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Pass the Pipe

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Posts posted by Pass the Pipe

  1. I have to disagree - If the Bills would have approached last year for a similar situaiton that he has in Miami - he would have considered it. I think it's funny that people think BPl some kind of big city guy. He's a Jersey guy who has a house in upstate NY - loves it up here and hated it in Dallas...(and yes, I do know this from the horses mouth...). That said, Ralph got scorched by a big named GM in Donohoe, unless those wounds have healed, he is going to continue with his current approach....Schottenheimer would have been a good low budget Parcells, but I hear KC has flown in him already...



    Kiper, I totally agree with your thought process on this one, I met BP at Saratoga National Golf Course and he is very much an Upstate/blue collar kind of guy. My reading of him also indicated Dallas was not exactly his kind of town. After my encounter, I actually came away thinking Buffalo is a perfect fit for him.

  2. You have to ask - can Modrak play nice with Ralph's daughter? Sorry, but if the stories are true and she was somehow even remotely accountable for Polian leaving...I am not sure that it will work...but who knows, maybe she actually can evaluate talent....(then again, she has been with this org for many years now...and our drafts suck...).



    I see no problem with Wilson's daughter if she looks like Jeanie Buss (sp?) and will take her clothes off for money. Who knows, maybe she can lure in an old stallion like Jimmy Johnson and we could get back on track. Does anybody have her picture?

  3. The more I think of it, the whole Whitner pick - sucked beyond all reaons - just look at some of the other guys taken in the first round that either "did not fit our system" or maybe...just maybe, we missed all together:


    (9) Detroit Lions - Ernie Simms - OLB - Would look nice...

    (11) St. Louis Rams - TRADED TO BRONCOS - Jay Cutler - QB - Would look nice...

    (12) Cleveland Browns - TRADED TO RAVENS - Haloti Ngata - DT - Hang our heads in shame missing this one...

    (13) Baltimore Ravens - TRADED TO BROWNS - Kamerion Wimbley - DE - Would look nice...

    (14) Philadelphia Eagles - Brodrick Buckley - DT - Would look nice - but hey, we got mound of sh-t McCargo who made Mario Williams look good!

    (17) Minnesota Vikings - Chad Greenway - OLB

    (19) San Diego Chargers - Antonio Cromartie - CB

    (20) Kansas City Chiefs - Tamba Hali - DE

    (22) San Francisco 49ers (from Denver) - Manny Lawson - DE

    (23) Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Davin Joseph - OG

    (25) New York Giants TRADED TO STEELERS - Santonio Holmes - WR

    (27) Carolina Panthers - Deangelo Williams - RB

    (29) New York Jets (from Denver) - Nick Mangold - OC

    (30) Indianapolis Colts - Joseph Addai - RB

    (32) Pittsburgh Steelers - Mathias Kiwanuka - DE


    And just for grins - these two round 2 gems could have been had;


    OLB - Demico Ryans

    T - Marcus McNeill


    Has enough time passed to finally grade this draft as a D+ at best??? Let us now bow to Marv's genius....



    Yikes, but Marv is in the hall of fame as people on this site have reminded me time and again when I criticize the old goat.

  4. You forgot to mention once again the offensive play calls were sickening. I know the weather dictated that passes were to be few and far between but in every other game this year Edwards was mr dump off with throws to the line of scrimmage or barely beyond. why not today to break up the tempo enough to leve NE with a bit of a guess.


    Also less visable but as important lost timouts and inept clock management.



    Thank you BuffaloBill, I tried to imply Jauron's work with the Vegas comment, but your cleaner version is right on the mark, an horrendeous effort by a coaching staff with its collective back against the wall.

  5. Well you better be prepared to give him another year cause I don't see them going in a different direction. As a matter of fact the smart play would be to bring in a guy like Griese as a back-up for pretty short money on a one or two year deal and back him up.



    I agree, we are stuck with him. He can be pretty good in the right system, a conservative run-first set-up, but I am not back-off my porcelain doll perception of him.

  6. :unsure:<_< Hey Pipe, you are pretty funny when you're not trying to organize first quarter walk-outs. Points 2 & 3 are my hotpoints right about now. Dockery and Poz really have sucked this year, and these two guys were supposed to be two of our best players. If Wilson really is upset, and fires Dick, he better send Modrak and Guy out the door with him.



    VJ, you are not going to laugh when this guy gets fired.

  7. My sources from in and around the organization have Wilson firing Jauron by Wednesday at the latest. Wilson is very upset about the collapse and he is having a hard time dealing with the Dolphins immediate success. We will see.


    That said, pictures worth a 1000 words:


    1.) Whitner getting laid out by a journeyman back, "so much for backing up the playoffs declaration"

    2.) How about the $49 million dollar left guard giving up another game changing sack; "nice job Marv"

    3.) How did Poz sell so many shirts in Buffalo?

