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Stl Bills

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Posts posted by Stl Bills

  1. Spending spree next year! Honestly I don't think it was a bad idea to kind of sit back this year and kind of see how the new "market for players" panned out after the CBA. Now that things have been established it should make things more clear cut for FA next offseason. At least we have to spend to the salary cap floor next year.

  2. It's the NFL, everyone is good and gets beat from time to time. You guys are beyond unrealistic in your assessments and perception of what you are really looking at. The OL looked adequate to me, are they the best in the league? not a chance but the hold they hold the line of scrimmage and give Fitz or the backs 3 seconds, that is all you need.


    Agreed, but even with that being said I'm 90% sure it was Urbick who got beat on that play anyway and not Pears. I think the starting O-line will be adequate, it's the depth across the O-line that has me worried.

  3. Evans wasn't really a NFL caliber #1 in my opinion, but he was the best we had.

    Now we truly do not have a #1, but we have a handful of #2's.

    And this is probably fine for this season anyway, unless you were expecting 9 or 10 wins this season of course.


    SJ is a bonafied number 1 IMO. Just wait and see, I think regardless of the fact that he will command more attention from oposing defences he's going to have a big year.

  4. than what is?


    so he ran a 4.48 and a 4.54 at his pro day (accorsing to draftscout) but he is a 4.65 guy? okay buddy.


    Sub 4.4 as in "less than a 4.4". :worthy:


    Used in a sentence: The Bills just traded away there only receiver who could run a sub 4.4 40.


    After thinking about the trade, I don't think it will hurt this team very much. Lee Basically did one thing well.....go deep. Yeah I know he stretched the field and opened up a lot of things underneath for everyone else but I think we still have decent speed at the position. Steve Johnson might not be the fastest but he does have deceptive speed and just finds ways to get behind DBs. And lets not forget Nelson, Jones and Roosevelt are all coming into year 2 and should all be more effective. Easley has good speed, hopefully he can stay healthy and step up. Not to mention, we still have Roscoe who was having a damn good year before he was hurt. I liked Lee and I'm not thrilled about the trade but I'm not super upset about it either.

  5. Smith is a thoroughbred. I've seen his throws, and while they're not perfect spirals, they have good velocity, and a nice arc trajectory. Not perfect. But not ducks. As far as running, he has an almost seamless burst and acceleration. Like a Porsche. You have to literally stand in front of him to bring him down. DB's can't catch him. One step and he's GONE. I think the Fitz-huggers may be getting a little scared of his ability.


    No he throws ducks and his throws don't have good velocity. I love Brad Smith but lets not get confused here, he's not going to replace Fitz as the starter or even Thigpen as the back up.

  6. I think it's time to rename the way we use it to the "Wild Bill"!!!


    Because he could do stuff like run for 293 yards and 5TDs like he did against A&M in 2003. Brad Smith was always a much better runner in college, he was never a real pocket passer although he was effective throwing the ball as well. 3 out of the 4 years in college he ran for over 1000 yards, including a 1300 yard season and a 1400 yard season.

  7. OMG - we MUST bring in Add-rooster!!!


    In the meantime, with some effort, we can probably all work the social media to get the word "Bell" to be slang for man-parts!!






    Nix is very high on Urbik.


    I am also a Bell fan, and it's worth pointing out what I heard watching one of the late season games this weekend - as of week 12, Bell had not allowed a sack.

    Well on the Ali G show he used to refer to a guy's junk as a Bell-end.



  8. 2 out 0f 5 does not an offensive line make.


    Exactly, yeah we all know Wood and Levitre are really good but they can't do it all. I'm not as down on Bell as some are and I think he could become a solid LT but the right side of the line is a complete crap shoot at best. The duo of Urbick and Pears does not exactly have me too confident about how this O-line will play as a whole. Aside from Center, there is virtually NO DEPTH at all among the O-line. I really hope Hairston turns out to be a diamond in the rough but who knows. One thing I do know, we are screwed if Wood/Levitre get hurt.

  9. I am keeping DTV only for the Sunday ticket. They allow 'account suspension' for up to 6 months at a time but only like once a year or something. So you can save some coin. Mind you, i dont think this is a firm rule so I have gotten varying offers once I got the suspension for 8 months and twice for 6 months.


    Just got $25 off for 6 months and free Sunday Ticket to go for my Ipad. Probably could have pressed him for more of a discount but I was satisfied with paying $160 instead $318. If you pay full price for Sunday Ticket you are getting screwed. :thumbsup:

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