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Omar Little

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Posts posted by Omar Little

  1. That may be the worst column Sullivan has ever written. He's officially become a parody of himself. I had to stop reading when he actually seemed to be lamenting Marrone's departure just because it cost the Bills a chance at Polian. Isn't the fact that Polian ran the Colts into the ground at the end of his tenure there a red flag? Isn't the fact that he only wanted to come back to Buffalo if Marrone and Orton were in place a red flag?

  2. What's he done since Elway retired other than get fired?


    Make five playoff appearances to the Bills' zero. I don't really want Shanny, though. He'd need to stay out of the personnel side and keep the defensive staff intact for me to be OK with hiring him. Even then I wouldn't be all that gung-ho about it.

  3. stated poorly.


    arians made the colts offense work, what have the colts done without him? this guy has done nothign with the colts.


    They finished the season third in yardage and sixth in points. That's not nothing. But I have no idea how much credit Hamilton should get for that. It helps when your QB is Andrew Luck.

  4. No one denies the big numbers out up by Griffin in his rookie year. What people will debate though is his "greatness" that was ruined by injury as you like to tout. I posit that he was never great and that he's one and done because of a gimmick offense that was not sustainable (see other read option baby named Kaepernick) . If he can't adjust to running an offense like a traditional drop back QB, he will be no more than a footnote in history.


    The read-option is not a gimmick; it continues to be effective and teams are using the hell out of it.


    Barnwell again: http://grantland.com/the-triangle/week-12-wrap-up-together-we-appreciate-football/

  5. Yah what did those completions consist of ? Mainly passes to wide open receivers and simple screen passes that were done out of a read option. That's really hard to do.


    What does RGIII look like now that he is trying to be a pocket Qb? How horrible.


    Statistically, RG3 was a historically great rookie quarterback. The fact that he's bad now - whether it's because injuries ruined him or something else - doesn't change that.


    Unlike with Luck, the numbers do a decent job of conveying just how special RG3’s season was. He led the league in yards per pass attempt, averaging 8.1 yards every time he threw the ball. No other rookie in NFL history has ever led the league in yards per pass attempt, arguably the most meaningful simple measure of efficiency and effectiveness for quarterbacks. Griffin threw interceptions on only 1.3 percent of his dropbacks, the best rate in the league and the 14th-best figure in NFL history. He averaged 6.8 yards per rushing attempt, also the best rate in the league, and the 10th-best single-season average in league history. Do you see a trend here? No rookie quarterback in the history of the NFL was more effective on a play-by-play basis than Robert Griffin.

    Even beyond the statistics, Griffin meant more to the Washington offense than anybody else in recent memory. Washington had eight touchdowns of 50 yards or more last year, more than any other team in football. So much of that came down to Griffin, both as a ball carrier and as a threat to be a ball carrier. The Redskins didn’t just get guys like Leonard Hankerson and Aldrick Robinson open deep for long touchdowns; they would be open by five yards, jumping around and screaming for the ball because they needed glasses to see the closest defender. It was a dynamic that started with the bomb to Pierre Garcon against the Saints in Week 1 and kept going all season.

    It’s hard to imagine Alfred Morris having such an enormous impact on the team without Griffin’s presence, too. While Morris was an effective runner both inside and outside of the zone read, he undoubtedly benefited from the locked-up defensive ends and terrified safeties who lay in Griffin’s wake. One game doesn’t tell us a heck of a lot, but it’s worth noting that he averaged just 3.2 yards per carry on his 27 rushes during the Week 15 game against the Browns, the one game Griffin missed last season. Oh, and remember that stat about how the Colts got more receiving yards out of their rookies than any other team in league history? Washington’s rookies ran for 2,450 yards last season; only one group of rookies since the merger (the 1986 Saints) managed to make it past the 2,000-yard mark. Griffin turned a team that was 20th in rushing DVOA in 2011 into the league’s second-most efficient rushing attack overnight.


  6. I'm glad he's gone. I don't like him. But to say he is a terrible coach, under any circumstances, is just not true. I think we won 9 games in spite of him more than because of him, but he does some stuff well. He hired Pettine and Schwartz. He gets the team ready to play. He was a big part of Dareus becoming the player he became. It took a lot of balls to play Orton. Again, I don't really like him and glad he is not here but not the worst coach ever.


    Fair enough.

  7. It doesn't make Marrone good, although he is pretty good. He's done the job. The point is only that Gase is not ONLY doing well because Peyton Manning is his quarterback. He's highly regarded. That wasn't even my point. My point was people act as if the other teams interviewing never thought of that. Which is impossible.


    Marrone is pretty good? Yikes.

  8. I know virtually nothing about Gase and have no opinion of him whatsoever either way. But it seems absolutely ridiculous for anyone to just simply say he has Manning and anyone could do well with Manning, as if that idea never occurred to the Bills or the several other teams that have been interested in him over the last two years. He's getting serious consideration because he deserves serious consideration. It's not like it's one team after him.


    Marrone is getting serious consideration from multiple teams. Does that make him good?

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