    4.) Edwards wearing a glove on his throwing hand, a real tough AFC East guy?

    5.) Laugh, but we might actually take another secondary player in the first round, Travis Mays, USC, because we don't have a competent safety on the roster. Have Whitner and Simpson come close to intercepting a ball this year?

    6.) Dick Jauron wearing a headset, in Las Vegas that immediate translates into +4 points


    I can go on and on.


    Happy New Years

  8. I'm thinking that the Bills signed what's his name to add some depth at OT as they get ready to move Peters. My thinking is that the Bills and Ralph "Mr Cheap" Wilson won't be willing to pay what he will demand after his contract is up in 2 years. I'm not sure they will trade him this offseason but next year, IMO, they will definitely shop him. I'm not so sure I would be too upset. He is good but he is going to want big $ and I'm not exactly sure he's worth it. If we could get a 1st round pick I'd be happy. thoughts?



    Put another nail in this team's coffin if they trade him. It is very difficult to find quality left tackles, especially for the talent evaluators of this organization. This is the exact reason why the Bills suck today as they can't keep their top draft picks beyond the rookie contract. Peters had an off year, no offseason work and no camp, yet his peers selected him to the ProBowl.

  9. so true... i am SO SICK AND TIRED of ALWAYS being in a state of eternal rebuilding. im sick of saying "next year is our year" knowing full well they will let me down.... agian....





    Gentlemen, refer to the Dolphins. A trend is defined as a "general direction taken." The Bills are beyond that, they firmly have a correlation to losing approximating 1, which means direct correlation. Start and end with the front office.

  10. Wow...what a nice, idiotic statement that is...he got voted in as a coach moron.



    Don't give me that sh*t about his coaching greatness, he was given the keys to a mighty fine machine and he still didn't win. You're the f-in moron that probably sent his down payment in for next year's season tickets.

  11. Ralph doesn't need to honor this commitment; fire him and not honor the contract, let Jauron take him to court and settle for something less. Al Davis just pulled this off and he should do the same. Jauron is damaged goods and there is no way to go forward with him.


    By the way, Marv Levy sure put this train back on the tracks? His hall a fame nomination is a fraud.

  12. well regardless something needs to be done. I used to be afraid that if there was any perceived "weakness" in the fan base that ol' Ralph would use that as an excuse to justify moving the team. to be completly honest, if this is the product we are stuck with eternal mediocrity and shattered dreams, than it's not worth it.I feel as fans we have 2 choices to do our part and be proactive.


    We can sit idly by and do nothing, and show our contentness for continued failure and expect more of the same.


    we can attempt (however vain and fruitless it might be) to band together and collectively show our disgust for what our beloved franchise has become. If we dont "encourage" change, we will continue to be fed the same pile of hot garbage and told to like it. Sure there is the subconcious fear conditioned and embedded into our brains that it might somehow be the trigger to cause the team to move, but i feel the bigger threat is this team not being successful. let me explain..

    I am in my mid 20's, all i have known my entire life as a bills fan is epic failure, heart breaking defeats, disappointing seasons and continued mediocrity. I was too young to appreciated the run in the early 90's, sure ive watched old tapes and vaguely rememberd the general buzz and highlights but i diddnt appreciate it.

    This teams future fan base has been alienated and has no hope for success. I am a hardcore bills fan but i officaly think i am at my breaking point. I know i am not the only person who is in a similar situation. If this organization does'nt get their collective heads out of their a55's they are going to be alienating their future fans and eventually they will be forced to move due to lack of support.

    I would at least feel better about trying even in my own little part to protest/wear paper bag/walk out/newspaper ads, whatever, at least i would feel like i tried to help correct their course.

    my .02 cents.



    Your two cents translates into wisdom beyond your years. Well said!

  13. Kipers nobody will be getting excited about the Jets game Sunday. The Bills are 6-7-0 and need about 4 teams to go 1-2-0 and two teams to go 0-2-1 to make the playoffs. We are all pissed off about how absolutely senseless this season has ended up. it's just that the vast majority of long-time Bills fans understand that sometimes you have to endure 9 years of bad football to enjoy 4 or 5 really good ones. You don't believe me, so I won't waste any more of your time arguing against your boycott idea. Like I told your buddy Pipe, good luck slaying your windmill.



    Actually in true addict form, you keep coming back to this post as evidenced by the "good luck slaying your windmill" comment in two successive postings. Hell, you remind me of Keith Richards repeatedly chasing smack dealers after long periods of sobriety.

  14. I get the point now Pipe. You're now at the point where you start bragging about yourself to complete strangers that have no way of knowing whether anything you say is true or not. In my experience out here on message forums, that tells me you are either about 15 years old and just trying to get fans going, or you are an insecure dork who really needs these boards to feel better about themselves.


