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Pass the Pipe

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Posts posted by Pass the Pipe

  1. We all have heard the talk from Donte Whitner and know he is a great leader. I feel for all of the blame that has been tossed around to McGee, McKelvin and Ko Simpson, some of it should be passed to the Whitner. Can anyone remeber when he made a game changing interception or forced fumble (a la Ed Reed)? The two biggest plays I can think of this year are him chasing down Johnny Lee Higgins and Ted Ginn after a 60 yard reception...



    I have been asking this question since we drafted him. Good kid, above average player, but not a Pro Bowler/Difference Maker. To be honest, Modrak has had many opportunities in the Top 3rd of the first round and he has yet to deliver an elite player to the Bills roster, with maybe the exception of Lee Evans. Mike Williams/JP Losman/Whitner/McCargo/McKelvin, basically nothing special with three bonafide busts. I won't add Lynch to this list until he gets the opportunity to carry 25 to 30 a game and the team finds a free agent or two to plug the middle of the dike. However, it still hunts me that the Vikings were expecting us to call when AP was a board that year and we never explored that opportunity.

  2. I know a lot of you are worried about perceptions and respect from people like Dr. Z, Mortenson, and those types, but even I can tell the masses this team isn't going anywhere until they can run the football and rush the passer, which we emphatically haven't done to date. Chad Pennington and a band of misfits made us look quite ordinary today. I do not like our entire 2008 rookie class, besides Hardy's catch in Jacksonville, this group has given us nothing, not even hope that these are average football players at best! Outside of Mitchell, a slightly above average Stroud, and a healthy Poz, this line-up is not much different from last year's statistically bottom of the barrel bunch. With divisional play and Edwards unfriendly weather coming down the pipe, it will be very interesting to see if Mr. Witner's predication holds true.

  3. like he was during the 70's and early 80's. which is why he hasn't resigned evans or peters


    jwws9999, your post is not far-off the mark. This organization has been miss-managed for the majority of its tenure, with the exception of catching lightening in the bottle in the form of Bill Polan. Regardless of what the cheerleading fundamentalist of this pathetic site have to say, the fact remains not signing Evans and the Peters situation are major failures for this management team. A healthy Peters is only shadowed by Joe Thomas at one of the marquee positions in football and management's arrogance in their negotiation tactics is shocking. Let’s face it, duration in the NFL is not long and I certainly wouldn't play at discount to Dockery and Walker if I was Peters. It is not farfetched to see these amateurs trade Peters for a truck load of 4th, 5th, and 7th rounders and claim they have committed a felony, while the natives of this website storm the ticket window swearing at the media for pointing out the obvious. Your objective view is very much appreciated.

  4. Frankly, the whole situation smells. I can't see how a player can pay an agent for this type of representation? I believe one of two things may be going on:


    1.) He is not fully recovered from his injury, maybe never will fully recover and is plotting a last ditch money grab


    2.) I heard a story out of the Dallas papers that Jerry Jones is keeping an eye on the situation, drooling at the thought of landing the fellow Razorback in a trade. In other words, tampering, I don't think Jerry likes Ralph a whole lot.




    3.) This guy is pulling a Ryan Leaf/Mike Williams and thinks he has plenty of money to make it for the next 40 yrs or so in the back-woods of Arkansas?



    Either way Peters is making a big mistake and hopefully a rush return doesn't end up in a season ending pull groin or hamstring, like they often do.

  5. I really like the trade for Walker. With Williams, Tripplett, Walker and John McCargo, the Bills have a great group of defensive tackles. This will allow them to address the LB position in the draft and/or free agency. They need another RB, but I expect them to take defense first. Hate to see Spikes go. In his prime, one of the best. Found a great fantasy site. Go to: www.mensfantasysports.com. It's free.



    I wouldn't call this a great group, they certainly will kill you with numbers. McCargo is the wildcard.

  6. I for one don't understand the discord regarding the organization's moves this offseason? Exactly how many playoff games did the Bill's play in with the likes of Clements, Fletcher, McGahee, and Spikes? Zero! Outside of JP, Schobel, and Evans, anything related to the Donahoe era should be erased from memory.


