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Stl Bills

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Posts posted by Stl Bills

  1. I know everyone is clamoring for Zach Miller, but Boss is big, has sure hands and can block. He also wouldn't be as expensive. Would any of you like him? My worries, however, is it doesn't seem that Chan really likes to utilize the TE a la Mike Martz.


    I think he doesn't utilize the TE because we don't have one worth a crap. When Chan was O-coordinator in KC in 2008, Tony G went for 94 catches 1100 yards and ten TDs. :thumbsup:

  2. Yeah I don't remember revis on Evans one on one.

    Know why? Because he is overrated, doesn't have top end speed.

    Also we have 7 average to good wide receivers (although most people seem to want to ship those players out) and he can only guard 1


    I don't know how anyone can say Revis is overrated, the guy is the best CB I've ever seen play the game. He's absolutely dominate.

  3. I can't make myself pony up the cash for Sunday Ticket. But I do get NFL Rewind for $40.




    I haven't called this year but I don't think I've ever paid over 200 bucks for Sunday Ticket. I used to always call and act like I was going to cancel it because I couldn't afford it (even though if it came down to it I'd pay whatever I had to in order to get my Bills games). When I told my buddy how I got the discount, he just called DTV and said "hey my friend told me he's getting Sunday Ticket for X price, I want that too" and they gave it to him. So now I don't make up some fake sob story about falling on hard times I just say tell them I have a friend whose getting a discounted rate. I've NEVER paid full price for Sunday Ticket except for the first couple of years when the price was like $150.

  4. Yes. Because the whole 'police yourselves --- if you wouldn't show it to your mother, don't use it as an avatar' policy failed... or some people here have a very weird relationship with their mothers.


    On a site that wants to remain family- and fan-friendly, some posters pushed the envelope too far to see what they could get away with. There were several instances of Seinfeld-ian "I think I see a nipple!" and borderline pornography. And so, SDS and the mods felt they had to take corrective measures. It's their show. Don't like it? You don't have to post here.


    If one wants to see that kind of stuff, there's plenty of places to find it online.


    And, true to form of people who can't or won't follow the rules of TBD, this should have been put on the Customer Service board.



  5. Kelsey actually played some pretty good football when they moved him back to 4-3 DE. He was awful standing up as a OLB. I'm assuming he's going to be used as a pass rusher in our 4-3 fronts again this year. I'm still baffled by the extension, especially if he's just going to be a situational player.


    Guys who I thought sucked last year:

    1. McKelvin- he's talented but he played so inconsistent. He seems to get rattled too easily. Oh and after you get burnt all afternoon don't do your stupid X thing with your arms when you finally break up a pass.

    2. Spiller- I'll give him a little bit of a break because he's a rookie. Not patient enough last year. Hopefully the light bulb goes off this year.

    3. Every TE on the Roster- Will we ever solidify this position? I'd love a game changer at TE but at this point I'd just settle for someone who is a decent football player. Sean Nelson has the talent but needs to work his ass off if he wants to realize his potential. I'm not holding my breath on that one.

  6. Remember when this happened to Kareem Abdul Jabbar, running back for the Dolphins?


    From Wikipedia:

    Name controversy


    In 1995, the Muslim Sharmon Shah was given the name "Karim Abdul-Jabbar" by his Imam. The new name he was given quickly garnered major attention upon his NFL debut. Some commentators mistakenly believed that he was the son of former basketball great, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. (The latter has a son named Kareem)[citation needed] He also wore number 33, the same number that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had made famous.


    The name controversy was periodically spoofed on postgame recaps, such as in 1996 when Chris Berman of ESPN called an Abdul-Jabbar touchdown rush with an imitation of Marv Albert, who was famous for announcing basketball as well as football games.[1]


    In 1998, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar filed a lawsuit against Karim, stating that there were too many similarities between the two. In the lawsuit, Kareem listed that they both attended UCLA and both wore the #33. He felt that Karim was making profits and sponging off the name and number he made famous in the 1970s. He won a court order that required Karim to drop the "Abdul-Jabbar" name off his jersey. In addition, all Dolphins jerseys with the "Abdul-Jabbar" name and #33 were immediately pulled from the shelves and merchandising catalogs. Karim complied and had his name changed to simply 'Abdul'. Karim maintains that he chose the #33 as his uniform number not because of Kareem, but because of former Dallas Cowboys running back Tony Dorsett. After the lawsuit, he changed his name to Abdul-Karim al-Jabbar in 2000.[2]

    [edit] Notes

  7. Except that when a pitbull attacks it has the potential to kill. Unless you are supremely adept at dog training and control, you should not own something that can kill rather easily. I own a Golden and a German Shorthair Pointer and the golden retrieves like it was bred to do and the pointer points like it was bred to do. I never taught any of these traits. A dog that has been bred to fight or protect needs an owner that can control them without question.

    Agreed, I have two German Shepherds who are both great dogs but it is there instinct to protect their "family". I've had Shepherds my whole life and probably will always have one because I love the breed. That being said I wouldn't necessarily recommend a GSD to first time dog owner because it takes a strong willed, knowledgeable owner to raise one correctly.


    I also have a golden retriever and he won't retrieve sh*t :wallbash:

    :lol: I don't think I've ever known a retriever that won't chase a ball. How old is he/she?

  8. as word comes out - it sounds like he was going over 100, drunk, and killed passenger(s).... pretty reckless.

    I know he posted a picture on Twitter drinking with friends a few hours before the crash but there are no confirmed reports that he was drunk yet. I won't be surprised if/when it comes out that he was but I think we should hold off on saying he was drunk until we know.

  9. Call one of the local television stations that has one of those Consumer Reporters. Usually that will be enough to get it resolved without having to go to court.

    I'd do this, I saw one on the news just last week where a local city installed new water meters and a families first bill with their new meter went from aprox $30 to over $500. Obviously it was a faulty meter reading but the utility office would not refund their money, one call to the news and they got their money asap.

  10. I don't think he is comparing his situation to the tradgedy of Anne Frank just that they were both hiding out in an attick. You guys need to relax.

    :huh: That is kind of a big deal. Anne Frank was hiding in an attic for years to avoid being caught by Nazis and sent to a concentration camp, Tiki was hiding in a loft because he couldn't man up and face the consequences of being a total !@#$.

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