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Pass the Pipe

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Posts posted by Pass the Pipe

  1. NE loses more talent than they gain each year and still remains competitive. (Makes me hate them even more) They won't sign Thomas once they realize he wants to be paid top LB dollar. Bill will probably say to him "Wouldn't you rather come to a team that has a shot at the superbowl instead of getting paid so much"?


    It is truly a pretty sad FA year when you even consider Adalieus Thomasand Nate are the top 2 players available. Marv & everyone else in the league are going to realize that there are no sure fire signings that will leap their team to the superbowl and continue to build through the draft and try and sign some moderatly priced guys to try and make an impact. Maybe they will get lucky.



    I don't disagree on the low talent level, but at the very least they need to entertain Steinbach and the kid from San Diego. They have both the money and need!

  2. This board does nothing but piss me off during this time.

    I should just go back to viewing and not posting.

    Why is anyone suprised? Marv likes to use his draft picks. Donahoe drafted for the first couple rounds and the rest were fodder. I like Marvs first draft and the contributions that we got out of that class. If they can improve and Marv can do it again. Were looking at our OWN team that could gel and carry us somewhere. Not bringing in a ton of castaways and trying to gel them.




    If you want to take a look at my track record on this site you will see:


    1.) I called for Donahoe's head over three years ago;

    2.) Supported Losman from day one;

    3.) Died laughing when we signed Mulurkey; and

    4.) Asked for TKO to be cut six months ago!

  3. What other teams are making splashs right now?


    Oh yeah......none.

    Let Marv do his thing. Again to anyone who thinks that FA is loaded with talent you better go take another hit of our crack pipe. Marv builds through the draft just like when he was a coach. I would rather bring my own guys in via the draft than search through others castaways. If Marv can hit the 07 draft like he did with 06 than we are on our way back to being contenders again.



    I am concerned that we don't have any top talent scheduled for visits while stiffs like SF and Cleveland do. Yesterday ESPN listed the 30 top FAs and potential suitors, and guess what, the Bills weren't even mentioned once. From the scheduled visits I see that list wasn't very far off. Basically when you have media hacks like Trey Wingo and Lincoln Kennedy extolling the virtues of Ralph's cheapness there must be some truth to the matter! Levy has done an excellent job and I look forward to his draft, but we need a couple of highly skilled FAs to get us where we need to go. Give Losman and Evans a quality line and the sky is the limit, but it will not happen with the jokes I see coming in for visits.

  4. Here we go again, another free agent revolving carousel of mediocre talent that reeks of an old cheapskate owner not willing to do what it takes. If this continues, this team should move! A seven year playoff drought and we are entertaining a lineman from one of the worst lines in the NFL and we sign a guy that has played on as many teams as he has been years in the league, wow!!! In the meantime, the team that has won three Super Bowls in the last 5 or so years continues to bring in the cream, go figure?

  5. There is way too much overreaction to Marv's press conference today. He is simply playing close to the vest and not showing his cards like any well schooled GM and coach should do. Regarding his lack of knowledge about the cap, who cares, he is a football guy let the geek accountant handle that matter. Marv and Jauron will pursue players they think fit the bill and ask the cap guy if they can do it, not unlike any business operation. Here are my takes:


    1.) Fletcher is gone; they covet an attack dog linebacker, one that makes plays at the point of attack not five yards from the line of scrimmage. Spikes is in trouble as well!


    2.) Clements will get an attractive offer from the Bills, whether or not he takes it is another matter.


    3.) Chris Kelsey will get resigned.


    4.) Marv and the coaching staff are not high on Gandy and Duke Preston; I believe Steinbach is definitely on their hit list.


    5.) Kevin Everett is cut; Royal will get a chance because his productivity or lack there of is blamed on holding him in for protection; I guess no Daniel Graham.



    6.) Overall, free agency to fix the offensive line, the first pick in the draft will go in one of these directions, defensive tackle or linebacker (remember Marv's comment to Polian about run defenese). I also see a running back being taken early. They are not happy with Willis, but right now they tend to blame the line.

  6. 1.) Talk about a wet Buffalo Bills dream, imagine Jason Peters and Ryan McNeil, San Diego's left tackle, as our book-ends?

    2.) Can somebody explain to me where all the hype comes from for Mr. Urlacher?

    3.) For the same amount of money, I take Ashante Sameuls over Nate Clemens, his pass break-ups yesterday were amazing!

    4.) Ko Simpson and every other free safety should watch Ed Reed tapes 24/7; that guy is a sick ball hawk!

    5.) JP reminds me a lot of Matt Hasselback.

    6.) Where do the Pats find so many under the rader offensive linemen?

    7.) Ray Lewis ain't what he use to be!

    8.) Daniel Graham, NE's FA tightend, would look very good in red, white, and blue.

    9.) Why wasn't Jabbar Gaffney invited to an Orchard Park workout?

    10.) I question why Levy couldn't close the Booger McFarland deal? Our 2nd round pick is much nicer than Indy's.

  7. I think Marty Ball is now just making stupid decisions when the game is on the line. It was almost like we was saying Im not going to be conservative no matter what the situation dictates.



    You're exactly right, the media has totally influenced this guy's decision making. Even Tom Jackson on ESPN opened the show by saying 30 to 35 carries by LT and the Chargers win that game. I actually felt better about the Bill's run defense after I saw the way LT was destroying the Pat's front seven.

