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Sargent Hulka

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Everything posted by Sargent Hulka

  1. My dog could be "right there in coverage" but can't make a play on the ball.
  2. Let the hate go! You were up thread saying it was awesome to the the guy who said "He sucks"!
  3. McDermott gets no credit. This was a poor performance all game long. Diggs and Allen bailed McDermott out. Frazier has to go!
  4. You can see the look in McDermott's eyes on the sideline...no fire, like a deer in the headlights.
  5. I think McDermott's job has to be in jeopardy, if they lose this, and then do not make the playoffs. This is a collapse!
  6. If the Bills miss the playoffs this year, Frazier needs to be gone, and McD needs to be on the hot seat, at the very least.
  7. Offense is going to have to score 35 minimum too win this today.
  8. Vikings get blown out at home by Cowboys, 40-3, a week after beating us at home. Hangover?
  9. If we don't at least make it to the AFC Championship this season, I think at a minimum, Beane has to give serious consideration to replacing coordinators on both sides of the ball.
  10. We snatched defeat from the jaws of victory,...from the jaws of defeat,...from the jaws of victory, all in less than an hour. I'm exhausted!
  11. I don't like Frazier's schemes. This constant nickel doesn't work. We need to go to a base three linebacker set, with a big, fast, physical OLB on Edmund's right side. Cook would not have had that 81 run TD with a right side LB at home. Also, what good is nickel if you can't even double cover Jefferson the whole game. Frazier needs too be shown the door but McDermott won't do it out of loyalty. Reminds me of Wade Phillips' loyalty to his ST coordinator, that ultimately got him fired.
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