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Pass the Pipe

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Posts posted by Pass the Pipe

  1. It's really very simple.



    I disagree to some extent. There is no education like playing. Case in point, this years Sports Illustrated NFL preview edition contained an opposing scouts take on each team. For the Bills, the scout's take was "If Jason Peters ever makes it to the starting line-up they will have a hard time taking him out." How in the hell did this guy know before our own coaching staff? I feel it might be a situation where the front office still distrusts young players or some political jockeying, which is not case at some winning programs in this league.

  2. Crowell was a beast today, and has really started to develop into a fine OLB.  I decided to compare Angelo's stat line to that of TKO's 2004 pro bowl campaign; I think it will really surprise some to see the results.


    Projecting Crowell’s current stats over 16 games his line would look like this


    112 Tackles 

    76 Solo 

    36 Assist   

    6 Sacks

    2 Forced Fumbles

    4 INT

    6 Passes defended


    TKO's 2004 line


    99 Tackles

    64 Solo

    35 Assist

    3 Sacks

    3 Forced Fumbles

    5 INT

    17 Passes defended

    2 TD's


    The point of this is not to say Angelo is playing at TKO's level, because TKO is simply a game changing defender, and one of the best coverage LB's in the NFL. But this first year starter is surpassing TKO's outstanding 2004 season in many areas, and I think it's safe to say he will be a big part of our future.


    Also while people have many legitimate beefs with TD we should take a step back and look at the draft we had in 2003. Our first four picks that year included Willis, Kelsey, Crowell, and Magee. That's a pretty sick draft and certainly one of the best that year.




    Good Post, but why did it take this coaching staff 3 years to discover this guy? He made more plays yesterday than Jeff Posey did in 2 or 3 years with this team. Another guy a like is Rashad Baker, another guy that is always around the ball.

  3. Okay, fourth pick in the entire draft, enormous salary and cap burden, very weak in pass protection and of course, not being moved to left tackle. . . THEN they move the hog to RG. That should have been a red flag for anybody still holding out hope. . . then that awful performance even at RG.


    Sorry, we can't deny it anymore. Mike Williams is officially an enormous bust. Awful even at RG? Please. Let's now talk about how we get rid of his cap number, not that he'll some day come around. That's wishful thinking, unrealistic at this point.


    What can we do about his cap number/burden?



    You mean LG and why the question mark after: "Awful even at RG?" There was no question about how bad this guy was yesterday!

  4. After watching Fat Mike take a rather large step towards the end of his Buffalo Bill’s plank yesterday, I strongly suggest that TD and the rest of his scouts think twice before shopping at the University of Texas again. A factory for over-hyped, mentally soft players when considering the recent alumni list of Ricky Williams, Cedric Benson, Mike Williams, and Roy Williams, a great talent, but rumor has it the coaching staff in Detroit thinks he is soft. Granted, Derrick Johnson might break this recent trend, but lets see how the money soaks into his system. Playing at Texas is like a Muslim returning to Mecca, it doesn’t get any better for a kid from the Southwest, that even the NFL is a distant second to Austin. Couple this with $100 hand shakes at every street corner and hot Texas blondes and now we can all begin to understand Big Mike’s view of the world from his porch in bumf Texas. Why go to the gym and workout when I can drink LoneStar and eat ribs, heck that workout stuff is for them Hurricanes not us Long Horns! Guaranteed the highlight of his career is beating A&M, TCU, and Baylor, and not New England. What a joke of a draft pick!


    Lastly, after watching this guy’s collapse, I wish everyone in Buffalo would stop wishing for fat slob offensive lineman, the quote un-quote “road grader.” Just like any other position in professional sports, a person is assumed to be an athlete not a grizzly bear fattening up for the winter. Compare the body types of Fat Mike and the guy ahead of him on the depth chart at left guard against the likes of Walter Jones, Jonathan Ogden, and even Mr. Peters and is there any wonder why our line has nothing on the New Orleans levee system?


    I would promote the defensive secondary college scouts to also include offensive lineman as well, Ralph would love the cost savings from the reduced payroll.

  5. We've got our solution. Put Holcomb's brain in JP's body. I've got Dr. Frankenstein on my speed dial....  <_<


    Today showed that the struggles earlier weren't all JP, and that what issues he had, and has still (like a soft touch on short passes), aren't too much to overcome. Watching from the bench probably helped him realize that he needs to distribute the ball and not be afraid to go with short dink-and-dunk passes every so often to keep a D honest. This amount of time on the bench was probably opportune. If he's benched next week, it starts to be a detriment to him (see: Tim Couch).


    There will be some mistakes as he gets experience. I accepted this going into the season and I still accept it now. Time to find out what we've got rather than settling for mediocrity disguised by garbage-time-like comp/att ratios from Holcomb.



    The only one in need of Dr. Frankenstein is you Sherlock. Holcomb’s brain is right where it belongs, in the head on journeyman middle reliever that will never be anything more than a back-up. Just watch the NE game to refresh your rather short memory.


    With time this kid will be just fine. He was over coached and over-pumped at the beginning of the year and learned over the last 4 weeks to play the way he knows how, with his feet and strong arm. He will take more lumps assured, but he has the raw material to be exceptional given that TD can overhaul the offensive line and find a solid tight end. You should go back to the rookie seasons of John Elway, Patyon Manning, Eli Manning and you might start to appreciate what it takes to play QB in the NFL.

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