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Stl Bills

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Posts posted by Stl Bills

  1. I noticed the Jags were playing a VERY vanilla defense. They were not showing anything. The Bills offense was out to prove something and they did. I hope Fitz can continue this, but I doubt it when there is actually a pressure scheme and actual game plan in mind.


    When the regular season comes around, the Bills o-line will not be able to play one on one match ups.



    Brad is the man, but he's not a starting QB.....he's the number #3. He DOES have a weak arm by NFL standards and is not super accurate. All that being said, the guy is an abosolute WEAPON who can play all over the field. He's going to add multiple new dimensions to this team as a whole. Enjoy him for who his is, don't try to make him into someone he's not. The end. :thumbsup:

  2. I like the way you say that as I'm a bit confused. Can a 304 lb guy really be an outside linebacker in the NFL?? Shouldn't we be playing a 4-3 with Carrington/Edwards as DE and Darius/Williams at DT? It seems to me that he's just too big to be a LB. Teams will game plan to exploit his lack of speed at that position.


    I'm thrilled he's playing well and want to see him on the field. But, I'm sure that I'm showing my ignorance on this point...



    He doesn't lack speed anymore than Kelsay does, he's a big dude but he's damn quick for his size. Lets face it, Kelsay is terrible in space.....Carrington has looked pretty good so far. He can't be any worse in coverage than CK and with his size he's going to at least be able to bat down a lot of balls. And just for the record, I'm not a Kelsay hater and I do think he has a place on this team. He actually played pretty well the second half of last year when they only used him as a DE in our 4-3 fronts, he was awful the first half of the year playing OLB. I know that he would be an expensive back up / situational player but you have to put the best players on the field.

  3. <br />An update on this just in case anyone else might be thinking of the same thing<br /><br />- Direct TV is going to come out and put up a new dish, new reciever for my living room for free<br />- Then I get 24 months of free HD service as long as I use auto bill pay<br /><br />I had to sign a new contract for 2 years which I have not done in years.....but I dont plan on leaving DTV anyway so no big deal.<br /><br />Doesnt get any cheaper then that....now I just gotta get a HDMI cord<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    The new HD receiver will come with an hdmi cable....don't go buy an expensive hdmi cable. Do a quick google search and you can find a million articles on why expensive cables are a total waste of money.

  4. Are you on crack or how about just saying no to drugs. To say he has a "weak arm" shows you no little about the man or have never seen many of his games at the college level or at training camp. Below is one of many scouting reports which are all basically all about the same in content. He will get a shot to show his skills in Gaily's style of offense. If he doesn't start it won't be because of your notion of having a weak arm. You can take that to the bank.



    Smith is incredibly versatile. Strong arm. Smith is 6'4", and runs close to a 4.6 second 40 yd dash. Smith is the only QB in NCAA history to pass for 8000 yards and run for 4000. When Smith got outside the pocket and was allowed to rollout he was also a very effective passer.


    Smith sometimes does not take enough time to let the play develop before taking off and running (Seems a guy named Vick had the same problem early in his NFL career). Also, Smith has had decision making problems in the past trying to fit passes where he needs to throw them away (I think a guy named P. Manning had this problem big time his rookie year.


    Smith should be drafted somewhere in the 2nd or 3rd round. If Smith gets in the right offensive system he could be a solid starting QB in the NFL.



    What? Have you ever seen Brad throw the ball? He does have a weak arm by NFL standards and doesn't throw a tight spiral. No where in that scouting report does it say anything about his arm strength. I've seen every start he's ever had as a college QB (maybe I missed 1 or 2 games). My sophmore year at Mizzou was his Freshman year when he single handidly put Mizzou football back on the map. I love Brad Smith and I'm so happy he's a bill but he does not have a good arm and isn't going to be a full time QB in the NFL.

  5. - I have direct tv....I have had the same dishes since I bought them over 10 years ago so they probably are not set up for HD......both of my Direct TV "boxes" inside the house are newer and might be set up for HD but I am not sure.


    - What is the cheapest way for me to set up my living room for HDTV........I know that I need to set up a HDMI cable from the box to the TV itself


    - What else needs to be done? Been a Directv customer for probably more then 15 years....dont have a contract as I bought all my original equipment.


    - Not electronically inclined at all....so if I gotta replace the dish that makes me nervous.