  8. He would have won today if he played Marty Ball! With a guy like LT, how does one not get him 30 to 35 touches in game? The guy had 20 or 21 carries at 6 yards a pop and the Bolts are putting things in River's hands? Amazing!

  9. This guy was a joke from day one and I don't understand where he got his superior reputation from? The way he handled this entire situation tells me all I need to know about this guy! Any NFL GM that considers an elite College Coach should get fired for making the suggestion. Great college coaches are control freaks that can't deal in environments where "change" is the only constant. Programs like Alabama, USC, Miami, Florida etc. are programs loaded with latent corruption thanks to die hard alumni that grease anybody affiliated with the football team. Every year these teams are guaranteed to have 8 or 9 wins and a boat load of star recruits that are forced to listen to the old ball coach for 3 years before they are eligible to leave, a perfect environment for the Nick Saban’s of the world.


    It will be very interesting to see how Nick's suck-up boys at ESPN spin this story; Last year John Clayton basically called the Bill's a basket case for doing what they did, let's see what his kind has to say now about the real AFC basket case east of Oakland!


    Arizona fans, be very careful about the sexy Pete Carroll, as a matter fact, break out some old tape of his NE and Jet days before taking the plunge.

  10. Great Read, thanks! You are right, why can't the Buffalo News and R&D produce these insightful reads, I can't believe the number of people the writer tracked down for the article? TD's quote was very self serving as usual, he should have mentioned draft Mike Williams, running off a better running back, and all the other bad decisions those two made as well.

  11. Hell, I would even throw in a later round pick to get this deal done. Willis is an above average back at best; frankly, after watching the head to head last week against Travis, I feel one of Donahoe's biggest miscues was drafting Willis when he already had a quality back on the roster. This move basically amounted to drafting a lower quality player and cutting a proven ProBowl alternate back, go figure? Maybe Chris Mortenson can see the genius in that move?

  12. Dawgg,


    To quote Marv Levy: "The minute a coach starts listening to the fans they will end up setting next to them!" The fans in Buffalo want a winner and Spikes is no longer holding up his end of the bargin. For a reduced salary he makes sense, but at this current compensation package we are not getting a fair return.

  13. The topic of whether Spikes belongs on the Bills moving forward is entirely different than cutting him Monday morning. The Bills gain zippo by doing that. If they retain him they keep options open at the very least.


    When was the last time you purposely did something that you knew could hurt you but could not help you?



    People are taking this out of context; whether we do it Monday morning or March 11 is not the point, cutting him is. There are two FAs that would replace TKO very well, Cato June (a cover 2 guy because of his speed) or Adalius Thomas, a big time play maker with size, but not a cover 2 guy

  14. Let Jeff Littman save Ralph's money. The team is going to be about $30M under the cap, unless they are going to actually do something productive with the money(they'll never use it all) the fans get no benefit from cutting Takeo. Yeah, he's overpriced for what he can produce right now, but imagine cutting him, then having a couple injuries in camp and being stuck with some stiff like Joe Cummings playing LB when you could have had a healthier Takeo? But hey, at least you have $20M in cap room to shop the waiver wire with on September 1st, right?



    I agree with you at a reduced salary, but not at his current compensation. The guy has lost too many steps and isn't making any plays behind the line of scrimmage. Frankly, the only play he has made all year was the first one of the season. By the way, your comment on Joe Cummings was dead on!

  15. Let's cut the most marketable player on the Bills ASAP.


    Most marketable player? Are you joking, what is his agent going to market the tape of Travis Henry dragging his client for 5 yards? I think Levy would send a strong message that he means business by cutting our losses and going forward. The guy has made plenty of money yet we haven't made the playoffs, where is the return in this investment? He is past 30, has had a major injury which means he is done! What part of "stick the fork in him" don't you understand? If he will take a major pay cut then I can see some possibilities, otherwise we can do better in the draft or with a lower profile free agent. FAs are attracted by 1.) money, and 2.) a chance to win a title; how we deal with an over-the-hill player is the least of their concerns.

  16. Young is good and played well but in no way won that game today. Travis Henry and the Bills inability to stop the run on the Titan's final drive won the game. Henry KILLED the Bills more than Young did.


    Stats don't tell the story with this game. Young scored 3 times, had two nifty runs, but it was Trav who won the game for the Titans.


    Want proof? Look at the final drive and count how many times they put the ball in Trav's hands rather than Young's.



    Young creates so many scheme problems, it is simply a nightmare to game plan against that guy and everything goes off of him. He made that touchdown prior to halftime look like a walk in the park. And the opening touchdown drive? That was all VY breaking containment and doing his thing.


    I can't believe how people on this website can't recognize how great this guy is going to be? Believe me, people at the Ralph saw the Michael Jordan of this league; I really like the Titan's future.

  17. YOu make excellent points, we played in their half of the field the entire 3rd quarter and couldn't put them away. In addition, our first trip into the red zone should have resulted in a TD if DJ would have given 21 the ball three times from point blank. Also, Royal's play was a major mental breakdown on his part.

  18. To many times he gets cute and tries to pass on 3rd and 1. There are times to do it. but

    with the lead and in the Titans territory you have to  run. Also why can't we utilize all JPs talents like Fisher does with Young. Let JP run with the ball when no ones open or things break down. Those rushing yards for Tennessee by Young made a differnce of them winning and losing.




    Please, one is a Porsche and the other is a Mustang, and not the Shelby Cobra GT 500 horse power kind.

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