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Omar Little

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Posts posted by Omar Little

  1. That is enough to give you pause, for sure.


    That said, a lot of posters here have commented similarly about Golisano, and not wanting him to be the Bills owner because he was cheap with the Sabres.




    If Golisano gave the same edict to Brandon and Whaley as he did to Larry Quinn and Darcy when he owned the Sabres, we would be spending money like crazy on the Bills. TG told Flynn "do anything you want as long as you do not lose money." In the NHL, you can lose money. It's almost impossible to lose in the NFL. So just because a guy wanted to make a profit in the NHL and was perceived as being cheap, that doesn't necessarily translate to being cheap in the NFL as an owner.


    Golisano really wasn't all that cheap with the Sabres. They regularly spent near the cap ceiling during his ownership reign. He wasn't Daddy Warbucks like Pegula, but he wasn't Millstein with the Isles, either.

  2. Without the Goodwin TD, we're all taking about one of the worst Bills QB performances in recent history.


    Tuel was bad today and definitely isn't the answer, but taking away someone's best play to make your argument look better is dumb. The Goodwin TD happened.

  3. No he did not. The game was tied after the pick 6. The game was lost by the TJ fumble.


    The Tuel pick was worse. The game went from 13-3 or 17-3 to 10-10 because of that play. The Bills had the Chiefs dead to rights at that point. KC also scored points off an earlier Tuel pick. He was the main reason for the loss today.

  4. He's not good but who is healthy and better? This loss is on Hackett much more than Tuel.


    I'm sorry, but is this the same Hackett whose offense racked up over 400 yards? All that with a nobody QB, and against a highly ranked defense. Hackett gets zero blame today.

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