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Posts posted by inkman

  1. Does it concern anyone else how poor of a public speaker Terry Pegula is.


    Whether it's an appearance on WGR radio or opening a press conference today, I've found him to be pretty brutal.


    A part of me believes that ones ability to communicate gives you a little insight on ones intelligence and ability to asses other people, and I just wonder if Pegulas total ineptitude when it comes to public communication means anything.

    Public Speaking is not even close to being an indicator of intelligence. Some of the smartest people I know can't string two sentences together if two people are in the room.


    That being said, Terry should leave all the public speaking to Kim.

  2. This is new to me as a structure. Pegula's have Whaley as GM. Committee of Pegula's, Brandon and Whaley hire Rex Ryan. Only Pegula's make decision to fire Rex Ryan. Rex Ryan only reported to Terry Pegula. Whaley only reported to Terry Pegula. In all this change only Interm coach and now Whaley has press conference. We only get a simple statement from Pegula's on Rex's termination. This is DYSFUNCTION! You need a command line in leadership with full accountability. The Bills use some type of committee decisions that shield ownership. This will not work!!!! Whaley doesn't seem to care he is just a puppet in this organization. This is even worse than I thought it would be. I am not sure I want to be a follower of this owners teams. This is a Tyrant!

    At least we knew about it 2 years ago



  3. I hear ya, brotha.


    Imagine Thompson after 2 seasons in the Syracuse strength and conditioning program though. With his size and shooting ability...my oh my. I think he could potentially play the stretch 4 in the NBA.

    Much more NBA ready body than pipe cleaner McCullough. Not quite the game but I like what I see. Lydon's stock has tumbled and Battle hasn't flashed much up to this point. Unless this team goes on a serious run, like taking down Duke, NC or Va, I think they could all be back minus fat Day-juan and MIA Roberson.
  4. they've been on the ACC Extended Network, so i bet even with an upper tier package, these games are probably only available in some streaming format


    Yeah streaming with a toddler isn't much of an option unless I want to stand in the corner holding my tablet at chest level all the while listening to him scream his balls off.
  5. They're mostly on the ACC network on DTV. I have the same problem. You can either upgrade your channel package for a few months, or get the college basketall package. Not sure if it is worth it.

    Hmmm...where is the ACC network? I have a 1000 channels (probably more) and I can't seem to find it.

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