    I wish TKO well in his future endeavors; he gave the Bills everything he had, but the organization didn't return the favor. Hopefully, he will get to the playoffs in Philadelphia, but don't forget an achilles injury is equivalent to a horse breaking its leg! For the record, a move I called for right after the injury occurred.


    Say what you want about Willis, he is a great interview. Contrast some of his outladish quotes against the likes of Tiger Woods or Kobe Bryant, it is no contest! The only problem for Willis is that another season of 990 yards and 4 touchdowns will reduce him to interview material for the high school paper when his 10 year rolls around!


    Speaking of cities with beautiful women, my personal favorites in descending order: New York City (warm spring morning in mid-town, international fetish anyone?); Phoenix/Scottsdale (golf cart women that look like Pam Anderson); Miami (Willis is right here, nothing like a 18 to 20 yr old Latina, accept one over 25 (for the wrong reasons)); San Diego (think of Phil Mickelson's wife numbered like migrant workers at a Home Depot parking lot); and Dallas (Jessica Simpson look alikes a dime a dozen). By the way, Chippawa Street pleasantly surprises me when I return to town.



    If I was Levy I would make a move to sign Chris Brown with the money freed from Spikes and Holcomb and draft Michael Bush; the move would give time for the kid to heal and we would get a real home run this time around. In addition, Levy needs to get Patrick Willis on this roster, but I have a funny feeling he is getting ready to select the linebacker out of Penn State, a poster child for Levy's "character guy."


    By the way, JP is going to great! I love everything about this guy.

  7. Willis is not interested in the Buffalo style, and Baltimore for that matter, "watering hole" type bars. I believe he is one of these hip-hop guys, which is very trendy in places like LA, Miami, and NYC.


    The bottom line is Buffalo doesn't have the type of leadership to keep this guy under control; if this was the Bill's of the early '90s he wouldn't have been a problem. We have been a losing team for so long that individuals with poor attention spans are not going to do well, which he fits the molds. Believe me, Ray Lewis probably had a very good talk with him before any deal was done.


    This whole situation is another case of Donahoe not doing his due diligence and blowing another draft pick. This guy shouldn't have been selected in the first place!

  8. I wonder what he didn't like about Buffalo women? Not thuggish enough?



    I guess you haven't been to South Beach? Great article, I don't understand why the local papers in Buffalo never provide such insight? The guy is what he is, my bottom line on him is that he is an above average back, but will never be an elite back. He has the skills of Edge James, but not the brain. He has great strength, below average vision, above average speed, average hands, and below average understanding of defenses. He is no Frank Gore!

  9. The point I am trying to make is that Levy may see comparisons to Thurman and make a pick based on those notions. Coaches tend to be like that.


    In my opinion the team needs defense and the pick should be either trading down if Patrick Willis can be obtained a little later in the first or select the tackle from Lousiville if he is still around at the 12th spot.

  10. 1. Who's better, Marshawn Lynch or Adrian Peterson?


    Californial's Marshawn Lynch caught 34 passes for 328 yards and four touchdowns last season.

    Robert Beck/SI




    Adrian Peterson is an explosive and dynamic runner with outstanding speed and quickness. The former Oklahoma star is a talented workhorse who will invigorate any offense with his big-play ability, but Lynch's versatility and overall ability make him ideally suited to play the pro game. As a natural cutback runner with excellent speed, quickness and vision, he has a slippery running style that allows him to consistently pick up tough yards between the tackles.


    In addition to being an outstanding runner, he is a polished route runner who has the hands to be used effectively in the passing game. With the majority of NFL teams incorporating parts of the West Coast offense, Marshawn's overall skills will allow him to have a bigger impact on the next level.

  11. It seems several people owe Marv an apology for their posting over the last few days. And while you're at it, throw some thanks to cheap ole Ralph for spending top money on a top OG.


    I'll look forward to reading the apologies.



    They have mine, job well done to Marv and Co.!

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