribly)


    Corner: sign nate if he ain't too expensive (5 or 6 years 30-35 mill would be worth it fo sho), other wise tag and trade (prolly get a late first or early second). if he goes we need a day one pick at corner, we should have 5 day one picks if he goes, so DT,DT,LT,C,S/LB/WR would be a nice mix


    i don't think we need any other changes


    cutting a bunch of dudes (moulds, milloy, maybe London, Adams, letting TT walk) will open up enough cash to get in 2 solid ass interior linemen.


    if mike gets a paycut, we will all of a sudden have a good line!


    losing a couple guys on O in 03 hurt us bad, losing a couple guys on D this year hurt us bad, i think we can add a couple guys on each side and get better just as quickly.


    the biggest thing we have to do is get TC and grey out of here. MM is nothing special, but it is the schemes that hurt us the most.

  13. i think it is simpler


    we aren't a super bowl team, so don't compare us to the top of the NFL.


    we are beginning to suck badly on D, and do suck badly on O.


    our special teams are very good, if not great.

    our special teams coach is a top guy, and was a top guy when he came here.



    now, the last time we had a GREAT o, it was 02

    in 02 we got gilbride. gilbride is insane, but knows how to make an O produce (a la mike martz). he knows how to make a passing game run (houston, jags, buffalo, giants, he can make a big play O work well)


    we had bledsoe and the weapons, but a bad line and travis butter fingers.

    i'd say we were a bit better in 02 than in 04 in terms of personel (mcgahee and evans are top talents tho), but our QBs and Lines were about as bad



    the last time we had a good D was in 04, and it started in 03.

    leBeou came in in 03, and the D kinda rode that for 2 years


    we have had a drop off in talent this year in D, but we were down some guys in secondary last year and managed to show up.


    frankly, the answer is clear


    we are a bad team because we have 3rd rate coaching. everyone on our staff, except special teams, is cutting their teeth and sucking. of course, we also have a head coach who doesn't really know what he is doing either.


    if we had fox, or lewis, or capers, or anyone with some balls at HC, we'd have made it to the play offs last year and be doing better this year.

  14. nate has been below par this year, and today he sucked bag


    however, it isn't just the way the play.


    grey has ALWAYS been running this D like a game of madden. he does the same thing all the time: picks a D he wants to run and just throws it out there. no adjustments, no wrinkles, no new developments. same crap all the time.


    we are predictable on D, we show exactly what we are going to before the snap, and other teams can adjust.


    last year and this year, like last week, when we had a decent game on D it was because guys just came up big with big plays.


    against nearly any team on the road this year, opponents make big plays and it is like they knew it would happen at the outset. no surprises, no struggel, just easy execution when ever they need.


    at first it was third down and redzone, where we are the worst in the NFL, but now it is every down.


    we are the worst in the NFL in run D, in redzone D, and near the bottom on third down.


    you don't get that bad in every category without terrible coaching.


    grey is an idiot, even tho for a couple seasons he has had some good toys to play with.


    on O we might be worse. i want to stab our coaches with a friggin ice pick

  15. moulds

    M williams

    S adams




    Reed (HAHAHA)


    London has had one good game


    all the above represent nearly half of our cap space and top picks, and non have done jack all year.


    the thing that kills me the most about today is that our secondary had zero positive plays all day. not one.


    a big part of it is they played gutless, but the other part is grey is a f@cking @sshole. he really sucks. clements and mularky sucks too.


    on player decisions i don't want to throw TD off a cliff, but based on the jokes of coaches we have had in here, he really needs to take a long walk of a short pier.

  16. so the only road game we have been in after 5 min of the 2nd quarter has been new england.


    our crap line and losers like josh reed need to go, but to me it is about coaching. the players have no disciplin, confidence, or ability to execute.


    can we draft a coach and GM?

  17. Gray has to go now.





    every damn game it is the same sh!!t.


    we do something all game and it is ez to exploit.


    today it is the seem. every play towards the seem is open, and in the middle of our crap zone they have a big TD and a large gain as well.


    we really have terrible management. from TD on down. I have not been anti TD thus far, but with the coaches he puts in place he just needs to go

  18. i like play action.


    i just learned about it in a seminar (because as a bills fan i had no idea it existed).


    what you do is fake a run, but then pass the ball. it is particularly good for teams with


    1 a run game

    2 some pass pro problems

    3 fast wrs who can get away for a big pass

    4 a qb with a big arm who can hit a wide open wr deep


    now, i'm no coach, but i think plays that can work, and when they do go for big yards are good for a football team.


    i'm probably wrong tho, let's see more of swift footed kelly holcomb running those fake qb sneek option laterals to willis on 4th and 1!!

  19. there is something gay about stopping sex with a girl when you are one on one to bring in your 25 buddies so you can swim in each other's swamp.


    also, singing to each other about each other's wang is ghey as hell.



    do everett and roscoe share a room?

  20. Not really, and that has a lot to do with his conditioning.


    People like to listen and read tot he crap that comes out of OBD... of course they are going to pain a rosy picture about their $50M investment.  I don't necessarily think Big Mike was the wrong pick because from what I heard about him in college, he was a badas$ with attitude. 


    However, no such attitude exists now.  He has lost it.  You can tell by his reaction to his demotion.  He couldn't care less.



    $50 mill?


    wow, we added about $15 mill to his contract since signing him?


    williams, bust or not, does not get 9 mill a year. his contract averages between 6-7 mill a year, which is also his average cap figure (it was low to start and is high now and beyond).


    the first problem with cutting him is he MAY end up being a good RT, so if we cut him we could be out a good lineman.


    the second problem is that his cap hit is huge and for the most part locked in.


    the bills will prolly have to see if they can't work out a blend and extend with some bonuses after 2 and 3 years so if the REALLY have to they can cut him then, and not get destroyed on the cap in the meantime.


    you don't want to lose cap room and a player (who i bet the bills still think could play good ball) when you could salvage something.


    i still think our best possible line is


    LT Peters

    LG - New guy (hutch, young guy now, new rook, Gandy?)

    C Le'Charles

    RG Villarial/Preston

    RT Williams


    if Peters can play at least as well as Jonas at LT after one offseason of training (and i bet he could play better) this would be a great run blocking line and a decent pass blocking line.


    with JP in there he will avoid more sacks than most, and this line could be pretty awesome on 3rd and short with mcgahee in there.


    you ditch Williams and you need an upgrate at LT (who would have to be a rook) soon and would have less cap room to get one. that cap room could go towards a new interior lineman or resigning Nate/something in FA

  21. the ratings are gathered by household.


    i'd suspect that in buff, GB and Pitts more than the usual number of people get together to watch the game, so the per capita ratings are even higher.


    in B lo and GB in particular, a large % of the population (compared to other markets) are actually at the game in the first place, so the number of people impacted by the game is damn high

  22. i think the bills would like him at RT and peters at LT, along with drafting a guy, and signing a guy (le'charles for 5 bucks a year would be about 1.5 bucks more than trey and 2 times as good).


    if williams can play RT as well as he did last year, and sign a blend and extend that will get him costing an average of 5 bucks a year on the cap instead of the 7 that he averages now, we could end up having a solid line with essentially zero cap hit.


    that leaves us cash to sign our rook DT, lock up Clements, and even grab grady jackson or something

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