    Your dish itself might not be set up for HD and probably isn't since it's that old. You really need to call direct tv, but if you do need a new dish they will probably will put you back under contract for a year or two. I'm not sure but I think the lines that run from your dish into your house are different for HD. They might have run the HD lines into your house when it was origianlly installed but I doubt they did if it was 10 years ago. Sounds like they will probably have to come out and set you up with a new dish and new lines into your home....kinda sucks but it's worth it. :thumbsup:

  6. I thought you ran on online blumpkin business, or e-blumpkin as its commonly known? Sounded cutting edge. Transportation isn't nearly as sexy. If its all the same to you, I'm going to go on thinking you peddle internet blumpkins. I liked it better that way.

    Well the transportation is just something I do on the side, my e-blumpkin company is my bread and butter. But just to clear things up, my e-blumpkin company just provides a service that arranges the blumpkin between you and the blumpkin provider. 0:)

  7. I'm with you, I've eaten at both and Arthur Bryants is a MUST SEE and Stop. My wife and I always swing by and get either the pulled pork the baby backs. :worthy:



    If it's your first time to KC, you should go to Arthur Bryant's just because it's such a landmark. Speaking of BBQ, I went to Memphis for the first time a few month's ago and went to Rendevouz (another BBQ landmark). Some people don't like Memphis-style dry ribs but I thought they were damn good but the real winner at that place was the brisket. I almost liked it better than any brisket I've had in KC (including the Burnt Ends at Bryants) Love me some brisket.

  8. Oklahoma Joe's is the best BBQ in town I am in KC regularly on business and I do not miss a chance to go.

    Is that the place that used to be or is still a gas station? I went to a place after a Chiefs/Broncos game a few years back and I think it might have been Oklahoma Joe's. It was some of the best BBQ I've ever eaten. I was so drunk though, didn't remember the name of the place or where it was at but I remembered the BBQ.

  9. I like Richie but the thing about him was it took him about 5 years to realize that a 15 yard personal foul can kill a drive just as much as a -15 yard sack. It's one thing to play with a mean streak, and another thing to play with a "can't control my temper/dumb streak." Seems like he finally got the message in Miami last year but it sure took a while.

  10. <br />Pryor's proday is today. Interested to see how he does, my guess is biggest question is accuracy.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Supposedly he ran his 40 in the high 4.3s and another in the low 4.4s. Didn't realize he was that fast. I'd take a flyer on him, it would be interesting to see what chan could do with him.

  11. STL, can you administer your own web server? If so, consider a VPS like Rackspace Cloud servers. You won't need a huge box and it'll be reliable.


    I've heard good things about hostgator too if you don't want to go the administration route.


    I thought about going that route and probably will eventually but right now its just not necessary since it's only me and my business partner. After doing some research I think we are switching over to Fusednetwork.com. They've got great reviews and when you call you can actually talk the CEO as apposed to having Najeeb in India read you lines off his response card.

  12. No WAY! Is this place still rockin'?? I went there as a kid back in the 70s when I lived in Ohio. Unreal!


    Next thing you guys are going to tell me is that King's Dominion is still operating...


    Ha, I grew up in Richmond.....King's Dominion was the shiznit. The Rebel Yell, The Shockwave (somebody died on it), the Grizzly, the Hurler, and the Andaconda.......good memories. :thumbsup:

  13. I don't post here often, but I use Hostgator and my servers are up 99.9% of the time. I use dedicated hosting accounts with them, and have no complaints. Additionally, their tech support staff is domestic and top notch.


    Thanks jd! Hostgator and FusedNetwork were the two I was considering switching to.

  14. I opened my business back in February and things couldn't be going better except for the fact that my the company that does my web hosting sucks. In general I usually do a lot of research before making any type of purchase of an item or a service but I guess I was just so busy getting everything off the ground that when I saw an add and read one good review for Ipower web hosting I just signed up. Their servers go down all the time and sometimes I won't be able to access my email for hours, costing me hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars in business (not to mention it makes me look bad when I'm not responding to my customers in a timely matter because I have no idea they are emailing me). Of course, when you call support all you get is a call center in India where all they do is thank you for your patience but offer no solution to the problem. The more research I do the more confused I seem to get. A ton of these web hosting companies also run sites that supposedly are impartial blogs and review sites and of course all they do is offer glowing reviews of their services to get you in the door. Does anyone use a good and RELIABLE web-hosting company that they would recommend? Thanks in advance

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