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Everything posted by Sirius99

  1. No, democracy isn't culture. If we were forcibly installing our exact government including repubs and dems, you may have a point, but we are not. They are the ones developing the details. The slowness of that progress has been a main democratic criticism of the effort, especially since the troop surge. And while there certainly are leaders that the US would prefer, we aren't hand-picking them. If we were, this process would have been complete 4 years ago. Regrading the payment, I don't know if you were being tongue-in-cheek, but you are correct. The stories I've heard from friends coming back from Iraqi tours are amazing. Virtually everything revolves around what we would consider bribery. They don't. Sadly, yes. I hadn't realized there was a beginning or and end to silly season. Did you mean uber-silly season per chance? I'd really like to vote for Obama if he's the Dem, but don't know if I can get past his stance on the troop withdrawl. He does seem to be softening it somewhat recently. Cheers, Berg
  2. Depends on your definition of beneficial. I guess if you think continuing to piss off the international community is beneficial, then I would agree.
  3. Well, you say you understand, but your responses don't support that. Also, you didn't answer how you expect Obama to be sensitive to other cultures when he clearly didn't understand his own based on his comment. If you think that's an isolated incident, that's your prerogative, but you don't seem to be applying the same standard to McCain. I know you haven't served in the military, so let me tell you unequivocally that McCain gets daily briefings, so his issue is most certainly not one of understanding. That begs the question, why would he make that mistake? It is likely it was simply a brain fart (multiple times apparently), but given he is already battling age issues, any misstep like this will only further the questions surrounding his age and capabilities. However, using JM's comment as "emblematic of the problem with the war" is extreme hyperbole. It is very true that the complete misunderstanding of Iraq's culture by the US administration, the US military, and the Iraqi Provisional Authority is why the post-war reconstruction efforts have had so many serious issues and resulted in the levels of insurgency experienced to date. Many of those problems have been addressed and corrected to at least a significant degree. One of the unintended consequences of multiple tours of duty in Iraq by the US military is that now troops have a much better understanding of the environment and people of Iraq. That, in addition to a large dose of cultural awareness training, has significantly changed the actions on the ground and by advisors and administrators. What is most definitely true today is that we are not "forcing our culture" on anyone in Iraq.
  4. You are not understanding me. I'm saying if he doesn't have a filter that works for his own culture, how are we supposed to feel confident about his ability to function outside of his culture with heads of state? Honesty is not a silver bullet for cultural ignorance. As for McCain, you can't really believe he doesn't know the difference. He's been involved in NS for decades. As I said, the concern with him is that he might be losing it, which in the end, doesn't really matter internationally. For the most part, I don't believe other countries care about the reason why the gaffe occurred.
  5. I didn't say BO was brash or tactless, I said that is a very common view of American communication style, which was in direct response to your comment about the rest of the world's view. However, I agree with your assessment of what his problem was, and that is exactly my point. Having a President who cannot "censor himself" could be quite problematic. As far as the BO vs. JM comparison, I see no significant difference in effect. You can quibble about the particulars, but the outcome would be the same - a chief executive sticking his proverbial foot in his mouth on the international stage.
  6. That is not true. The Asian culture is most definitely not a confrontational, direct-communication type of culture. As a matter of fact, Americans are routinely derided for brashness and tactlessness on the world stage. There are certainly some cultures similar in communication style to our own, but it isn't the norm. Besides, I was not referring to that particular comment in a different setting. A similarly oafish comment made in a diplomatic environment could have quite negative and far-reaching effects internationally. McCain's recent slip is similar, although the concern with him is not whether he really knows the difference, but whether his age is affecting his lucidity. I wish I were joking.
  7. The issue here is that someone who would be meeting and talking with multi-cultural heads of state should not be saying such stupid things. This one is just media fodder, but as President it could be a lot worse.
  8. Sorry you get your panties in a wad when someone points out your blatant reading comprehension problems. Maybe you and menssa should get a room with your Vince Young blowup doll. I'm sure you're myspace.com buddies already
  9. If you're trying to hit on me, I should tell you right now I'm older than 13, and I'm not a girl. But I'm flattered nonetheless.
  10. Funny, because what he said has nothing to do with the stats you quoted. Since he "very clearly" was talking about warrants and terrorism, that is "very clearly" the second question that VABills and I quoted. From the article: Which is EXACTLY what PastaJoe just said...
  11. Well I meant to be insulting, but defensive? Where? We started off well here No, neither of them mentioned terrorists. You inferred all of that. Joe was differentiating between US and non-US cell phone surveillance. That's because you are inferring what you want. Or you can't read, one of the two, because he certainly didn't type any of that. It's only "very clear" to you, Miss Cleo, and Timothy McVeigh. I have no idea what you mean by this, but if you really believe what you posted, you must also agree that: 1. Americans are never terrorists 2. Americans do not in any way support terrorists or terrorism 3. Non-American terrorists within the US do not use American communications systems All three of which are simply ludicrous. The applicable question for both PJs and CTMs posts in your linked research was the one VABills and I quoted, not the one you quoted. Obviously Pew thought there was enough of a differentiation to as AMERICANS both questions.
  12. Duh. Why would Congress or research statistics from Americans be vaild otherwise? Did you read his post???????????????? Show me the word "terrorist". It ain't there brainiac. This thread is all about terrorism, as was/is the in-question phone "tapping" without warrants. The applicable question in your linked research was the one asking about phone tapping of suspected terrorists without warrants. This shouldn't be that difficult to grasp.
  13. Did you? This thread, including PastaJoe's post, refers to terrorists, phones, and warrants. The applicable question in your linked research was the one VABills and I quoted, not the one you quoted.
  14. Ummm, 48-47 with a 5% don't know is a statistical tie in research. So I don't know what point you are making unless you are saying Americans don't know what they want either
  15. You are delusional if you think it is that cut and dried.
  16. By the way, do you ever run out of crap to throw? And is it all, um, home-grown??
  17. What exactly do you expect from a Crap Throwing Monkey????
  18. The criticisms directed at Rumsfeld from retired Generals should give the American people a very good feeling about the job the Secretary of Defense is doing.
  19. As far as I know, levees don't have a will of their own, so no, nothing like that at all.
  20. I blame George Bush. Or Haliburton. Or maybe it was Dick Chieny dressed up as a pit bull. Somehow, it's got to be the administrations fault, je pense.
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