    Either way, I won't be wasting my more of my time reading your ramblings. Good luck slaying your wind mill, Don Quiote.


    VJ91, let me get a couple of things straight. I have nothing against you and I actually like the old timers that visit this site and bring a rich history and perspective to this often stale blog. But I respectively disagree with your philosophy regarding the state of this team and your sense of subordination to the perceived power of Mr. Wilson. Wilson made a $25,000 investment and brought a pro football team to the once thriving Western NY region (an investment that would make Buffet jealous). That investment has subsequently compounded into approximately $1,000,000,000, by the way, the market cap of GM. In that time, he has delivered zero Super Bowls, basically caught lightening in a bottle in the form of Bill Polian, who delivered him four hall-a-famers, and he still didn't win the big one. Other than that, it was OJ Simpson and basically long periods of futility including 20 something straight loses to Miami and now a 10 year playoffless skid (bookmarks that you obvious understand all to well) in a water downed league where even the Trent Dilfers of the world have obtained large ugly rings on their not so talented fingers. But for some strange reason, you feel obligated to Mr. Wilson and thankful to him for blessing your life with Bills football for four months a year. Honestly, good for you, your benevolence could have been used on Wall Street the past 4 or 5 years as we probably wouldn’t be in the state we are today. Fortunately, “life is a box of chocolates,” and I don’t look at it that way. I feel the best fans in the NFL deserve more from this man than what they are getting for their hard earned dollars and emotional currency. He has been a Harvard Case Study in mis-management over the majority of this timeline I covered in this response and he rightfully deserves nothing more than a big FU from the people of this great community that have given him and his family eternal wealth. He would get laughed out of the winter meetings if a boycott like I proposed would materialize; and that is the only way to exact a tiny bit of revenge on our incompetent owner as lost revenues from a meaningless game mean nothing to him.


    Lastly, as this post will document, it is you who began with the insults and immature name calling like implying I am a narcotics user that should redirect my disposable income to the pursuit of more drugs and subsequent highs. The irony of the matter is that unlike you I am able to push myself away from the bong or crack pipe otherwise known as the Buffalo Bills! But don’t feel shocked, the first sign of kicking the habit is admitting you have problem. Come join me in the boycott!

  15. I don't think paying the cheapest prices in the NFL will keep the team in Buffalo. I don't think the Bills will be here after Wilson dies any more then you do. But I'm still a Buffalo Bills fan, and like rooting for the Buffalo Bills. You and Bills Nation rise up and pull off this stupid idea, and you are risking Wilson getting pissed off and taking the team out of town sooner then it has to happen. That is my one and only point. But hey, go nuts and have fun with it. I'll watch on ESPN like the rest of the football loving nation.



    VJ91, you are motivating me even more! I am a big game hunter and would love to put Mr. Wilson's head over my fire place! I am going to establish a PO Box to collect the proceeds to fund the ad in the Buffalo News, extra proceeds will be donated to the Children's Hospital. Can you imagine Mr. Wilson's hate list: Lou Saben, Bill Polian, Tom Donahoe, and Pass-the-Pipe!

  16. I've said this before pipe, you need to stop passing it, because you need all the drugs you can get. We are talking about insulting the 90 year old owner of an NFL franchise here. In case you lost count or can't count, there are only 32 NFL franchises in the United States, and plenty of cities who have never had a team that would pay Wilson anything he demanded to finally get one. Go ahead and pull this fantasy off. Get your full page ad out, drive out to the stadium, and all 73,000 of you morons stay out of the stadium for the entire New England game. Ralph Wilson will have the moving trucks in the parking lot faster then you can get your drunken asses out of them. Half the office furniture will be loaded up for Los Angeles before the Patriots board the plane back for Boston.


    This is man that holds grudges for 40 years, as proven by the fact that Lou Saban's name is still not on the wall yet, is it? If this silly idea became a realty, believe me, you would never have to worry about who the next coach of the Buffalo Bills will be, because there will be no Buffalo Bills for the 2009 season.



    That's the point, let him/them go. I don't care to support a losing product anymore. If a guy with about a billion dollars of equity can't figure a way to put a better product on the field then let somebody else have a shot, even if they reside in LA, where I live by the way. You appear to be content with a low budget product and perpetual losing seasons, what does that say about your mental state? I can tell you that you would never get through an interview with me. Further, you are the one that has a drug problem if you need this pathetic organization as your security blanket. Do yourself a favor and go watch the UB Football Program instead, an organization that is committed to improving and maybe you'll get the point.

  17. This is a great idea. This might be the only way to get the point across that the fans are done with this crap. This would make the boycott visible to the everyone watching the game. It would be an embarassment to ralph and he deserves to be.


    That and the game will probably be out of hand at that point with the Pats up 7-0


    This is a great idea

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